This article talks about core concepts of test-driven database development followed by creating simple SQL unit tests with tSQLt based on this approach.


The conventional SQL unit testing has been around since long while test-driven database development has not also been introduced yesterday, however, switching to this testing methodology offers pure unit testing experience with a lot more features and flexibility as compared to its counterpart.


Let us get introduced with test-driven database development first and please be prepared to switch to it if you are not already using it and you are happy to do so.


关于测试驱动的数据库开发 (About test-driven database development )

It is better to define test-driven database development first, so that it becomes easier to explore it further.


简单定义 (Simple Definition )

The method in which unit tests drive the database development process is called test-driven database development or TDDD.


替代定义 (Alternative Definition )

The method of creating database objects based on creating and running their unit tests first is called test-driven database development or TDDD.


TDDD:开发还是测试? (TDDD: Development or testing?)

I know, for the first time learners, the above definitions do not give much information about test-driven database development and on the top of that it is not still not clear whether we are talking about database development or database unit testing?


The short answer is, both!


Yes, it is basically SQL unit testing followed by database development unlike database development followed by SQL unit testing.


I may have added more confusion now. So it’s time to clear the confusion now.

我现在可能更加困惑了。 因此,现在该清除混乱了。

测试优先 (Test first approach)

TDDD is basically a test first approach in which database development rely on unit testing to begin and take the control.


The best way to understand this is to compare conventional unit testing with test-driven database development.


常规与测试驱动SQL开发 (Conventional vs Test-driven SQL development )

Please see a simple comparison between conventional SQL unit testing and TDDD


Conventional SQL unit testing

Test-driven database development

  1. Create database object
  2. Write database unit test to check object exists or not
  3. Run database unit test
  1. Create database unit test to check if potential object exists or not
  2. Run the unit test which will fail first
  3. Add database object
  4. Run the unit test which will pass now



  1. 创建数据库对象
  2. 编写数据库单元测试以检查对象是否存在
  3. 运行数据库单元测试
  1. 创建数据库单元测试以检查是否存在潜在的对象
  2. 运行将首先失败的单元测试
  3. 添加数据库对象
  4. 运行将立即通过的单元测试

A more comprehensive comparison between both methodologies is as follows:


Conventional SQL unit testing

Test-driven database development

  1. Create database object
  2. Add desired functionality to the object
  3. Create unit test to check if object functions properly
  4. Run the database unit test to see it passing or failing
  1. Create unit test to check if potential object exists or not
  2. Run unit test which fails since the object does not exist
  3. Create object and rerun the unit test which should pass now
  4. Create another unit test to check if object functions properly
  5. Run the unit test which will fail now
  6. Modify the database object to function properly and rerun the unit test which should pass now



  1. 创建数据库对象
  2. 向对象添加所需的功能
  3. 创建单元测试以检查对象是否正常运行
  4. 运行数据库单元测试以查看其通过或失败
  1. 创建单元测试以检查是否存在潜在的对象
  2. 运行单元测试失败,因为该对象不存在
  3. 创建对象并重新运行现在应该通过的单元测试
  4. 创建另一个单元测试以检查对象是否正常运行
  5. 运行现在将失败的单元测试
  6. 修改数据库对象以使其正常运行,然后重新运行现在应该通过的单元测试

The above points become more understandable as you move to the next sections of this article.


To know more about conventional SQL unit testing please refer to the article, “Conventional SQL Unit Testing with tSQLt in Simple Words”

要了解有关常规SQL单元测试的更多信息,请参阅文章“ 简单单词中使用tSQLt的常规SQL单元测试 ”

测试驱动的数据库开发的好处 (Benefits of test-driven database development )

There are quite a number of benefits of using test-driven database development but we are only going to mention some major benefits of TDDD to highlight its importance.


业务逻辑封装 (Business Logic Encapsulation)

One of the most outstanding benefits of test-driven database development is the encapsulation of business logic in the unit tests rather than database objects.


For example, a business requirement for end user to be able to add new book to the library system should be met by writing a unit test(s) to ensure the database object responsible for adding the new book to the library system does its job properly.


In simple words we look for the unit tests rather than database objects to see if the objects are doing their job properly or not and in this way business logic is concealed in unit tests rather than objects.


完整的测试范围 (Full Test Coverage)

Test-driven database development gives you full test coverage as compared to conventional database unit testing.


Full test coverage means all our unit tests are covering all the database objects which are responsible for meeting business or technical requirements.


早期错误检测 (Early Bug Detection)

Test-driven database development helps in early bug detection since SQL unit tests are in the front line of writing database object code.


In other words, since all the unit tests are written first and are not considered correct until they pass so it helps in early bug detection.


以需求为中心的开发 (Requirements Focussed Development)

Another very handy benefit of test-driven database development is that, it only requires you to develop what is required by business.


