






  • 下载TensorFlowJS示例-6.1 MB

TensorFlow + JavaScript。现在,最流行,最先进的AI框架支持地球上使用最广泛的编程语言,因此,让我们在我们的web浏览器中通过深度学习实现奇迹,通过TensorFlow.js的WebGL GPU加速!


  1. 使用TensorFlow.js在浏览器中进行深度学习入门
  2. 狗和披萨:使用TensorFlow.js在浏览器中实现计算机视觉
  3. 绒毛动物探测器:通过TensorFlow.js中的迁移学习识别浏览器中的自定义对象
  4. 使用TensorFlow.js进行人脸触摸检测第1部分:将实时网络摄像头数据与深度学习配合使用
  5. 使用TensorFlow.js进行人脸触摸检测第2部分:使用BodyPix
  6. 使用TensorFlow.js进行AI在网络摄像头中翻译手势和手语




  • 导入TensorFlow.js和TensorFlow的tf-data.js
  • 定义触摸与非触摸类别标签
  • 为网络摄像头添加视频元素
  • 首次训练后,每200毫秒运行一次模型预测
  • 显示预测结果
  • 加载预先训练的MobileNet模型并为迁移学习做准备
  • 训练和分类图像中的自定义对象
  • 在训练过程中跳过图像和目标样本的处理,以保持它们进行多次训练


<html><head><title>Face Touch Detection with TensorFlow.js Part 1: Using Real-Time Webcam Data with Deep Learning</title><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs@2.0.0/dist/tf.min.js"></script><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs-data@2.0.0/dist/tf-data.min.js"></script><style>img, video {object-fit: cover;}</style></head><body><video autoplay playsinline muted id="webcam" width="224" height="224"></video><h1 id="status">Loading...</h1><script>let touch = [];let notouch = [];const labels = ["Touch!","No Touch"];function setText( text ) {document.getElementById( "status" ).innerText = text;}async function predictImage() {if( !hasTrained ) { return; } // Skip prediction until trainedconst img = await getWebcamImage();let result = tf.tidy( () => {const input = img.reshape( [ 1, 224, 224, 3 ] );return model.predict( input );});img.dispose();let prediction = await result.data();result.dispose();// Get the index of the highest value in the predictionlet id = prediction.indexOf( Math.max( ...prediction ) );setText( labels[ id ] );}function createTransferModel( model ) {// Create the truncated base model (remove the "top" layers, classification + bottleneck layers)const bottleneck = model.getLayer( "dropout" ); // This is the final layer before the conv_pred pre-trained classification layerconst baseModel = tf.model({inputs: model.inputs,outputs: bottleneck.output});// Freeze the convolutional basefor( const layer of baseModel.layers ) {layer.trainable = false;}// Add a classification headconst newHead = tf.sequential();newHead.add( tf.layers.flatten( {inputShape: baseModel.outputs[ 0 ].shape.slice( 1 )} ) );newHead.add( tf.layers.dense( { units: 100, activation: 'relu' } ) );newHead.add( tf.layers.dense( { units: 100, activation: 'relu' } ) );newHead.add( tf.layers.dense( { units: 10, activation: 'relu' } ) );newHead.add( tf.layers.dense( {units: 2,kernelInitializer: 'varianceScaling',useBias: false,activation: 'softmax'} ) );// Build the new modelconst newOutput = newHead.apply( baseModel.outputs[ 0 ] );const newModel = tf.model( { inputs: baseModel.inputs, outputs: newOutput } );return newModel;}async function trainModel() {hasTrained = false;setText( "Training..." );// Setup training dataconst imageSamples = [];const targetSamples = [];for( let i = 0; i < touch.length; i++ ) {let result = touch[ i ];imageSamples.push( result );targetSamples.push( tf.tensor1d( [ 1, 0 ] ) );}for( let i = 0; i < notouch.length; i++ ) {let result = notouch[ i ];imageSamples.push( result );targetSamples.push( tf.tensor1d( [ 0, 1 ] ) );}const xs = tf.stack( imageSamples );const ys = tf.stack( targetSamples );// Train the model on new image samplesmodel.compile( { loss: "meanSquaredError", optimizer: "adam", metrics: [ "acc" ] } );await model.fit( xs, ys, {epochs: 30,shuffle: true,callbacks: {onEpochEnd: ( epoch, logs ) => {console.log( "Epoch #", epoch, logs );}}});hasTrained = true;}// Mobilenet v1 0.25 224x224 modelconst mobilenet = "https://storage.googleapis.com/tfjs-models/tfjs/mobilenet_v1_0.25_224/model.json";let model = null;let hasTrained = false;(async () => {// Load the modelmodel = await tf.loadLayersModel( mobilenet );model = createTransferModel( model );// Your Code Goes Here// Setup prediction every 200 mssetInterval( predictImage, 200 );})();</script></body>



async function setupWebcam() {return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {const webcamElement = document.getElementById( "webcam" );const navigatorAny = navigator;navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia ||navigatorAny.webkitGetUserMedia || navigatorAny.mozGetUserMedia ||navigatorAny.msGetUserMedia;if( navigator.getUserMedia ) {navigator.getUserMedia( { video: true },stream => {webcamElement.srcObject = stream;webcamElement.addEventListener( "loadeddata", resolve, false );},error => reject());}else {reject();}});


let webcam = null;(async () => {// Load the modelmodel = await tf.loadLayersModel( mobilenet );model = createTransferModel( model );await setupWebcam();webcam = await tf.data.webcam( document.getElementById( "webcam" ) );// Setup prediction every 200 mssetInterval( predictImage, 200 );


async function getWebcamImage() {const img = ( await webcam.capture() ).toFloat();const normalized = img.div( 127 ).sub( 1 );return normalized;


async function getWebcamImage() {const img = ( await webcam.capture() ).toFloat();const normalized = img.div( 127 ).sub( 1 );return normalized;


