







至于填括号的操作,我们在一颗完整的表达式树构造完成后,可以判断∗、/" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">∗、/∗、/* 、/节点下是否有直接有+、−+、−+、-,有几个+、−+、−+、-就要增加几对括号。





#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int a[4],na[4];
int ps[][4] = {{0,1,2,3},{0,1,3,2},{0,2,1,3},{0,2,3,1},{0,3,1,2},{0,3,2,1},{1,0,2,3},{1,0,3,2},{1,2,0,3},{1,2,3,0},{1,3,0,2},{1,3,2,0},{2,0,1,3},{2,0,3,1},{2,1,0,3},{2,1,3,0},{2,3,0,1},{2,3,1,0},{3,0,1,2},{3,0,2,1},{3,1,0,2},{3,1,2,0},{3,2,0,1},{3,2,1,0}};
int cp[] = {0,1,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,5,6};
struct node{int num,lson,rson;
void init(){ns[1].lson=2;ns[1].rson=3;ns[2].lson=4;ns[2].rson=5;ns[3].lson=6;ns[3].rson=7;ns[8].lson=9;ns[8].rson=10;ns[9].lson=11;ns[9].rson=12;ns[11].lson=13;ns[11].rson=14;ns[15].lson=16;ns[15].rson=17;ns[16].lson=18;ns[16].rson=19;ns[19].lson=20;ns[19].rson=21;ns[22].lson=23;ns[22].rson=24;ns[24].lson=25;ns[24].rson=26;ns[25].lson=27;ns[25].rson=28;ns[29].lson=30;ns[29].rson=31;ns[31].lson=32;ns[31].rson=33;ns[33].lson=34;ns[33].rson=35;
void tree_fill(int rt,int i,int& idx,int& op){if(ns[rt].lson == 0 && ns[rt].rson == 0){ns[rt].num = a[ps[i][idx++]];return ;}tree_fill(ns[rt].lson,i,idx,op);ns[rt].num = -(op%4)*1000 - 1000;op /= 4;tree_fill(ns[rt].rson,i,idx,op);
int calc(int rt,int &cost){if(ns[rt].lson == 0 && ns[rt].rson == 0) return ns[rt].num;if(ns[rt].num == -3000 || ns[rt].num == -4000){if(ns[ns[rt].lson].num == -1000 || ns[ns[rt].lson].num == -2000) cost ++;if(ns[ns[rt].rson].num == -1000 || ns[ns[rt].rson].num == -2000) cost ++;}int l = calc(ns[rt].lson,cost);int r = calc(ns[rt].rson,cost);if(l == -1000 || r == -1000) return -1000;switch(ns[rt].num){case -1000:return l+r;case -2000:return l-r;case -3000:return l*r;case -4000:if(r == 0 || l % r != 0) return -1000;return l / r;}
int mi = 1000;
int main(){init();cin>>a[0]>>a[1]>>a[2]>>a[3];for(int t = 0;t < 5;++t)for(int i = 0;i < 24;++i){for(int j = 0;j < 64;++j){int idx = 0,op = j,cost = 2*cp[i];tree_fill(t*7+1,i,idx,op);int res = calc(t*7+1,cost);if(res == 24) mi = min(mi,cost);}}if(mi == 1000) puts("impossible");else printf("%d\n",mi);

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