Since your database objects are totally based on unit tests and your unit tests are only written to meet the business requirements so in this way un-necessary database coding can be avoided and this saves a lot of time and effort.


For example in order to meet a business requirement to add new book to the library system does not require you to provide search functionality as well since you are only concerned with what is required.


实施测试驱动的数据库开发 (Implementing Test-driven database development )

Let us now jump to implement test-driven database development with tSQLt unit testing taking into account a simple scenario.


为什么使用测试驱动的数据库开发来开发tSQLt? (Why tSQLt with test-driven database development?)

tSQLt is one of the most advanced SQL unit testing frameworks and it supports test-driven database development by default.


tSQLt has been written in such a way that it is by design, facilitates test first approach and this is what you are going to experience in this section.


  • Note:注意:tSQLt – A Forgotten Treasure in Database Unit TestingtSQLt –数据库单元测试中的遗忘宝藏

先决条件 (Pre-requisites)

This article assumes that readers have general understanding of database unit testing and T-SQL and can comfortably write simple database scripts.


This article also assumes that readers are familiar with tSQLt unit testing framework.


设置样本数据库 (Setup sample database)

We are creating a sample database which consists of the following tables:


  1. Author 作者
  2. Article 文章

Let us create a sample database SQLDevArticlesV3 by running the following script:


-- 1 Create SQLDevArticlesV3 database
GOUSE SQLDevArticlesV3;
GO-- 2 Create author table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId]         INT           IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,[Name]             VARCHAR (40)  NOT NULL,[RegistrationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL
);-- 3 Create article tables
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId]      INT           IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,[Title]          VARCHAR (300) NOT NULL,[Published_Date] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL
);-- 4 Populate author table
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId], [Name], [RegistrationDate]) VALUES (1, N'Asif', N'2018-01-01 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId], [Name], [RegistrationDate]) VALUES (2, N'Peter', N'2018-02-01 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId], [Name], [RegistrationDate]) VALUES (3, N'Sarah', N'2018-03-02 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId], [Name], [RegistrationDate]) VALUES (4, N'Adil', N'2018-04-02 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId], [Name], [RegistrationDate]) VALUES (5, N'Sam', N'2019-01-01 00:00:00')
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Author] OFF-- 5 Populate article table
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId], [Title], [Published_Date]) VALUES (1, N'Fundamentals of Database Programming', N'2018-01-02 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId], [Title], [Published_Date]) VALUES (2, N'Advanced Database Programming', N'2018-01-03 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId], [Title], [Published_Date]) VALUES (3, N'Understanding SQL Stored Procedures ', N'2018-02-02 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId], [Title], [Published_Date]) VALUES (4, N'Database Design Concepts', N'2018-03-02 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId], [Title], [Published_Date]) VALUES (5, N'Power BI Desktop Fundamentals', N'2019-01-02 00:00:00')

As a result of running the above script you see the sample database getting created.


安装tSQLt单元测试框架 (Install tSQLt unit testing framework)

Please download the tSQLt unit testing framework form the

请下载tSQLt单元测试框架的形式 。

Please refer to Conventional SQL Unit Testing with tSQLt in Simple Words article for better understanding of how to install the tSQLt unit testing framework if you have not installed it before.


Open tSQLt.class.sql file in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) and Run tSQL.class.sql script against the sample database SQLDevArticlesV3.

SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)中打开tSQLt.class.sql文件,然后对示例数据库SQLDevArticlesV3运行tSQL.class.sql脚本

So, sample database has been setup and the tSQLt unit testing framework has also been added to it which means we are good to go.


业务需求 (Business requirement )

A business requirement stating that the end user should be able to add a new article to the database has just arrived.


创建测试类(ArticleTests) (Create test class (ArticleTests))

In order to start writing tSQLt unit tests you have to create a suitable test class which can be easily created a by creating a schema in the database under test.


Create ArticleTests schema (test class) as follows:


USE SQLDevArticlesV3;
GO-- Creating unit test calss ArticleTests
CREATE SCHEMA [ArticleTests]
Authorization dbo
EXECUTE sp_addextendedproperty @name='tSQLt.TestClass',@value=1,@level0type='SCHEMA',@level0name='ArticleTests'

成为需求焦点 (Be requirements focus)

The first step in test-driven database development is to just focus on meeting the requirement only by relying on unit tests more than the objects themselves.


This means we have to come up with a potential database object AddArticle.


创建SQL单元测试以检查对象是否存在 (Create SQL unit test to check object exists)

Test-driven database development demands first to write a unit test to check if potential object exists or not.

