在这里先推荐一份论文写作指南:Academic Phrasebank,其详细介绍了论文各部分的常用句式,该资料目录如下。





  • Without loss of generality, we assume that each structured output be represented using d discrete and/or continuous variables.


  • Therefore, we first show the performance of a neural event extractor on this task, although it is not out main contribution.


  • This is supported by the memerships vertically identified between multi-granular events, as well as the horizontal temporal reasoning within the event complex.


  • The second contribution of this work lies in providing a general method for inducing an event complex that comprehensively represents the relational structure of several related event mentions.


  • While previous works focus on preserving logical consistency through post-learning inference or structured learning, there was no effctive way to endow neural models with the sence of global logical consistency during training.


  • While data-driven methods provide a general and tractable way for event-event relation extraction, their performance is restricted by the limited annotated resources available.


  • The Probabilistic Inference is employed based on the Gaussian distribution to make the inference robust by taking the possible perturbation of transition scores into account since the perturbation is also learned in a way that coherently explains the uncertainty of the samples.


  • Estimated from the handful of examples, the transition scores may suffer from the statistical uncertainty due to the random fluctuation of scant data.


  • Such a framework makes the task easy to conduct but ignores the interaction and correlation between the two subtasks, being susceptible to cascading errors.


  • In (designing online systems), (trade-off between effectiveness and efficiency) remains a long-standing problem.
  • (How to build accurate entity tagging systems using less manual effort) is still an open problem.


  • We are the first to employ (a generative pre-trained language model) to address (a few-shot sequence labeling problem).


  • (Prompt-based learning methods for NLP attempt to circumvent this issue) by instead (learning an LM that models the probability P(x;θ)P(x;\theta)P(x;θ) of text xxx itself and using this probability to predict yyy, reducing or obviating the need for large supervised datasets).


  • As (some patterns perform possibly much worse than others), (the training set T for our final model may) therefore (contain many mislabeled examples).
  • The observation that relations and, in particular, event-event relations should be constrained by their logical properties, led to employing global inference to comply with transitivity and symmetry consistency.


  • (Our solution enables the learning of the input and the class to interact with each other), which has widely demonstrated it superiority in (modeling the relations of two elements).


  • (The question that if the input belongs to a class) is equivalent to (ask if the hypothesis is true given the premise)


  • (Multiple-Choice QA (MCQA) often requires more advanced reading comprehension skills such as logical reasoning, summarization, and arithmetic operations), compared to (the extractive counterpart where answers are usually spans of text within given passages).
  • Different from these methods learning the transition scores by optimization, we build a network to generate the transition scores based on the label prototypes instead.


  • (MRC) originally took inspiration from (language proficiency exams).
  • Our work draws inspiration from Ahn et al.(2016).
  • Motivated by the logic-driven framework proposed by Li, the declarative logical constraints are converted into differentiable functions that can be incorporated into the learning objective for relation extraction tasks.


  • There has been a surge in the amount of research literature on (OpenQA).


  • (This method) maximizes (the coverage of important content) while minimizing (redundancy).


  • the intersection of (language understanding) and (machine learning).


  • (this approach) would be using (incomplete information) and could therefore (easily confuse classes especially if there are fine-grained distinctions or portions of the video irrelevant to the action of interest).


  • (This is challenging ) from a (modeling) perspective as (we have to model variable length videos with a fixed number of parameters).



  • Recently, there has been an increasing research interest in solving event detection in the few-shot scenarios.


  • Recently, GCN-based models have been proposed to exploit the syntactic dependency information and achieved state-of-the-art performance.


  • However, all these models are data-hungry, limiting dramatically their usability and deployability in real-world scenarios.
  • The ignorance of inter-vehicle interaction and environment influence degrades these models in real-world datasets. (对某方面的忽视使…)


  • Existing approaches to (neural machine translation).



  • Specifically, we first apply the self-attention mechanism to capture the dependency information between labels and then map the label prototype pairs to the corresponding transition scores.



  • Our preliminary experiments reveal that trigger identification tends to struggle when recognizing triggers of novel event types because novel events usually contain completely different triggers with the semantic distinction from the known events.



  • But they almost followed the supervised learning paradigm and depended on the large-scale human-annotated dataset, while new event types emerge every day and most of them suffer from the lack of sufficient annotated data.

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