go git 安装好(安装在D盘):

步骤一、点击“Git Bash”,输入“go get github.com/astaxie/beego”,等一会儿即可。安装完成后,在GOPATH路径下,我这里GOPATH的路径是“D:\GOPATH\”,在“D:\GOPATH \pkg\github.com\”和“C:\ GOPATH \src\github.com\”路径下能看到astaxie文件夹,还有下级beego文件夹。


为了方便的生成框架,点击“Git Bash”,输入“go get github.com/beego/bee ”,同样也是等一会儿即可。完成后,在“C:\mygo\src\github.com\”路径下astaxie文件夹能看到下级bee文件夹。


关闭掉git bash 窗口,使用windows cmd 窗口,不然会报错:

2018/08/24 19:09:49 FATAL    ▶ 0001 There was an error running 'go version' command: exec: "go": executable file not found in %PATH%

There was an error running 'go version' command: exec: go: executable file not found in %PATH相关推荐

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  7. Error running 未命名. Command line is too long. Shorten the command line via JAR manifest or via a clas

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