






DC 综合



本篇继续学习 DC的基本使用。本篇主要学习 DC 综合之后的效果分析,重点在时序分析。


Design Compiler工具学习笔记(1)

Design Compiler工具学习笔记(2)

Design Compiler工具学习笔记(3)

Design Compiler工具学习笔记(4)

Design Compiler工具学习笔记(5)


小数点精度位数一般为 13 (-significant_digits)

report_timing ::仅报告最差的路径时序;

report_timing -max_paths 2 :报告出两条最差的路径,但是这两条路径的终点不同

report_timing -nworst 2 -max_paths 2:报告出整个设计中最差的两条路径,可以是同一个终点






// |===================================== TOP ==============================
// |Author:Xu Y. B.
// |Date:2022-11-23
// |Description: TOP module
// |             about single bit signal CDC using handshake mode
// |             CDC:100MHz-->50MHz
// |========================================================================module TOP (
// ======================= module input ports specify ==================
// time domain 100MHz
input                       I_CLK_100M,
input                       I_RSTN_100M,// time domain 200MHz
input                       I_CLK_50M,
input                       I_RSTN_50M,// operate enable
input                       I_OPR_EN,//high,start 1 CDC test// ======================= module output ports specify ==================
output      reg             O_CDC_DONE);
// ======================= module local parameters =====================// ======================= module internal signals =====================
// register input signal I_OPR_EN
reg                         [1:0]               R_I_OPR_EN;
wire                                            W_I_OPR_EN_PDG;
reg                                             R_CDC_QST_100M;
reg                         [1:0]               R_CDC_QST_50M;reg                                           R_CDC_ACK_50M;
reg                         [1:0]               R_CDC_ACK_100M;// ======================= module design logic =========================
always @ (posedge I_CLK_100M)
begin:pro_opr_en_regif(~I_RSTN_100M)beginR_I_OPR_EN <= 2'b00;endelsebeginR_I_OPR_EN[0] <= I_OPR_EN;R_I_OPR_EN[1] <= R_I_OPR_EN[0];end
endassign W_I_OPR_EN_PDG = R_I_OPR_EN[0] & (~R_I_OPR_EN[1]);always @ (posedge I_CLK_100M)
beginif(~I_RSTN_100M)beginR_CDC_QST_100M <= 0;endelsebeginif(W_I_OPR_EN_PDG)beginR_CDC_QST_100M <= 1;endelse if(R_CDC_ACK_100M[1])beginR_CDC_QST_100M <= 0;endelsebeginR_CDC_QST_100M <= R_CDC_QST_100M;endend
endalways @ (posedge I_CLK_100M)
beginif(~I_RSTN_100M)beginR_CDC_ACK_100M <=2'b0;endelsebeginR_CDC_ACK_100M[0] <= R_CDC_ACK_50M;R_CDC_ACK_100M[1] <= R_CDC_ACK_100M[0];end
end// 50M
always @ (posedge I_CLK_50M)
beginif(~I_RSTN_50M)beginR_CDC_ACK_50M <= 0;endelsebeginif(R_CDC_QST_50M[1])beginR_CDC_ACK_50M <= 1;endelsebeginR_CDC_ACK_50M <= 0;endend
endalways @ (posedge I_CLK_50M)
beginif(~I_RSTN_50M)beginR_CDC_QST_50M <= 2'b00;endelsebeginR_CDC_QST_50M[0] <= R_CDC_QST_100M;R_CDC_QST_50M[1] <= R_CDC_QST_50M[0];end
endalways @ (posedge I_CLK_100M)
beginif(~I_RSTN_100M)beginO_CDC_DONE <= 0;endelsebeginif(R_CDC_ACK_100M)beginO_CDC_DONE <= 1;endelsebeginO_CDC_DONE <= 0;endend


