
Python math.log()方法 (Python math.log() method)

math.log() method is a library method of math module, it is used to get the natural logarithm of a given number to base e (by default). It accepts the number and a base (which an optional) and returns the natural logarithm.

math.log()方法math模块的库方法,用于将给定数字的自然对数以e为底(默认情况下)。 它接受数字和一个底数(可选),并返回自然对数。

Note: If we provide anything else except a number, the method returns a TypeError – "TypeError: a float is required".

注意:如果我们提供除数字以外的任何其他内容,该方法将返回TypeError – “ TypeError:需要浮点数”

Syntax of math.log() method:


    math.log(x [, base])



  • x – is the number whose logarithm to be calculated.

    x –是要计算其对数的数字。

  • base – is an optional parameter, it is used to defined any specific base for the logarithm.

    base –是一个可选参数,用于定义对数的任何特定底数。

Return value: float – it returns a float value that is the natural or base specific logarithm of the number x.

返回值: float-返回一个浮点值,该值是数字x的自然或底数对数。



x = 21
# function call

Python代码演示math.log()方法的示例 (Python code to demonstrate example of math.log() method)

# python code to demonstrate example of
# math.log() method
# importing math module
import math
# log() with 1 parameter
x = 21
print("Natural logarithm of ", x, " is = ", math.log(x))
# log() with 2 parameters
x = 21
base = 5
print("logarithm of ", x, " with base ", base, " is = ", math.log(x, base))



Natural logarithm of  21  is =  3.044522437723423
logarithm of  21  with base  5  is =  1.8916681496081529




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