
Kodi has an official remote app called Kore, but it’s rather basic. Yatse is a third-party Android app that takes Kodi to a whole new level, adding voice commands, PVR support, and a whole lot more. Here’s how to use it.

Kodi有一个名为Kore的官方远程应用程序,但这很基本。 Yatse是一款第三方Android应用程序,它将Kodi提升到了一个全新的水平,它添加了语音命令,PVR支持等等。 这是使用方法。

Sure, you can control Kodi with an MCE remote or a Logitech Harmony remote, and there are certainly advantages to a hardware with real buttons. They’re tactile, a bit more familiar, and guests don’t need to install an app just to watch TV.

当然,您可以使用MCE遥控器或Logitech Harmony遥控器来控制Kodi ,并且带有真实按钮的硬件当然也有优势。 它们具有触觉,更加熟悉,而且来宾不需要安装应用程序即可观看电视。

But your phone is always with you, and it can do all sorts of things a hardware remote cannot. That’s where Yatse comes in. Just download the app from Google Play, then go through the quick setup wizard.

但是您的电话始终与您同在,它可以完成硬件遥控器无法完成的所有事情。 Yatse正是从这里来的。只需从Google Play下载该应用程序 ,然后通过快速设置向导即可。

Assuming your phone and your media center are on the same network, Yatse will point it out when you first launch. Tap it to get started.

假设您的电话和媒体中心在同一网络上,Yatse会在您首次启动时指出它。 点按即可开始。

At first glance, it has the same basic functionality you’d come to expect from Kore, the official Kodi remote. Most obviously, it can control your media center with a series of on-screen buttons, that act just like a hardware remote.

乍一看,它具有与官方Kodi遥控器Kore相同的基本功能。 最明显的是,它可以通过一系列屏幕按钮来控制媒体中心,这些按钮的作用就像硬件遥控器一样。

The arrows and center button let you browse menus: press them and it’s like pressing the arrow keys and enter key on your keyboard. It takes a little getting used to, especially if you’re used to a physical remote, but works just the same for the most part.

箭头和中心按钮可让您浏览菜单:按菜单,就像按箭头键并在键盘上输入Enter一样。 这需要一点时间来适应,特别是如果您习惯使用物理遥控器,但是在大多数情况下都一样。

But this being your phone, there’s more than just buttons. If you open the sidebar, you’ll also see options to view your Movies, TV Shows, and Music. Tap any of these and you can browse your media collection.

但这就是您的手机,不仅仅是按钮。 如果您打开侧边栏,您还将看到查看电影,电视节目和音乐的选项。 点击其中任何一个,您就可以浏览您的媒体收藏。

You’ll see posters, plot summaries, and more. It’s a great way to explore your personal video collection from anywhere in the house, or while something is is currently playing. You can tap anything to start playback.

您会看到海报,情节摘要等。 这是从家中任何地方或正在播放某些东西时浏览个人视频收藏的好方法。 您可以点按任何东西以开始播放。

And, if you’re currently watching something, you will see art, episode numbers and even a plot summary if you scroll down.


But that’s the basic stuff you’d expect from any remote app. Yatse really shines when it comes to its exclusive features.

但这是您希望从任何远程应用程序获得的基本信息。 Yatse在其独有功能方面确实令人眼前一亮。

Yatse的小部件和通知可快速访问Kodi控件 (Yatse’s Widgets and Notifications Give Quick Access to Kodi Controls)

Here’s something cool: You don’t even need to open the app to control Kodi.


For example, there are a variety of widgets you can add to your phone’s home screens. Adding widgets varies depending on your Android launcher, but in most casts you can tap-and-hold an empty space on your home screen, then tap “Widgets”. Scroll down in the list of options until you get to “Yatse”.

例如,您可以将各种小部件添加到手机的主屏幕。 添加小部件取决于您的Android启动器,但是在大多数投射中,您可以点击并按住主屏幕上的空白区域,然后点击“小部件”。 在选项列表中向下滚动,直到进入“ Yatse”。

Tap and hold any of these and drag it wherever you like. You’ll get a widget that shows you what’s currently playing, and be able to pause, play, and skip media, all from your home screen.

点击并按住其中任意一个,然后将其拖动到任意位置。 您将获得一个小部件,该小部件可以从主屏幕显示当前正在播放的内容,并能够暂停,播放和跳过媒体。

Alternatively, you can enable an ongoing notification in Android’s menu bar, similar to the one used by most media players. In Yatse, open the side menu and tap “Settings”. Then, head to “General Settings” and enable the “System Notification”.

另外,您可以在Android的菜单栏中启用正在进行的通知,这与大多数媒体播放器所使用的通知类似。 在Yatse中,打开侧面菜单,然后点击“设置”。 然后,转到“常规设置”并启用“系统通知”。

The notification should show up any time media is playing on your Kodi machine. This will let you know what’s currently playing, and also allow you to pause or skip ahead–again, without ever opening the Yatse app itself.