// |========================== Test Bench ===========================
// |Author:Xu Y. B.
// |Date:2022-11-23
// |Description: TOP module
// |             about single bit signal CDC using handshake mode
// |             CDC:100MHz-->50MHz
// |             Test Bench
// |==================================================================module TB ();// time domain 100MHz
reg                         I_CLK_100M;
reg                         I_RSTN_100M;// time domain 200MHz
reg                         I_CLK_50M;
reg                         I_RSTN_50M;// operate enable
reg                         I_OPR_EN;//high,start 1 CDC test// ======================= module output ports specify ==================
wire                        O_CDC_DONE;// ======================= generate clocks ==============================
initial I_CLK_100M = 0;
always #5 I_CLK_100M = ~I_CLK_100M;initial I_CLK_50M = 0;
always #10 I_CLK_50M = ~I_CLK_50M;initial
beginI_RSTN_100M = 0;I_RSTN_50M = 0;I_OPR_EN = 0;#20;I_RSTN_100M = 1;#40;I_RSTN_50M = 1;#20;I_OPR_EN = 1;@(negedge O_CDC_DONE)#50;$finish;
begin`ifdef VPD_TEST$vcdpluson();`endif
endTOP INST_TOP(.I_CLK_100M  (I_CLK_100M),.I_RSTN_100M (I_RSTN_100M),.I_CLK_50M   (I_CLK_50M),.I_RSTN_50M  (I_RSTN_50M),.I_OPR_EN    (I_OPR_EN),.O_CDC_DONE  (O_CDC_DONE));endmodule


makefile 文件:

# =======================================================
# ========================== MAKE FILE ==================
# By:Xu Y. B.
# Date:2022-11-23
# Note:
# reuse this makefile ,the followings should be changed:
# -1- OUTPUT
# -2- TB file add the following:
#     `ifdef VPD_TEST
#           $vcdpluson();
#     `endif
# =======================================================.PHONY: com cov clean debugOUTPUT = SIMV_CDC_TESTVPD_SW_DEFINE = +define+VPD_TEST# code coverage command
CM = -cm line+cond+fsm+branch+tgl
CM_NAME = -cm_name $(OUTPUT)
CM_DIR = -cm_dir ./$(OUTPUT).vdb# vpdfile name
VPD_NAME = $(OUTPUT).vpd# compile command
VCS = vcs -full64 -cpp g++-4.8 -cc gcc-4.8 -LDFLAGS -Wl,--no-as-needed   \-simprofile                             \-sverilog +v2k -timescale=1ns/1ns      \-debug_access+r                         \-Mupdate                               \+notimingcheck                        \+nospecify                            \+vcs+flush+all                      \$(VPD_SW_DEFINE)                       \-o $(OUTPUT)                           \-l compile.log                         # $(CM)                                     \# $(CM_NAME)                           \# $(CM_DIR)
# -cm_hier ./vcs_cov.cfg# simulation command
SIM = ./$(OUTPUT)                           \-l $(OUTPUT).log                       \$(CM) $(CM_NAME) $(CM_DIR)             \$(VPD_NAME)                            \# start complie
com:    find -name "*.v" >filelist.f $(VCS) -f filelist.f# start simulation
sim:$(SIM)mv vcdplus.vpd $(VPD_NAME)# show the coverage
cov:dve -full64 -covdir *.vdb &
debug:dve -full64 -vpd $(OUTPUT).vpd &# start clean
clean:rm -rf ./csrc *.daidir *.log *.vpd *.vdb simv* *.key *race.out* *.so.* *profile* *.f