测试驱动的数据库开发要求首先编写一个单元测试,以检查是否存在潜在的对象 存在与否。

Write first unit test to see object exists or not as follows:


CREATE PROCEDURE ArticleTests.[test to check AddArticle exists]
BEGIN--Assemble--Act--AssertEXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists @ObjectName = N'AddArticle'

运行单元测试以检查对象是否存在 (Run unit test to check object exists)

This is the tricky bit we know the object does not exist then why we are running the unit test? The answer is to comply with test-driven database development in which unit tests drive the process and they must pass to proceed further.

这是棘手的一点,我们知道对象不存在,那么为什么我们要运行单元测试? 答案是要遵循测试驱动的数据库开发,在该开发中,单元测试将驱动该过程,并且必须通过以进一步进行。

Run all the unit test by running all the unit tests for the test class ArticleTests as follows:


-- Run all unit tests related to ArticleTest test class
EXEC tsqlt.RunTestClass "ArticleTests"

It is obvious from the test class output that the unit test to check object exists has failed:


创建数据库对象(ArticleTests) (Create database object (ArticleTests))

Now create the database object as a stub which means just create a database object with parameters but without any functionality because we are only interested to create it at the moment.


Type the following code to create the object:


-- Creating database object (stored procedure) AddArticle stub (placeholder)
CREATE PROCEDURE AddArticle (@Name VARCHAR(40),@Published_Date DATETIME2)AS

重新运行单元测试以检查对象是否存在 (Rerun the unit test to check object exists)

After creating object stub please rerun the unit test class:


-- Rerun ArticleTest test class
EXEC tsqlt.RunTestClass "ArticleTests"

Your unit test has passed now, so the object which is meant to meet the requirement exists, however, please bear in mind it does not mean that the object necessarily meets the business requirement.


创建单元测试以正确检查对象功能 (Create unit test to check object functions properly)

In test-driven database development unit test is written first to check if object functions properly or not, which in turn triggers the database object to be developed to meet the specification only.


The recommended way to check AddArticle object functions properly is to write SQL unit test which adds new article to the database by using the potential object and then results are compared with the expected results.


Write the unit test to check object works properly as follows:


--Create unit test to check AddArticle works
CREATE PROCEDURE [ArticleTests].[test to check AddArticle adds article to the table]
-- Assemble
EXEC tSQLt.FakeTable @TableName='dbo.Article',@Identity=1 -- Fake Article table Create TABLE [ArticleTests].[Expected] -- Create expected table
([ArticleId] INT NOT NULL,[Title] VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,[Published_Date] DATETIME2 NOT NULL)INSERT INTO ArticleTests.Expected -- Insert data into exepcted table
(1,'Reporting Fundamentals','10 Nov 2018')-- Act
EXEC dbo.AddArticle 'Reporting Fundamentals','10 Nov 2018' -- Run AddArticle procedure which adds new article to the Article table
SELECT * INTO ArticleTests.Actual FROM dbo.Article -- Put the records from Article table into Actual table-- Assert (compare expected table with actual table results)
EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable @Expected='ArticleTests.Expected',@Actual='ArticleTests.Actual'

运行单元测试以检查对象是否存在并正常工作 (Run unit tests to check object exists and works properly)

Now running all the unit tests should partially pass now because the test to check if object functions properly is going to fail.


-- Rerun ArticleTest test class
EXEC tsqlt.RunTestClass "ArticleTests"

重构对象并重新运行单元测试 (Refactor object and rerun unit tests )

Modify AddArticle stored procedure with correct insert statement such that all the unit tests pass now.


-- Alter database object (stored procedure) AddArticle to properly add new article
ALTER PROCEDURE AddArticle(@Title VARCHAR(40),@Published_Date DATETIME2)AS
BEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;INSERT INTO dbo.Article (Title, Published_Date)VALUES(@Title,@Published_Date)END

Run the unit tests:


 -- Run unit tests related to ArticleTests
EXEC tsqlt.RunTestClass "ArticleTests"

Congratulations, the fact that all the unit tests have passed now ensures that the object is capable of meeting the business requirement to add new article to the database now.


摘要 (Summary)

After going through this article and following the walkthrough you have familiarised yourself with test-driven database development methodology which is not only feature-rich, but to the point and also offers a lot of flexibility in handling business requirements ranging from simple to complex scenarios.


目录 (Table of contents)

tSQLt – A Forgotten Treasure in Database Unit Testing
Conventional SQL Unit Testing with tSQLt in Simple Words
Fundamentals of Test-Driven Database Development (TDDD) with tSQLt unit testing
10 Most Common SQL Unit Testing Mistakes
Why you should cleverly name Database Objects for SQL Unit Testing
Three Standard SQL Unit Tests you can write against any Stored Procedure
Creating SQL Unit Testing Utility Procedures with tSQLt
tSQLt –数据库单元测试中被遗忘的宝藏



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