default menu.c32
label ubuntu
menu label ubuntu (version 16.04)
kernel ub1604/casper/vmlinuz
append root=/dev/nfs boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= initrd=ub1604/casper/initrd quiet splash --# 关键是搭建nfs相应的服务器器并export解压后的casper目录

#default menu.c32

label ubuntu1-8
menu label ubuntu (version 18.04.02 @ winnfsd)
kernel ub1804/vmlinuz
append root=/dev/nfs netboot=nfs nfsroot= boot=casper initrd=ub1804/initrd quiet splash --

label ubuntu1-2
menu label ubuntu (version 12.04.05 @ winnsfd)
kernel ub1204/vmlinuz
append root=/dev/nfs netboot=nfs nfsroot= boot=casper initrd=ub1204/initrd quiet splash --

label ubuntu1-4
menu label ubuntu (version 14.04.06 @ winnsfd)
kernel ub1404/vmlinuz
append root=/dev/nfs netboot=nfs nfsroot= boot=casper initrd=ub1404/initrd quiet splash --

label ubuntu1-6
menu label ubuntu (version 16.04.06 @ winnsfd)
kernel ub1604/vmlinuz
append root=/dev/nfs netboot=nfs nfsroot= boot=casper initrd=ub1604/initrd quiet splash --

label ubuntu1-8
menu label ubuntu (version 18.04.02 @ winnfsd)
kernel ub1804/vmlinuz
append root=/dev/nfs netboot=nfs nfsroot= boot=casper initrd=ub1804/initrd quiet splash --

label ubuntu1-8s
menu label ubuntu (version 18.04.02-server @ winnfsd)
kernel ub1804s/vmlinuz
append root=/dev/nfs netboot=nfs nfsroot= boot=casper initrd=ub1804s/initrd quiet splash --

label 2
menu label Install fedora server 29
kernel /fs29/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
append initrd=/fs29/images/pxeboot/initrd.img method=

label 3
menu label Install fedora workstation 29
kernel /fedora29/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
append root=/dev/nfs netboot=nfs nfsroot= initrd=/fedora29/images/pxeboot/initrd.img

label 9.8
menu label Install debian9.8
kernel /deb98/linux
append initrd=/deb98/initrd.gz debian-installer/allow_unauthenticated=true --- quiet

label ub18.server
menu label Install ubuntu
kernel /ub1804/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux
append initrd=/ub1804/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz

label 20
menu label Install rhel6
kernel /rhel6/isolinux/vmlinuz
append initrd=/rhel6/isolinux/initrd.img method=

label 30
menu label Install rhel7
kernel /rhel7/isolinux/vmlinuz
append initrd=/rhel7/isolinux/initrd.img method=

label 40
menu label Install ora6
#cd E:\_temp\ora6
#mklink /j repodata Server\repodata
#mklink /j Server\Packages Packages
#mklink /j UEK4\Packages Packages
kernel /ora6/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
append initrd=/ora6/images/pxeboot/initrd.img method=

label 50
menu label Install ora7
kernel /ora7/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
append initrd=/ora7/images/pxeboot/initrd.img method=


Required Files

To PXE Boot Ubuntu 11.04, download the ISO file from

Now create the folder \ubuntu1104\ in your Tiny PXE Server root directory - e.g. C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\.

Now extract the casper directory from the ISO (mount the ISO file using ImDisk, or extract using 7-zip, or use a tool of your choice) and copy it to C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\. Your Tiny PXE Server directory structure should contain the following files (files may differ if using an alternative version of ubuntu) -

  • C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\casper\
  • C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\casper\filesystem.manifest
  • C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\casper\filesystem.manifest-desktop
  • C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\casper\filesystem.size
  • C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\casper\filesystem.squashfs
  • C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\casper\initrd.lz
  • C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\casper\vmlinuz

NOTE - on 64-bit builds you may need to replace references to vmlinuz with vmlinuz.efi.

Create NFS Share

To PXE boot Ubuntu Linux a Network File System (NFS) share is required - it is not possible to boot directly from the ISO file.

The C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\ directory will need to be shared - the WinNFSd server included in the Tint PXE Serverdownload package can be used to do this. Extract winnfsd.exe from to C:\pxesrv\. Now run the following command to share the C:\pxesrv\files\ubuntu1104\ directory (editing the paths as required to suit your own setup) - 
Note - Running the above command will start WinNFSd in a command window - leave this window open as closing it will stop sharing the folder. 

Now add a menu entry for your preferred Network Bootstrap Program -

  • pxelinux settings
  • grub4dos settings
  • iPXE settings
  • iPXE Scripts

pxelinux settings

Remember to ensure that the required files are copied to your Tiny PXE Server root directory -

  • C:\pxesrv\files\pxelinux.0
  • C:\pxesrv\files\menu.c32
  • C:\pxesrv\files\pxelinux.cfg\default

Add the following to C:\pxesrv\files\pxelinux.cfg\default (create this file if required) -


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