iphone 信号对应设备

The iPhone has a hidden “field test” mode that shows all kinds of technical details about signal strength, cell towers, and more. Most of it is not very useful to the average person, but you can make it show you your phone’s actual signal strength instead of just how many bars you’re getting. And that can be useful.

iPhone具有隐藏的“现场测试”模式,可显示有关信号强度,信号塔等的各种技术细节。 大多数功能对普通人不是很有用,但是您可以使它显示您手机的实际信号强度,而不是显示您得到的信号条数。 这可能很有用。

UPDATE: The information in this article changes if you have upgraded your iPhone to iOS 11. You can still use the special code we describe below to put your iPhone running iOS 11 into field mode. However, you can no longer use the trick we describe for making the numerical signal strength display persistently in your phone’s status bar. We’ll update this article again if that changes in future updates or if we find a new workaround.

更新:如果您已将iPhone升级到iOS 11,则本文中的信息会更改。您仍然可以使用下面介绍的特殊代码将运行iOS 11的iPhone置于现场模式。 但是,您不能再使用我们描述的技巧来使数字信号强度持续显示在手机的状态栏中。 如果将来的更新中有更改或发现新的解决方法,我们将再次更新本文。

Even in urban areas dense with cell towers, signal strength can vary widely depending on the phone’s carrier and current location. Things get worse in rural locations, where large areas may be covered only by a single carrier’s tower, or in a house with thick walls your signal won’t penetrate (in which case a signal booster can help).

即使在手机塔密集的城市地区,信号强度也会因手机的载体和当前位置而有很大差异。 在农村地区情况变得更糟,在农村地区,大面积区域可能仅由一个运营商的塔覆盖,或者在墙壁厚的房屋中,信号将无法穿透(在这种情况下, 信号增强器可以提供帮助)。

In any of these situations, knowing your phone’s precise signal strength rather than just a vague range of 1-5 bars can really help you diagnose the problem, and figure out the best way to fix it. And that’s where your iPhone’s field test mode comes in.

在任何一种情况下,了解手机的精确信号强度,而不只是模糊的1-5条范围,都可以真正帮助您诊断问题,并找出解决问题的最佳方法。 这就是iPhone的现场测试模式的所在。

You can access the field test mode on any iPhone. All you have to do is fire up your phone app, dial the following code, and then tap the Call button.

您可以在任何iPhone上访问现场测试模式。 您要做的就是启动电话应用程序,拨打以下代码,然后点击“呼叫”按钮。


Your iPhone will enter a field test mode that offers up several menus of technical measurements. Most of these are only useful if you’re developing phones or testing cell towers.

您的iPhone将进入现场测试模式,该模式提供几个技术测量菜单。 其中大多数仅在开发电话或测试手机信号塔时才有用。

What you’re after, though, is not on the menu. If you’re using iOS 8 or any earlier version, your exact signal strength is displayed in the upper left corner of the field test screen. If you’re using iOS 9 or later, that reading is replaced with the “Back to Phone” link instead.

但是,您追求的是不在菜单上。 如果您使用的是iOS 8或更早版本,则确切的信号强度将显示在现场测试屏幕的左上角。 如果您使用的是iOS 9或更高版本,则该读数将替换为“返回电话”链接。

To view your signal strength in iOS 9, you’ll use a little trick to replace your bars on your main screen with the signal strength measurement (and you can also do this on earlier versions of iOS if you want). Hold down the Power button until the “Slide to Power Off” message appears, but don’t power off. Let go of the Power button and then press and hold your Home button until your home screen reappears. You should now see the signal strength displayed where your bars used to be.

要在iOS 9中查看信号强度,您将使用一些技巧来将主屏幕上的条形替换为信号强度测量(如果需要,您也可以在iOS的早期版本中执行此操作)。 按住电源按钮,直到出现“ Slide to Power Off”消息,但不要关闭电源。 放开电源按钮,然后按住主屏幕按钮,直到重新出现主屏幕。 现在,您应该看到信号强度显示在您的条形位置。

This change will last until you restart your phone (or until you repeat the process above). You can also tap the signal strength number to switch between signal strength and bars.

更改将持续到您重新启动手机(或重复上述过程)为止。 您也可以点击信号强度编号以在信号强度和条形之间切换。

Once you have your signal strength visible, you can walk around your home (or whatever location you’re testing) and see the precise signal strength wherever you go. Just keep in mind that strength is shown in decibels and will be on a negative scale (so, a signal of -75 is stronger than -115). If you notice that your signal strength is weaker inside your home, but reasonably good outside, you may be a perfect candidate for a signal booster. You can even walk the outside of your home to find where the signal strength is strongest, so you know the best spot to place an external antenna.

看到信号强度后,您就可以在家里(或要测试的任何位置)走动,无论走到哪里,都可以看到精确的信号强度。 请记住,强度以分贝为单位显示,并且将以负数显示(因此,-75的信号比-115的信号强)。 如果您发现自己的信号强度在房屋内部较弱,但在室外则相当好,那么您可能是信号增强器的理想之选。 您甚至可以走出家门,找到信号强度最强的地方,因此您知道放置外部天线的最佳位置。

Exact signal strengths will vary a bit depending on your carrier and whether you’re on a 3G or 4G network. In general, though, you can consider a signal above -80 to be close to full strength (full bars) and a signal below -110 to be very weak (one bar).

确切的信号强度会有所不同,具体取决于您的运营商以及您使用的是3G还是4G网络。 但是,通常,您可以认为高于-80的信号接近全强度(实线),低于-110的信号则非常弱(1条)。

While there’s a lot more in the field test mode that might be of interest to developers and cellular techs, being able to see the actual signal strength rather than just how many bars you have can really help you determine the optimal placement for a signal booster. It can also help you test service in certain areas (like your home) on your friend’s phones before you commit to a carrier.

尽管开发人员和蜂窝技术人员可能会感兴趣的还有很多现场测试模式,但是能够看到实际的信号强度,而不是看到实际的信号强度可以真正帮助您确定信号增强器的最佳位置。 在您选择运营商之前,它还可以帮助您在朋友手机上的某些区域(例如您的家)中测试服务。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/252949/how-to-access-your-iphones-field-test-mode-and-see-your-real-signal-strength/

iphone 信号对应设备

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