DC 综合



# |===========================================================
# | Author      : Xu Y. B.
# | Date        : 2022-11-21
# | Description : tcl script for top design
# |===========================================================# |===========================================================
# |STEP 1: Read & elaborate the RTL design file list & check
# |===========================================================
analyze        -format verilog [list CDC_TOP.v ]
elaborate      $TOP_MODULE     -architecture verilog
current_design $TOP_MODULEif {[link] == 0} {echo "Your Link has errors !";exit;
}if {[check_design] == 0} {echo "Your check design has errors !";exit;
}# |===========================================================
# |STEP 2: reset design
# |===========================================================
reset_design# |===========================================================
# |STEP 3: Write unmapped ddc file
# |===========================================================
set uniquify_naming_style "%s_%d"
write -f ddc -hierarchy -output ${UNMAPPED_PATH}/${TOP_MODULE}.ddc# |===========================================================
# |STEP 4: define clocks
# |===========================================================
# -------------------------- CLK 100MHz ----------------------
set       CLK_NAME              I_CLK_100M
set       CLK_PERIOD            10
set       CLK_SKEW              [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.05}]
set       CLK_TRANS             [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.01}]
set       CLK_SRC_LATENCY       [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.1 }]
set       CLK_LATENCY           [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.1 }]                       create_clock            -period     $CLK_PERIOD       [get_ports $CLK_NAME]
set_ideal_network                                     [get_ports $CLK_NAME]
set_dont_touch_network                                [get_ports $CLK_NAME]
set_drive               0                             [get_ports $CLK_NAME]set_clock_uncertainty   -setup       $CLK_SKEW        [get_clocks $CLK_NAME]
set_clock_transition    -max         $CLK_TRANS       [get_clocks $CLK_NAME]
set_clock_latency       -source -max $CLK_SRC_LATENCY [get_clocks $CLK_NAME]
set_clock_latency       -max         $CLK_LATENCY     [get_clocks $CLK_NAME]# --------------------------- CLK 50MHz ----------------------
set       CLK_NAME_2            I_CLK_50M
set       CLK_PERIOD_2          20
set       CLK_SKEW_2            [expr {$CLK_PERIOD_2*0.05}]
set       CLK_TRANS_2           [expr {$CLK_PERIOD_2*0.01}]
set       CLK_SRC_LATENCY_2     [expr {$CLK_PERIOD_2*0.1 }]
set       CLK_LATENCY_2         [expr {$CLK_PERIOD_2*0.1 }]                     create_clock            -period     $CLK_PERIOD_2     [get_ports $CLK_NAME_2]
set_ideal_network                                     [get_ports $CLK_NAME_2]
set_dont_touch_network                                [get_ports $CLK_NAME_2]
set_drive               0                             [get_ports $CLK_NAME_2]set_clock_uncertainty   -setup       $CLK_SKEW_2        [get_clocks $CLK_NAME_2]
set_clock_transition    -max         $CLK_TRANS_2       [get_clocks $CLK_NAME_2]
set_clock_latency       -source -max $CLK_SRC_LATENCY_2 [get_clocks $CLK_NAME_2]
set_clock_latency       -max         $CLK_LATENCY_2     [get_clocks $CLK_NAME_2]# |===========================================================
# |STEP 5: define reset
# |===========================================================
# ------------------------- RST 1 ----------------------------
set RST_NAME                    I_RSTN_100M
set_ideal_network               [get_ports $RST_NAME]
set_dont_touch_network          [get_ports $RST_NAME]
set_drive             0         [get_ports $RST_NAME]# ------------------------- RST 2 ----------------------------
set RST_NAME_2                  I_RSTN_50M
set_ideal_network               [get_ports $RST_NAME_2]
set_dont_touch_network          [get_ports $RST_NAME_2]
set_drive             0         [get_ports $RST_NAME_2]# |===========================================================
# |STEP 6: set input delay using timing budget
# |Assume a weak cell to drive the input pins
# |===========================================================
set         LIB_NAME            typical
set         WIRE_LOAD_MODEL     smic18_wl10
set         DRIVE_CELL          INVX1
set         DRIVE_CELL_2        INVX4
set         DRIVE_CELL_3        INVX8set        DRIVE_PIN           Y
set         OPERATE_CONDITION   typicalset      INPUT_RST            [get_ports I_RSTN_100M]
set         INPUT_RST_2          [get_ports I_RSTN_50M]set         INPUT_DELAY       [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.6}]
set         INPUT_DELAY_2        [expr {$CLK_PERIOD_2*0.6}]
# CLK 1
set_input_delay $INPUT_DELAY -clock $CLK_NAME [get_ports I_OPR_EN]
set_input_delay $INPUT_DELAY -clock $CLK_NAME ${INPUT_RST}# CLK 2
set_input_delay $INPUT_DELAY_2 -clock $CLK_NAME_2 ${INPUT_RST_2}# DRIVE CELL
set_driving_cell -lib_cell ${DRIVE_CELL}   -pin ${DRIVE_PIN}   ${INPUT_RST}
set_driving_cell -lib_cell ${DRIVE_CELL_2} -pin ${DRIVE_PIN}   ${INPUT_RST_2}
set_driving_cell -lib_cell ${DRIVE_CELL_3} -pin ${DRIVE_PIN}   [get_ports I_OPR_EN]# |===========================================================