只要您的Kodi机器上正在播放媒体,通知就会显示出来。 这样一来,您就可以知道当前正在播放什么,也可以再次暂停或跳过,而无需打开Yatse应用程序本身。

What’s really cool about the notification is that it’ll show up on your lock screen. This means you can pause your music as you leave the house, or quickly hit next track in the middle of your workout, without even unlocking your phone.

通知的真正妙处在于它将显示在您的锁定屏幕上。 这意味着您可以在离开家时暂停音乐,或者在锻炼过程中快速弹奏下一首曲目,甚至无需解锁手机。

用声音控制Kodi (Control Kodi with Your Voice)

Recently, we pointed out how Kodi users can control their TV with an Amazon Echo. It’s cool, but not everyone wants to spend money on an Echo (and go through a bunch of setup) just to talk to their TV. And they don’t have to: Yatse comes with built-in voice control.

最近,我们指出了Kodi用户如何使用Amazon Echo来控制其电视 。 这很酷,但是并不是每个人都想花钱购买Echo(并进行一系列设置)只是为了和电视聊天。 而且他们不必:Yatse带有内置语音控制。

You can find this option in Yatse’s sidebar. First, tap the top-left three line button to pull up the sidebar menu.

您可以在Yatse的侧边栏中找到此选项。 首先,点击左上方的三行按钮以拉出侧边栏菜单。

Now, look for the microphone icon beside the word “Remote”. You may need to scroll down to find this.

现在,在“ Remote”一词旁边查找麦克风图标。 您可能需要向下滚动才能找到它。

Tap this icon, and you can say things like “Listen to Rural Alberta Advantage” or “Watch the next episode of Game of Thrones”, and Kodi will do just that. It’s magic when it works, but if you have trouble, check out the official list of voice commands.

点击此图标,您可以说“听乡村艾伯塔省优势”或“观看权力游戏的下一集”之类的内容,而Kodi会这样做。 它可以正常运作,但是如果遇到麻烦,请查阅语音命令的官方列表 。

Of course, opening an app and heading to the microphone isn’t exactly quick, which is why Yatse can optionally take over a key Android gesture. After installing Yatse, tap and hold the Android Home button and swipe up. Usually this launches Google Voice Search, but you can set other options, including Yatse.

当然,打开应用并转到麦克风并不完全很快,这就是Yatse可以选择接管Android关键手势的原因。 安装Yatse后,点击并按住Android Home按钮并向上滑动。 通常,这会启动Google语音搜索,但是您可以设置其他选项,包括Yatse。

Select it as your “Always” choice, and you’ll have a fast way to control your media center with your voice.


通过手机浏览电视节目和PVR录制 (Browse Your TV Listings and PVR Recordings From Your Phone)

If you use NextPVR to watch live TV in Kodi, Yatse allows you to browse current TV listings and your saved recordings from your phone, via the “PVR” section in the sidebar.

如果您使用NextPVR在Kodi中观看直播电视 ,则Yatse允许您通过侧栏中的“ PVR”部分浏览手机中的当前电视列表和保存的录像。

You can check out what’s on now, or explore the schedule of any specific channel. Sadly, you can’t schedule recordings from here, but it’s is a great way to see what’s on without interrupting whatever is currently happening on your TV.

您可以查看当前情况,或浏览任何特定频道的时间表。 令人遗憾的是,您无法从此处安排录制时间,但这是一种在不中断电视上正在发生的情况的情况下查看正在播放的内容的好方法。

Swipe right from here and you’ll see your list of recorded shows, too. Just tap on one to start playback on your home theater PC.

从此处向右滑动,您也会看到录制的节目列表。 只需轻按一个即可在家庭影院PC上开始播放。

And don’t forget, even if only one of your home theater PCs has a TV tuner, you can stream those recordings to any Kodi box in the house.

而且不要忘记,即使您只有一台家庭影院PC带有电视调谐器,您也可以将这些录音流传输到房屋中的任何Kodi盒中 。

浏览您的加载项,而不会中断您的演出 (Browse Your Add-Ons, Without Interrupting Your Show)

It’s not just movies and TV–Yatse also lets you browse your Kodi add-ons from within the app, without interrupting playback on your media center.


So if you’re watching a YouTube video with your friends, you can search for the next one on your phone without interrupting what’s currently playing.


Not every add-on is supported, only those that make use of Kodi’s default interface. So anything listed in Kodi under “Programs” isn’t likely to work, but anything under “Video” or “Music” probably will. Unsupported add-ons will appear greyed out in Yatse.

并非所有插件都受支持,仅支持那些使用Kodi默认界面的插件。 因此,在Kodi中“程序”下列出的所有内容均不起作用,但“视频”或“音乐”下的任何内容均可能有效。 Yatse中不支持的加载项将显示为灰色。

It may not be the “official” app, but Yatse is, in our opinion, the best remote app for Kodi out there. Most of the above features aren’t offered by other remote apps, and once you get used to controlling Kodi with your voice, it’s hard to go back.

它可能不是“官方”应用程序,但在我们看来,Yatse是那里最好的Kodi远程应用程序。 上述大多数功能不是其他远程应用程序提供的,一旦习惯了用声音控制Kodi,就很难回头了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/253506/how-to-control-kodi-with-your-voice-and-more-using-yatse/



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