<video autoplay playsinline muted id="webcam" width="224" height="224"></video>
<button onclick="captureSample(0)">Touch</button>
<button onclick="captureSample(1)">No Touch</button>
<button onclick="trainModel()">Train</button>
<h1 id="status">Loading...</h1>





  • 因为我们可能只在很小的样本上训练我们的模型,而没有拍摄很多不同的人的照片,所以当其他人尝试您的应用程序时,受过训练的AI的准确性将会很低
  • AI可能无法很好地区分深度,并且其行为可能比人脸触摸检测更像人脸检测
  • 我们可能已经将按钮和相应的类别命名为“Touch vs. No Touch”,但是模型无法识别含义。可以对捕获的照片的任意两种变化进行训练,例如Dog vs Cat或Circle vs Rectangle



<html><head><title>Face Touch Detection with TensorFlow.js Part 1: Using Real-Time Webcam Data with Deep Learning</title><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs@2.0.0/dist/tf.min.js"></script><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs-data@2.0.0/dist/tf-data.min.js"></script><style>img, video {object-fit: cover;}</style></head><body><video autoplay playsinline muted id="webcam" width="224" height="224"></video><button onclick="captureSample(0)">Touch</button><button onclick="captureSample(1)">No Touch</button><button onclick="trainModel()">Train</button><h1 id="status">Loading...</h1><script>let touch = [];let notouch = [];const labels = ["Touch!","No Touch"];function setText( text ) {document.getElementById( "status" ).innerText = text;}async function predictImage() {if( !hasTrained ) { return; } // Skip prediction until trainedconst img = await getWebcamImage();let result = tf.tidy( () => {const input = img.reshape( [ 1, 224, 224, 3 ] );return model.predict( input );});img.dispose();let prediction = await result.data();result.dispose();// Get the index of the highest value in the predictionlet id = prediction.indexOf( Math.max( ...prediction ) );setText( labels[ id ] );}function createTransferModel( model ) {// Create the truncated base model (remove the "top" layers, classification + bottleneck layers)// const bottleneck = model.getLayer( "conv_pw_13_relu" ); // Intercepting at the convolution layer might give better resultsconst bottleneck = model.getLayer( "dropout" ); // This is the final layer before the conv_pred pre-trained classification layerconst baseModel = tf.model({inputs: model.inputs,outputs: bottleneck.output});// Freeze the convolutional basefor( const layer of baseModel.layers ) {layer.trainable = false;}// Add a classification headconst newHead = tf.sequential();newHead.add( tf.layers.flatten( {inputShape: baseModel.outputs[ 0 ].shape.slice( 1 )} ) );newHead.add( tf.layers.dense( { units: 100, activation: 'relu' } ) );newHead.add( tf.layers.dense( { units: 100, activation: 'relu' } ) );newHead.add( tf.layers.dense( { units: 10, activation: 'relu' } ) );newHead.add( tf.layers.dense( {units: 2,kernelInitializer: 'varianceScaling',useBias: false,activation: 'softmax'} ) );// Build the new modelconst newOutput = newHead.apply( baseModel.outputs[ 0 ] );const newModel = tf.model( { inputs: baseModel.inputs, outputs: newOutput } );return newModel;}async function trainModel() {hasTrained = false;setText( "Training..." );// Setup training dataconst imageSamples = [];const targetSamples = [];for( let i = 0; i < touch.length; i++ ) {let result = touch[ i ];imageSamples.push( result );targetSamples.push( tf.tensor1d( [ 1, 0 ] ) );}for( let i = 0; i < notouch.length; i++ ) {let result = notouch[ i ];imageSamples.push( result );targetSamples.push( tf.tensor1d( [ 0, 1 ] ) );}const xs = tf.stack( imageSamples );const ys = tf.stack( targetSamples );// Train the model on new image samplesmodel.compile( { loss: "meanSquaredError", optimizer: "adam", metrics: [ "acc" ] } );await model.fit( xs, ys, {epochs: 30,shuffle: true,callbacks: {onEpochEnd: ( epoch, logs ) => {console.log( "Epoch #", epoch, logs );}}});hasTrained = true;}// Mobilenet v1 0.25 224x224 modelconst mobilenet = "https://storage.googleapis.com/tfjs-models/tfjs/mobilenet_v1_0.25_224/model.json";let model = null;let hasTrained = false;async function setupWebcam() {return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {const webcamElement = document.getElementById( "webcam" );const navigatorAny = navigator;navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia ||navigatorAny.webkitGetUserMedia || navigatorAny.mozGetUserMedia ||navigatorAny.msGetUserMedia;if( navigator.getUserMedia ) {navigator.getUserMedia( { video: true },stream => {webcamElement.srcObject = stream;webcamElement.addEventListener( "loadeddata", resolve, false );},error => reject());}else {reject();}});}async function getWebcamImage() {const img = ( await webcam.capture() ).toFloat();const normalized = img.div( 127 ).sub( 1 );return normalized;}async function captureSample( category ) {if( category === 0 ) {touch.push( await getWebcamImage() );setText( "Captured: " + labels[ category ] + " x" + touch.length );}else {notouch.push( await getWebcamImage() );setText( "Captured: " + labels[ category ] + " x" + notouch.length );}}let webcam = null;(async () => {// Load the modelmodel = await tf.loadLayersModel( mobilenet );model = createTransferModel( model );await setupWebcam();webcam = await tf.data.webcam( document.getElementById( "webcam" ) );// Setup prediction every 200 mssetInterval( predictImage, 200 );})();</script></body>






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