# |STEP 7: set output delay
# |===========================================================
set OUTPUT_DELAY  [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.6}]
set MAX_LOAD      [expr {[load_of $LIB_NAME/INVX4/A] * 10}]set_output_delay  $OUTPUT_DELAY -clock $CLK_NAME      [all_outputs]
set_load          [expr {$MAX_LOAD * 3}]             [all_outputs]
set_isolate_ports -type buffer                       [all_outputs]# |===========================================================
# |STEP 8: set max delay for comb logic
# |===========================================================
# set_input_delay  [expr $CLK_PERIOD * 0.1] -clock $CLK_NAME -add_delay [get_ports I_1]
# set_output_delay [expr $CLK_PERIOD * 0.1] -clock $CLK_NAME -add_delay [get_ports O_1]# |===========================================================
# |STEP 9: set operating condition & wire load model
# |===========================================================
set_operating_conditions -max           $OPERATE_CONDITION \-max_library    $LIB_NAMEset                     auto_wire_load_selection false
set_wire_load_mode       top
set_wire_load_model      -name    $WIRE_LOAD_MODEL \-library $LIB_NAME# |===========================================================
# |STEP 10: set area constraint (Let DC try its best)
# |===========================================================
set_max_area             1000# |===========================================================
# |STEP 11: set DRC constraint
# |===========================================================
# set MAX_CAPACITANCE [expr {[load_of $LIB_NAME/NAND4X2/Y] * 5}]
# set_max_capacitance $MAX_CAPACITANCE $ALL_INPUT_EXCEPT_CLK# |===========================================================
# |STEP 12: set group path
# |Avoid getting stack on one path
# |===========================================================
# group_path -name $CLK_NAME -weight 5              \
#                          -critical_range  [expr {$CLK_PERIOD * 0.1}] # group_path -name INPUTS    -from [all_inputs]      \
#                          -critical_range  [expr {$CLK_PERIOD * 0.1}] # group_path -name OUTPUTS   -to [all_outputs]       \
#                          -critical_range  [expr {$CLK_PERIOD * 0.1}] # group_path -name COMBS     -from [all_inputs]      \
#                          -to [all_outputs]        \
#                          -critical_range  [expr {$CLK_PERIOD * 0.1}]
# report_path_group# |===========================================================
# |STEP 13: Elimate the multiple-port inter-connect &
# |         define name style
# |===========================================================
# set_app_var                       verilogout_no_tri                   true
# set_app_var                       verilogout_show_unconnected_pins    true
# set_app_var                       bus_naming_style                    {%s[%d]}
# simplify_constants                -boundary_optimization
# set_boundary_optimization         [current_design]                    true
# set_fix_multiple_port_nets        -all                                -buffer_constants# |===========================================================
# |STEP 14: timing exception define
# |===========================================================
# set_false_path -from [get_clocks I_CLK_100M] -to [get_clocks I_CLK_100M]
# set ALL_CLKS [all_clocks]
# foreach_in_collection CUR_CLK $ALL_CLKS
# {
#   set OTHER_CLKS [remove_from_collection [all_clocks] $CUR_CLK]
#   set_false_path -from $CUR_CLK $OTHER_CLKS
# }# set_false_path -from [get_clocks I_CLK_100M] -to [get_clocks I_CLK_100M]
# set_false_path -from [get_clocks I_CLK_100M] -to [get_clocks I_CLK_100M]# set_disable_timing TOP/U1 -from a -to y
# set_case_analysis 0 [get_ports sel_i]# set_multicycle_path -setup 6 -from FFA/CP -through ADD/out -to FFB/D
# set_multicycle_path -hold 5 -from FFA/CP -through ADD/out -to FFB/D
# set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -to FFB/D
# set_multicycle_path -hold 1 -to FFB/D# |===========================================================
# |STEP 15: compile flow
# |===========================================================
# ungroup -flatten -all# 1st-pass compile
# compile -map_effort high -area_effort high
# compile -map_effort high -area_effort high -boundary_optimization
compile # simplify_constants -boundary_optimization
# set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants# compile -map_effort high -area_effort high -incremental_mapping -scan# 2nd-pass compile
# compile -map_effort high -area_effort high -incremental_mapping -boundary_optimization
# compile_ultra -incr# |===========================================================
# |STEP 16: write post-process files
# |===========================================================
# change_names -rules verilog -hierarchy
# remove-unconnected_ports [get_cells -hier *] -blast_buses
# Write the mapped files
write -f ddc -hierarchy -output $MAPPED_PATH/${TOP_MODULE}.ddc
# write     -f verilog  -hierarchy -output  $MAPPED_PATH/${TOP_MODULE}.v
# write_sdc -version    1.7                 $MAPPED_PATH/${TOP_MODULE}.sdc
# write_sdf -version    2.1                 $MAPPED_PATH/${TOP_MODULE}.sdf# |===========================================================
# |STEP 17: generate report files
# |===========================================================

