
题目: Parallel and Distributed Systems for High Performance Computing with applications in Marine Simulation

报告人:Dennis K. Peters






报告摘要:Memorial University has an international reputation as a leader in ocean technology research and development, particularly as it applies to harsh environments, and a key element of this success is the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. One important aspect of our research is the use of advanced computer simulations for design analysis, real-time training systems and for scenario exploration, which requires that the simulations run much faster than real-time. This talk will present some of the unique computing challenges involved in these systems and discuss how we solve them using parallel and distributed architectures, including multi-core CPU, workstation clusters and general purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU). The talk will also include some information about academic study opportunities at Memorial University.

报告人简介:Dennis K. Peters, P.Eng., Ph.D., FEC is an Associate Professor and Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Memorial University in St. John’s, NL, Canada where he has been a member of Faculty since 1998. He earned the B.Eng. (Electrical) degree at Memorial University in 1990, before going to work in the high-tech industry at Newbridge Networks (now Alcatel) in Ottawa, Ontario. After two years in industry he returned to school, this time at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario where he completed the M.Eng. (Electrical & Computer) in 1995 and Ph.D. (Electrical & Computer Engineering) in 2000. His research involves techniques for design and verification of software and computer systems, with particular focus on high performance computing, simulation, real-time applications and parallel or distributed processing.

Dr. Peters is an active volunteer in the professional engineering community in Canada. He is currently the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland and Labrador (PEGNL), and serves (2008-present) on the Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB), where he chairs committees on Good Character Assessment and Software Engineering and participates in several others. He was a member (2002-13) of the Registration Committee for PEGNL, including the last 7 years as chair. He is a member (1999-present) of the executive committee for the Newfoundland and Labrador Section of the IEEE, including a term as Chair and currently serving as Student Branch Counselor. He has participated in accreditation visits for the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEQB) and has served on the organizational committees for local, national and international conferences.

His teaching activity is primarily in the area of software, ranging from introductory programming courses to advanced topics such as software engineering and concurrent programming.

Here is a brief introduction of our Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Memorial:

The faculty provides the highest quality of education, through teaching and research excellence, vibrant educational environment and innovative programs. Many faculty members are internationally renowned and award-winning professors in their respective fields of research. Our faculty offers accredited undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs in civil, computer, electrical, mechanical, oceans and naval architectural engineering (unique in Canada) and process engineering. Further course-based graduate programs are offered in oil and gas, environmental systems, computer engineering and engineering management. In total, these programs are offered to approximately 1,600 undergraduate and graduate students…more details inwww.engr.mun.ca.

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