
errno.00 is: Success 成功

errno.01 is: Operation not permitted 不允许此类操作

errno.02 is: No such file or directory 没有此文件或目录

errno.03 is: No such process 没有此进程

errno.04 is: Interrupted system call 中断系统调用

errno.05 is: Input/output error 输入输出错误

errno.06 is: No such device or address 没有此设备或地址

errno.07 is: Argument list too long 参数过长

errno.08 is: Exec format error 执行格式错误

errno.09 is: Bad file descriptor 无效的文件描述符

errno.10 is: No child processes 不存在子进程

errno.11 is: Resource temporarily unavailable 资源暂时不可用

errno.12 is: Cannot allocate memory 分配内存失败

errno.13 is: Permission denied 权限错误

errno.14 is: Bad address 地址错误

errno.15 is: Block device required 块设备请求

errno.16 is: Device or resource busy 设备或资源忙

errno.17 is: File exists 文件已经存在

errno.18 is: Invalid cross-device link 无效的交叉连接设备

errno.19 is: No such device 没有此设备

errno.20 is: Not a directory 不是一个目录

errno.21 is: Is a directory 是一个目录

errno.22 is: Invalid argument 参数非法

errno.23 is: Too many open files in system 系统打开文件太多

errno.24 is: Too many open files 打开文件太多

errno.25 is: Inappropriate ioctl for device 设备部支持该操作

errno.26 is: Text file busy 文本文件忙

errno.27 is: File too large 文件太大

errno.28 is: No space left on device 设备没有空间,一般为存储设备

errno.29 is: Illegal seek 非法的seek操作

errno.30 is: Read-only file system 只读文件系统

errno.31 is: Too many links 太多连接

errno.32 is: Broken pipe 管道破裂

errno.33 is: Numerical argument out of domain 数值参数超出取值范围

errno.34 is: Numerical result out of range 数值结果超出取值范围

errno.35 is: Resource deadlock avoided 资源死锁

errno.36 is: File name too long 文件名太长

errno.37 is: No locks available 没有可用的锁

errno.38 is: Function not implemented 函数没有执行

errno.39 is: Directory not empty 目录非空

errno.40 is: Too many levels of symbolic links 太多级符号连接

errno.41 is: Unknown error 41 41未知错误

errno.42 is: No message of desired type 不被接受的消息类型

errno.43 is: Identifier removed 标识符已被删除

errno.44 is: Channel number out of range 。。。

errno.45 is: Level 2 not synchronized

errno.46 is: Level 3 halted

errno.47 is: Level 3 reset

errno.48 is: Link number out of range

errno.49 is: Protocol driver not attached

errno.50 is: No CSI structure available

errno.51 is: Level 2 halted

errno.52 is: Invalid exchange

errno.53 is: Invalid request descriptor

errno.54 is: Exchange full

errno.55 is: No anode

errno.56 is: Invalid request code

errno.57 is: Invalid slot

errno.58 is: Unknown error 58

errno.59 is: Bad font file format

errno.60 is: Device not a stream

errno.61 is: No data available

errno.62 is: Timer expired

errno.63 is: Out of streams resources

errno.64 is: Machine is not on the network

errno.65 is: Package not installed

errno.66 is: Object is remote

errno.67 is: Link has been severed

errno.68 is: Advertise error

errno.69 is: Srmount error

errno.70 is: Communication error on send

errno.71 is: Protocol error

errno.72 is: Multihop attempted

errno.73 is: RFS specific error

errno.74 is: Bad message

errno.75 is: Value too large for defined data type

errno.76 is: Name not unique on network

errno.77 is: File descriptor in bad state

errno.78 is: Remote address changed

errno.79 is: Can not access a needed shared library

errno.80 is: Accessing a corrupted shared library

errno.81 is: .lib secion in a.out corrupted

errno.82 is: Attempting to link in too many shared libraries

errno.83 is: Cannot exec a shared library directly

errno.84 is: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character

errno.85 is: Interrupted system call should be restarted

errno.86 is: Streams pipe error

errno.87 is: Too many users

errno.88 is: Socket operation on non-socket

errno.89 is: Destination address required

errno.90 is: Message too long

errno.91 is: Protocol wrong type for socket

errno.92 is: Protocol not available

errno.93 is: Protocol not supported

errno.94 is: Socket type not supported

errno.95 is: Operation not supported

errno.96 is: Protocol family not supported

errno.97 is: Address family not supported by protocol

errno.98 is: Address already in use

errno.99 is: Cannot assign requested address

errno.100 is: Network is down

errno.101 is: Network is unreachable

errno.102 is: Network dropped connection on reset

errno.103 is: Software caused connection abort

errno.104 is: Connection reset by peer

errno.105 is: No buffer space available

errno.106 is: Transport endpoint is already connected

errno.107 is: Transport endpoint is not connected

errno.108 is: Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown

errno.109 is: Too many references: cannot splice

errno.110 is: Connection timed out

errno.111 is: Connection refused

errno.112 is: Host is down

errno.113 is: No route to host

errno.114 is: Operation already in progress

errno.115 is: Operation now in progress

errno.116 is: Stale NFS file handle

errno.117 is: Structure needs cleaning

errno.118 is: Not a XENIX named type file

errno.119 is: No XENIX semaphores available

errno.120 is: Is a named type file

errno.121 is: Remote I/O error

errno.122 is: Disk quota exceeded

errno.123 is: No medium found

errno.124 is: Wrong medium type

errno.125 is: Operation canceled

errno.126 is: Required key not available

errno.127 is: Key has expired

errno.128 is: Key has been revoked

errno.129 is: Key was rejected by service

errno.130 is: Owner died

errno.131 is: State not recoverable

errno.132 is: Unknown error 132

132-255全是Unknown error


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