From matlab: Control of a Single-Input-Single-Output Plant



%% Control of a Single-Input-Single-Output Plant
% This example shows how to control a double integrator plant under input
% saturation in Simulink(R).% Copyright 1990-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.%% Define Plant Model
% The linear open-loop dynamic model is a double integrator.
plant = tf(1,[1 0 0]);%% Design MPC Controller
% Create the controller object with sampling period, prediction and control
% horizons.
Ts = 0.1;
p = 10;
m = 3;
mpcobj = mpc(plant, Ts, p, m);%%
% Specify actuator saturation limits as MV constraints.
mpcobj.MV = struct('Min',-1,'Max',1); %% Simulate Using Simulink
% To run this example, Simulink is required.
if ~mpcchecktoolboxinstalled('simulink')disp('Simulink is required to run this example.')return
% Simulate closed-loop control of the linear plant model in Simulink. The
% MPC Controller block is configured to use the |mpcobj| object as its
% controller.
mdl = 'mpc_doubleint';
% The closed-loop response shows good setpoint tracking performance.%%




Create the controller object with sampling period Ts, prediction p and control horizons m.

Ts = 0.1
p = 10;
m = 3;
mpcobj = mpc(plant, Ts, p, m);
Specify actuator saturation limits as MV constraints.
mpcobj.MV = struct('Min',-1,'Max',1);

Simulate Using Simulink

To run this example, Simulink is required.

if ~mpcchecktoolboxinstalled('simulink')disp('Simulink is required to run this example.')return

Simulate closed-loop control of the linear plant model in Simulink. The MPC Controller block is configured to use the mpcobj object as its controller.

mdl = 'mpc_doubleint';

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