代理:网络设备 (Brouter: A network device)

Brouter is a network device, which operates as a combination of both bridge and router. In this single device, a user will get a function of both bridge and router, as it can send out data to create a connection or link as a bridge between networks, and can also route as a router the data to each system inside a network. It is aware of the processes for identified protocols to route particular categories of packets, such as TCP/IP packets, and whichever additional packets it takes delivery of are sent out to perform a function of the bridge to further networks associated to the device.

Brouter是一种网络设备,可同时充当网桥和路由器。 在此单一设备中,用户将获得网桥和路由器的功能,因为它可以发送数据以创建连接或链接,作为网络之间的网桥,还可以将路由器作为数据路由到网络内的每个系统。 知道用于识别的协议以路由诸如TCP / IP分组之类的特定类别的分组的过程,并且发送其所传送的任何附加分组以执行桥接器到与该设备相关联的其他网络的功能。

桥接器和路由器的功能 (Functioning of bridge and router)

A bridge is a device that maintains links from one local area network (LAN) to an additional local area network, in which both the LAN networks use a similar protocol. In this device, if a data entity projected from one LAN as an objective to an interrelated LAN, then the bridge sends out the data entity to that interrelated LAN and in case if it’s not projected, then it passes it along on the same LAN. The path between a LAN and an interrelated LAN is generally a single path made available by a bridge.

桥接器是一种维护从一个局域网(LAN)到另一个局域网的链接的设备,其中两个LAN网络都使用类似的协议。 在此设备中,如果一个数据实体从一个LAN作为目标投影到一个相互关联的LAN,则网桥将该数据实体发送到该相互关联的LAN,并且如果未投影,则将其传递到同一LAN上。 LAN和相关LAN之间的路径通常是网桥可用的单个路径。

A router is a device that maintains links from a network to one or more other networks, in which the other one or more networks are typically a division of a wide area network (WAN) and this WAN network may provide several paths as an objective towards other networks. A router always confers with a routing table for the details and information regarding the paths provided by WAN of other interrelated networks and in contrast to the bridge, it requires more details and information regarding the interrelated networks.

路由器是一种维护从网络到一个或多个其他网络的链接的设备,其中另一个或多个其他网络通常是广域网(WAN)的一部分,并且该WAN网络可能会提供多个路径作为目标其他网络。 路由器总是向路由表提供有关其他相互关联的网络的WAN提供的路径的详细信息,并且与网桥相反,它需要有关相互关联的网络的更多详细信息。

A brouter merges these two functions of bridge and router in the networking system by routing a number of inward bound data to the exact and approved individual systems, at the same time as sending out other data to another interrelated network.

漫游器通过将大量向内绑定的数据路由到精确的,已批准的单个系统,同时将其他数据发送到另一个相互关联的网络, 从而合并了网络系统中网桥和路由器的这两个功能。

Reference: Bridge router

参考: 桥接路由器

Algo tagged in: Dictionary – 'B'

Algo标签在: 词典 –'B '

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/brouter.aspx


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