
Most of us use emoji on our iPhone, but until recently finding the right one has been tricky. Luckily, starting in iOS 14, you can now search for emoji directly within the Emoji keyboard in any app on an iPhone. Here’s how.

我们大多数人在iPhone上使用表情符号 ,但是直到最近找到合适的表情符号 还是很棘手的 。 幸运的是,从iOS 14开始,您现在可以直接在iPhone上任何应用程序的表情符号键盘中搜索表情符号。 这是如何做。

First, open the app you’d like to type an emoji into. Tap any text-input area, and when the on-screen keyboard appears, tap the emoji keyboard button.

首先,打开您要在其中输入表情符号的应用程序。 点击任意文本输入区域,然后在出现屏幕键盘时,点击表情符号键盘按钮。

(If you don’t see the emoji button in your on-screen keyboard, that means the emoji keyboard has been deactivated in Settings. To get it back, navigate to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards. Tap “Add New Keyboard.” Select, “Emoji.”)

(如果您在屏幕键盘上看不到表情符号按钮,则表示表情符号键盘已在“设置”中停用 。要恢复该表情符号 ,请导航至“设置”>“常规”>“键盘”>“键盘”。点按“添加新键盘”。)选择“表情符号”。)

When the emoji keyboard pops up, tap the “Search Emoji” text input area. If you don’t see the “Search Emoji” area, you’ll need to update your iPhone to iOS 14 or later first.

当表情符号键盘弹出时,点击“搜索表情符号”文本输入区域。 如果您没有看到“搜索表情符号”区域,则需要先将iPhone更新到iOS 14或更高版本 。

Type in a word that describes the emoji you’re looking for, and you will see potential matches displayed horizontally in an area just under the search box. And you can search by category as well. For example, typing “fire” will bring up the flame emoji, a fireball, a firetruck, and more.

输入描述您正在寻找的表情符号的单词,您将在搜索框下方的区域中水平显示潜在的匹配项。 您也可以按类别搜索。 例如,键入“ fire”将显示火焰表情符号,火球,救火车等。

If you type in a word with a large number of potential matches (such as “animal” in this example), you can scroll through them by sliding your finger to the left or right along the search result bar. As you swipe, more emoji will be revealed.

如果您输入的单词具有大量潜在的匹配项(例如本例中的“动物”),则可以通过沿搜索结果栏向左或向右滑动手指来滚动浏览它们。 滑动时会显示更多表情符号。

When you locate the emoji you’d like to use, tap it, and it will be inserted into the app you’re using.


As of this writing, this technique only works on iPhone, but the emoji search bar may come to iPad soon in a future update. For now, if you’d like to search for emoji on your iPad, you’ll have to use the older “predictive text” technique.

在撰写本文时,此技术仅适用于iPhone,但表情符号搜索栏可能会在以后的更新中很快出现在iPad上。 现在,如果您想在iPad上搜索表情符号,则必须使用较旧的“预测文本”技术 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/691102/how-to-search-for-a-specific-emoji-on-iphone/



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