开源软件 许可证密钥

It's important to take note that there are no good or bad licenses and that no license is superior to another. Anybody can make an open-source license that suits their extravagant, which is the explanation that there are such huge numbers of out there. This could make picking an open-source license a challenging business, particularly for those of us who are not knowledgeable in the terms and conditions and have never had open-source licenses clarified completely. To assist tight with bringing down the choice and understand everything, the OSI set up a rundown of affirmed licenses, comprising of a little more than 80 open source licenses that are most usually utilized.

重要的是要注意,没有好的许可证,也没有不好的许可证,并且没有一个许可证比另一个许可证优越。 任何人都可以制作出适合自己奢侈的开源许可证,这说明存在大量此类许可证。 这可能会使挑选开放源代码许可证成为一项具有挑战性的业务,特别是对于我们这些不了解条款和条件并且从未完全阐明开放源代码许可证的人。 为了帮助您精简选择并了解所有内容,OSI设置了肯定的许可证清单,其中包括80多个最常用的开源许可证。

Of the many open source licenses in the OSI approved list, some rule and are utilized by probably the most well-known open-source projects out there. We've tried to list out all of them clarifying the most commonly utilized open source licenses.

在OSI批准列表中的许多开源许可证中,有一些规则可能是最知名的开源项目所利用的。 我们试图列出所有这些清单,以阐明最常用的开源许可证。

GNU通用公共许可证(GPL) (GNU General Public License (GPL))

The GNU's General Public License is the most well-known open source license around. Richard Stallman made the GPL shield the GNU software from getting exclusive, and it is a particular execution of his "copyleft" idea.

GNU的通用公共许可证是周围最著名的开源许可证。 理查德·斯托曼(Richard Stallman)使GPL保护GNU软件免受排斥,这是他的“ copyleft”想法的一个特殊执行。

GPL is a copyleft permit. This implies any product that is composed dependent on any GPL part should be shared or released as open source. The outcome is that any product that uses any GPL open source component is required to release its full source code and the entirety of the rights to modify and share the whole code.

GPL是版权所有者许可。 这意味着依赖于任何GPL组成的任何产品都应作为开源共享或发布。 结果是,任何使用任何GPL开源组件的产品都必须发布其完整的源代码以及修改和共享整个代码的全部权利。

There has consistently been some confusion concerning what comprises a 'work dependent on' another work, which triggers the GPL correspondence commitment. The FSF attempted to add greater lucidity to GPLv3 regarding when the correspondence commitment is activated. The FSF even composed another GPL license, the Affero license, to address a particular confusion alluded to as the "ASP loophole".

关于什么构成“依赖于”另一工作的工作一直存在一些混淆,这触发了GPL对应承诺。 FSF尝试为GPLv3增加了有关何时激活通信承诺的明晰度。 FSF甚至还组成了另一个GPL许可证,即Affero许可证,以解决所谓的“ ASP漏洞”的特殊困惑。

Also, the FSF attempted to build the similarity of the GPLv3 with different licenses. To consolidate two codes into a bigger work, both the projects must allow it. If such rights are allowed by both the projects' licenses, they are perfect. By making the GPLv3 progressively good, the FSF extended advancement choices.

同样,FSF尝试建立具有不同许可证的GPLv3的相似性。 为了将两个代码合并为一个更大的工作,两个项目都必须允许它。 如果两个项目的许可证都允许使用这些权利,那么它们就是完美的。 通过逐步提高GPLv3的质量,FSF扩展了进阶选择。

Eclipse公共许可证 (Eclipse Public License)

Created by the Eclipse Foundation, the Eclipse Public License (EPL) is an open-source license. It's developed from the Common Public License (CPL). The Eclipse codebase now accessible under the EPL was in the past licensed under the CPL.

Eclipse Public License(EPL)由Eclipse Foundation创建,是一种开源许可证。 它是根据通用公共许可证(CPL)开发的。 现在可以在EPL下访问的Eclipse代码库过去已在CPL下获得许可。

The EPL license is a type of copyleft license. On the off chance that you change an EPL'ed segment and disperse it in the source code form as a major aspect of your program, you're required to reveal the altered code under the EPL. On the off chance that you circulate such a program in its object code form, you're required to express that the source code can be made accessible to the beneficiary upon demand. You're likewise required to share the strategy for mentioning the source code.

EPL许可证是一种Copyleft许可证。 如果您不希望更改EPL的段并将其分散在源代码形式中作为程序的主要方面,则需要在EPL下显示更改后的代码。 如果您以目标代码形式分发这样的程序,则必须表示,受益人可以根据需要使源代码可访问。 同样,您也需要共享提及源代码的策略。

The EPL shields the author from potential claims or harms caused if an organization utilized his/her part in a business item. It additionally offers a patent award.

如果组织在业务项目中利用了他/她的部分,EPL可以保护作者免受潜在的索赔或损害。 它还提供了专利奖。

麻省理工学院执照 (MIT License)

MIT is one of the most lenient software licenses. Essentially, you can do anything you desire with source code licensed under the MIT license- just if you include a duplicate of the first MIT license and copyright notice to it. Its effortlessness is the explanation for its high adaption rate among engineers.

MIT是最宽松的软件许可证之一。 本质上,您可以使用根据MIT许可获得许可的源代码执行任何您想做的事情-即使您包含第一个MIT许可的副本和版权声明。 它不费力地解释了它在工程师中的高适应率。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/foss/important-license-in-free-and-open-source-software-1.aspx

开源软件 许可证密钥

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