
/* Utility functions for writing output validators for the Kattis* problem format.** The primary functions and variables available are the following.* In many cases, the only functions needed are "init_io",* "wrong_answer", and "accept".** - init_io(argc, argv):*        initialization** - judge_in, judge_ans, author_out:*        std::istream objects for judge input file, judge answer*        file, and submission output file.** - accept():*        exit and give Accepted!** - accept_with_score(double score):*        exit with Accepted and give a score (for scoring problems)** - judge_message(std::string msg, ...):*        printf-style function for emitting a judge message (a*        message that gets displayed to a privileged user with access*        to secret data etc).** - wrong_answer(std::string msg, ...):*        printf-style function for exitting and giving Wrong Answer,*        and emitting a judge message (which would typically explain*        the cause of the Wrong Answer)** - judge_error(std::string msg, ...):*        printf-style function for exitting and giving Judge Error,*        and emitting a judge message (which would typically explain*        the cause of the Judge Error)** - author_message(std::string msg, ...):*        printf-style function for emitting an author message (a*        message that gets displayed to the author of the*        submission).  (Use with caution, and be careful not to let*        it leak information!)**/
#pragma once#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>typedef void (*feedback_function)(const std::string &, ...);const int EXITCODE_AC = 42;
const int EXITCODE_WA = 43;
const std::string FILENAME_AUTHOR_MESSAGE = "teammessage.txt";
const std::string FILENAME_JUDGE_MESSAGE = "judgemessage.txt";
const std::string FILENAME_JUDGE_ERROR = "judgeerror.txt";
const std::string FILENAME_SCORE = "score.txt";#define USAGE "%s: judge_in judge_ans feedback_dir < author_out\n"std::ifstream judge_in, judge_ans;
std::istream author_out(std::cin.rdbuf());char *feedbackdir = NULL;void vreport_feedback(const std::string &category,const std::string &msg,va_list pvar) {std::ostringstream fname;if (feedbackdir)fname << feedbackdir << '/';fname << category;FILE *f = fopen(fname.str().c_str(), "a");assert(f);vfprintf(f, msg.c_str(), pvar);fclose(f);
}void report_feedback(const std::string &category, const std::string &msg, ...) {va_list pvar;va_start(pvar, msg);vreport_feedback(category, msg, pvar);
}void author_message(const std::string &msg, ...) {va_list pvar;va_start(pvar, msg);vreport_feedback(FILENAME_AUTHOR_MESSAGE, msg, pvar);
}void judge_message(const std::string &msg, ...) {va_list pvar;va_start(pvar, msg);vreport_feedback(FILENAME_JUDGE_MESSAGE, msg, pvar);
}void wrong_answer(const std::string &msg, ...) {va_list pvar;va_start(pvar, msg);vreport_feedback(FILENAME_JUDGE_MESSAGE, msg, pvar);exit(EXITCODE_WA);
}void judge_error(const std::string &msg, ...) {va_list pvar;va_start(pvar, msg);vreport_feedback(FILENAME_JUDGE_ERROR, msg, pvar);assert(0);
}void accept() {exit(EXITCODE_AC);
}void accept_with_score(double scorevalue) {report_feedback(FILENAME_SCORE, "%.9le", scorevalue);exit(EXITCODE_AC);
}bool is_directory(const char *path) {struct stat entry;return stat(path, &entry) == 0 && S_ISDIR(entry.st_mode);
}void init_io(int argc, char **argv) {if(argc < 4) {fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]);judge_error("Usage: %s judgein judgeans feedbackdir [opts] < userout", argv[0]);}// Set up feedbackdir first, as that allows us to produce feedback// files for errors in the other parameters.if (!is_directory(argv[3])) {judge_error("%s: %s is not a directory\n", argv[0], argv[3]);}feedbackdir = argv[3];judge_in.open(argv[1], std::ios_base::in);if (judge_in.fail()) {judge_error("%s: failed to open %s\n", argv[0], argv[1]);}judge_ans.open(argv[2], std::ios_base::in);if (judge_ans.fail()) {judge_error("%s: failed to open %s\n", argv[0], argv[2]);}author_out.rdbuf(std::cin.rdbuf());
}#include <regex>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char **argv) {init_io(argc, argv);int n, m, rounds = 0, no_matches = 0;judge_in >> n >> m;bool played[m][n][m][n];memset(played, 0, sizeof(played));regex match_regex("([A-Za-z])([0-9]+)-([A-Za-z])([0-9]+)");string line;while (getline(author_out, line)) {rounds++;istringstream iss(line);string match;bool pr[m][n];memset(pr, 0, sizeof(pr));while (iss >> match) {cout << match << endl;smatch mr;if (!regex_match(match, mr, match_regex)) {wrong_answer("Invalid match format in round %d: %s", rounds, match.c_str());}char c1 = mr[1].str()[0], c2 = mr[3].str()[0];int t1 = (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z') ? (c1 - 'A') : (c1 - 'a');int t2 = (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z') ? (c2 - 'A') : (c2 - 'a');int p1 = atoi(mr[2].str().c_str()) - 1, p2 = atoi(mr[4].str().c_str()) - 1;if (t1 < 0 || t2 < 0 || t1 >= m || t2 >= m || p1 < 0 || p2 < 0 || p1 >= n || p2 >= n) {wrong_answer("Invalid player reference in round %d: %s", rounds, match.c_str());}if (t1 == t2) {wrong_answer("Round %d: %s: Players from same team should not play against each other", rounds, match.c_str());}if (played[t1][p1][t2][p2]) {wrong_answer("Round %d: %s: Players have already played against each other", rounds, match.c_str());}if (pr[t1][p1] || pr[t2][p2]) {wrong_answer("Round %d: %s: Players have already played in this round", rounds, match.c_str());}pr[t1][p1] = true;pr[t2][p2] = true;played[t1][p1][t2][p2] = true;played[t2][p2][t1][p1] = true;no_matches++;}}if (rounds > n * (m-1) + 1) {wrong_answer("Too many rounds! Solution had %d rounds, but only %d allowed.", rounds, n * (m-1) + 1);}if (no_matches != m*n*(m-1)*n/2) {wrong_answer("There are %d matches missing in the schedule!", m*n*(m-1)*n/2 - no_matches);}accept();