在完成编译之后可以用本篇的PPT里面介绍的 时序报告指令进行时序分析。此处不再赘述。


# |================================= Tcl coding practice ===========================
# |Coded by:Xu Y. B.
# |Date:2022-11-25
# |Description:basic Tcl syntax
# |=================================================================================# ******** example :define your variable
set FILE_NAME Sample_Test
set VAR_1     0# ******** example :if-else
if {$VAR_1 == 0} {echo "Your variable VAR_1 is 0"
}  else  {echo "Your variable VAR_1 is not 0"
}# ******** example :switch
switch -regexp   $FILE_NAME {"Sample_Test" {echo "The File is Right"    }"Test" {echo "The File is others"}default {echo "The File is nothing !"}
}# ********* example :while
set i 1
while {$i <= 10} {echo "i = $i";incr i 1;
}# ********* example :for
for {set i_a 0} {$i_a <= 20} {incr i_a 2} {                 if {$i_a == 4 || $i_a == 18} {                  continue;                       # break;                        }                   echo "i_a = $i_a";
}                   # ********* example :foreach
# example 1
set MY_LIST [list "Xu Y. B." "is" 23 "years" "old"]foreach MY_LIST $MY_LIST {switch -regexp $MY_LIST {"Xu Y. B." {echo "$MY_LIST is a name"}23 {echo "$MY_LIST is a number"}default {echo "$MY_LIST"}}
}# example 2
set log_file_cnt 0
set v_file_cnt   0
set tcl_file_cnt 0set my_file_list [glob *.log *.v *.tcl]foreach f_name $my_file_list {set f_ext [file extension $f_name]switch  $f_ext {".log" {incr log_file_cnt}".v" {incr v_file_cnt}".tcl" {incr tcl_file_cnt}}
}echo "The current folder contains totally .log file number is $log_file_cnt";
echo "The current folder contains totally .v file number is $v_file_cnt"
echo "The current folder contains totally .tcl file number is $tcl_file_cnt"# ********** example :Write something to a file
set   TEXT_W "Xu Y. B. is my name"
set   FILE_ID_W [open TEST.txt w+]
puts  $FILE_ID_W $TEXT_W
flush $FILE_ID_W
close $FILE_ID_W# ********** example :Read something from a file
set TEXT_R ""
set FILE_ID_R [open TEST.txt r]
echo "\" $TEXT_R \"is read from file id $FILE_ID_R"close $FILE_ID_R# ********** example :proc
# example 1:
set NAME "Xu Y. B."proc my_print_var {var_name} \
{   global NAMEecho "var_name is \" $var_name \""echo "var_name is \" $NAME \""
}my_print_var NAME# example 2:
proc min {a b c d} \
{if {$a >= $b} {set y $b;} else {set y $a;}if {$c >= $d} {set z $d;} else {set z $c;}if {$y >= $z} {set w $z;} else {set w $y}return $w;
}# min 11 21 3 4# example 3 :
proc sum {args} \
{set num_list $argsset sum 0foreach num $num_list {set sum [expr ($sum + $num)]}return $sum
}# sum 1 2 3 4# example 4 :
# array set PORTS [list I_CLK 3 I_RSTN 4 I_DATA 5 O_DATA 6]
set PORTS {I_CLK 12 I_RSTN 4 I_DATA 5 O_DATA 6}proc inc_port {port_num_list} \
{array set PORTS_1 $port_num_listset port_list [array names PORTS_1]foreach port $port_list {incr PORTS_1($port) 20}return [array get PORTS_1]
}# inc_port  $PORTS# example 5 :
# create a link to the variable outside
set NUMBER 0
proc incr_ten {num} {                   upvar $num local_var                    incr local_var 10
}                   incr_ten $NUMBER                    

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