

void display(string

template [, string cache_id [, string compile_id]])

This displays the template. Supply a valid template resource type and path. As

an optional second parameter, you can pass a cache id. See the caching section for more information.



As an optional third parameter, you can pass a compile id. This is

in the event that you want to compile different versions of the same

template, such as having separate templates compiled for different

languages. Another use for compile_id is when you use more than one

$template_dir but only one $compile_dir. Set a separate compile_id for

each $template_dir, otherwise templates of the same name will overwrite

each other. You can also set the $compile_id

variable once instead of passing this to each call to display().




Example 13-12. display

例子 13-12. 显示


$smarty = new Smarty;

$smarty->caching = true;

// only do db calls if cache doesn't exist

// 只有在缓存不存在时才调用数据库



// dummy up some data

$address = "245 N 50th";

$db_data = array(

"City" => "Lincoln",

"State" => "Nebraska",

"Zip" = > "68502"






// display the output

// 显示输出


Use the syntax for template

resources to display files outside of the $template_dir directory.



Example 13-13. function display template resource examples

例子 13-13. 显示模板资源

// absolute filepath

// 绝对路径


// absolute filepath (same thing)

// 绝对路径(另外一种方式)


// windows absolute filepath (MUST use "file:" prefix)

// WINDOS平台下的绝对路径(必须使用“file:”前缀)


// include from template resource named "db"

// 从模板资源“db“中调用


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