#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>typedef void (*feedback_function)(const std::string &, ...);const int EXITCODE_AC =0;
const int EXITCODE_WA = 1;
const std::string FILENAME_AUTHOR_MESSAGE = "teammessage.txt";
const std::string FILENAME_JUDGE_MESSAGE = "judgemessage.txt";
const std::string FILENAME_JUDGE_ERROR = "judgeerror.txt";
const std::string FILENAME_SCORE = "score.txt";#define USAGE "%s: judge_in judge_ans feedback_dir < author_out\n"std::ifstream judge_in, judge_ans;
std::ifstream author_out;char *feedbackdir = NULL;void vreport_feedback(const std::string &category,const std::string &msg,va_list pvar) {std::ostringstream fname;if (feedbackdir)fname << feedbackdir << '/';fname << category;FILE *f = fopen(fname.str().c_str(), "a");assert(f);vfprintf(f, msg.c_str(), pvar);fclose(f);
}void report_feedback(const std::string &category, const std::string &msg, ...) {va_list pvar;va_start(pvar, msg);vreport_feedback(category, msg, pvar);
}void author_message(const std::string &msg, ...) {va_list pvar;va_start(pvar, msg);vreport_feedback(FILENAME_AUTHOR_MESSAGE, msg, pvar);
}void judge_message(const std::string &msg, ...) {va_list pvar;va_start(pvar, msg);vreport_feedback(FILENAME_JUDGE_MESSAGE, msg, pvar);
}void wrong_answer(const std::string &msg, ...) {//va_list pvar;//va_start(pvar, msg);//vreport_feedback(FILENAME_JUDGE_MESSAGE, msg, pvar);exit(EXITCODE_WA);
}void judge_error(const std::string &msg, ...) {//va_list pvar;// va_start(pvar, msg);// vreport_feedback(FILENAME_JUDGE_ERROR, msg, pvar);assert(0);
}void accept() {exit(EXITCODE_AC);
}void accept_with_score(double scorevalue) {// report_feedback(FILENAME_SCORE, "%.9le", scorevalue);exit(EXITCODE_AC);
}bool is_directory(const char *path) {struct stat entry;return stat(path, &entry) == 0 && S_ISDIR(entry.st_mode);
}void init_io(int argc, char **argv) {/* if(argc < 4) {fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]);judge_error("Usage: %s judgein judgeans feedbackdir [opts] < userout", argv[0]);}if (!is_directory(argv[3])) {judge_error("%s: %s is not a directory\n", argv[0], argv[3]);}feedbackdir = argv[3];
*/judge_in.open(argv[1], std::ios_base::in);if (judge_in.fail()) {judge_error("%s: failed to open %s\n", argv[0], argv[1]);}judge_ans.open(argv[2], std::ios_base::in);if (judge_ans.fail()) {judge_error("%s: failed to open %s\n", argv[0], argv[2]);}author_out.open(argv[3], std::ios_base::in);if (author_out.fail()) {judge_error("%s: failed to open %s\n", argv[0], argv[3]);///}
}#include <regex>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char **argv) {init_io(argc, argv);int n, m, rounds = 0, no_matches = 0;judge_in >> n >> m;bool played[m][n][m][n];memset(played, 0, sizeof(played));regex match_regex("([A-Za-z])([0-9]+)-([A-Za-z])([0-9]+)");string line;while (getline(author_out, line)) {rounds++;istringstream iss(line);string match;bool pr[m][n];memset(pr, 0, sizeof(pr));while (iss >> match) {cout << match << endl;smatch mr;if (!regex_match(match, mr, match_regex)) {wrong_answer("Invalid match format in round %d: %s", rounds, match.c_str());}char c1 = mr[1].str()[0], c2 = mr[3].str()[0];int t1 = (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z') ? (c1 - 'A') : (c1 - 'a');int t2 = (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z') ? (c2 - 'A') : (c2 - 'a');int p1 = atoi(mr[2].str().c_str()) - 1, p2 = atoi(mr[4].str().c_str()) - 1;if (t1 < 0 || t2 < 0 || t1 >= m || t2 >= m || p1 < 0 || p2 < 0 || p1 >= n || p2 >= n) {wrong_answer("Invalid player reference in round %d: %s", rounds, match.c_str());}if (t1 == t2) {wrong_answer("Round %d: %s: Players from same team should not play against each other", rounds, match.c_str());}if (played[t1][p1][t2][p2]) {wrong_answer("Round %d: %s: Players have already played against each other", rounds, match.c_str());}if (pr[t1][p1] || pr[t2][p2]) {wrong_answer("Round %d: %s: Players have already played in this round", rounds, match.c_str());}pr[t1][p1] = true;pr[t2][p2] = true;played[t1][p1][t2][p2] = true;played[t2][p2][t1][p1] = true;no_matches++;}}if (rounds > n * (m-1) + 1) {wrong_answer("Too many rounds! Solution had %d rounds, but only %d allowed.", rounds, n * (m-1) + 1);}if (no_matches != m*n*(m-1)*n/2) {wrong_answer("There are %d matches missing in the schedule!", m*n*(m-1)*n/2 - no_matches);}accept();

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