
typedef std::valarry<int> ArrayInt;
typedef Pair<ArrayInt, ArrayInt> PairArray;

这样,PairArray表示的是类型Pair<std::valarray, std::valarray >。使用包含来实现Wine类,并用一个简单的程序对其进行测试。Wine类应该有一个默认构造函数以及如下构造函数:

Wine(const char* l, int y, const int yr[], const int bot[]);
Wine(const char* l, int y);

Wine类应该有一个GetBottles( )方法,它根据Wine对象能够存储几种年份(y),提示用户输入年份和瓶数。方法Label( )返回一个指向葡萄酒名称的引用。sum( )方法返回Pair对象中第二个valarray对象中的瓶数总和。

int main()
{cout << "Enter name of wine: ";char lab[50];cin.getline(lab, 50);cout << "Enter number of years: ";int yrs;cin >> yrs;Wine holding(lab, yrs);holding.GetBottles();holding.Show();const int YRS = 3;int y[YRS] = {1993, 1995, 1998};int b[YRS] = {48, 60, 72};Wine more("Gushing Grape  Red", YRS, y, b);more.Show();cout << "Total bottle for " << more.Label()<<": " << more.sum() << endl;cout << "Bye\n";return 0;


Enter name of wine: Gully Wash
Enter number of years: 4
Enter Gully Wash data for 4 year(s):
Enter year: 1988
Enter bottles for that year: 42
Enter year: 1994
Enter bottles for that year: 58
Enter year: 1998
Enter bottles for that year: 122
Enter year: 2001
Enter bottles for that year: 144
Wine: Gully WashYear Bottles1988 421994 581998 1222001 144
Wine: Gushing Grape  RedYear Bottles1993 481995 601998 72
Total bottle for Gushing Grape  Red: 180
#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <valarray>
#include <string>class Wine
{typedef std::valarray<int> ArrayInt;typedef std::pair<ArrayInt, ArrayInt> PairArray;public:Wine(const char* l, int y, const int yr[], const int bot[]);Wine(const char* l, int y);~Wine() {};void GetBottles();std::string& Label();int sum()const;void Show()const;private:std::string label;PairArray info;int yearnum;
};#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include"class.h"Wine::Wine(const char* l, int y, const int yr[], const int bot[])
{label = l;yearnum = y;info.first.resize(yearnum);info.second.resize(yearnum);for (int i = 0; i < y; i++)   {info.first[i] = yr[i];info.second[i] = bot[i];}
}Wine::Wine(const char* l, int y)
{label = l;yearnum = y;
}void Wine::GetBottles()
{using namespace std;cout << "Enter " << label << " data for " << yearnum << " year(s):\n";info.first.resize(yearnum);  //这一步非常重要,不重新设置长度的话会退出info.second.resize(yearnum);for (int i = 0;i < yearnum;i++){cout << "Enter year: ";cin >> info.first[i];cout << "Enter bottles for that year: ";cin >> info.second[i];}
}std::string& Wine::Label()
{return label;
}int Wine::sum() const
{return info.second.sum();
}void Wine::Show() const
{using namespace std;cout << "Wine: " << label << endl;;cout << "\tYear\tBottles\n";for (int i = 0;i < yearnum;i++){cout << '\t'<<info.first[i];cout << '\t' << info.second[i] << endl;}
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/5/6
* 描述:
************************************************* */
using namespace std;int main()
{cout << "Enter name of wine: ";char lab[50];cin.getline(lab, 50);cout << "Enter number of years: ";int yrs;cin >> yrs;Wine holding(lab, yrs);holding.GetBottles();holding.Show();const int YRS = 3;int y[YRS] = { 1993, 1995, 1998 };int b[YRS] = { 48, 60, 72 };Wine more("Gushing Grape  Red", YRS, y, b);more.Show();cout << "Total bottle for " << more.Label()<< ": " << more.sum() << endl;cout << "Bye\n";return 0;


cout<<(const string& )(*this);


#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <valarray>
#include <string>typedef std::valarray<int> ArrayInt;
typedef std::pair<ArrayInt, ArrayInt> PairArray;class Wine :private std::string, private PairArray
{public:Wine(const char* l, int y, const int yr[], const int bot[]);Wine(const char* l, int y);~Wine() {};void GetBottles();std::string Label();int sum()const;void Show()const;private:int yearnum;
};#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include"class.h"Wine::Wine(const char* l, int y, const int yr[], const int bot[]):std::string(l),yearnum(y),PairArray(ArrayInt(yr,y), ArrayInt(bot, y))
{}Wine::Wine(const char* l, int y):std::string(l),yearnum(y)
{}void Wine::GetBottles()
{using namespace std;cout << "Enter " <<std::string::c_str()<< " data for " << yearnum << " year(s):\n";PairArray::first.resize(yearnum);PairArray::second.resize(yearnum);for (int i = 0;i < yearnum;i++){cout << "Enter year: ";cin >> PairArray::first[i];cout << "Enter bottles for that year: ";cin >> PairArray::second[i];}
}std::string Wine::Label()
{std::string st = std::string::c_str();return st;
}int Wine::sum() const
{return PairArray::second.sum();
}void Wine::Show() const
{using namespace std;cout << "Wine: " << std::string::c_str() << endl;;cout << "\tYear\tBottles\n";for (int i = 0;i < yearnum;i++){cout << '\t'<<PairArray::first[i];cout << '\t' << PairArray::second[i] << endl;}


#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <valarray>
#include <string>class Worker
{public:Worker() :fullname("no one"), id(0L) {};Worker(const std::string& s, long n) :fullname(s), id(n) {};~Worker() ;void Set(const char* name, long id);void Show()const ;private:std::string fullname;long id;
protected:virtual void Data()const;virtual void Get();
};template<typename T>
class QueueTp
{public:QueueTp(int qs = Q_SIZE);~QueueTp();bool isempty()const;bool isfull()const;int quequecount()const;bool enqueue(const T& item);bool dequeue(T& item);
private:struct Node { T item;struct Node* next;};enum { Q_SIZE = 10 };Node* front;Node* rear;int items;const int qsize;QueueTp(const QueueTp& q) :qsize(0) {}QueueTp& operator=(const QueueTp& q) { return *this; }
template<typename T>
QueueTp<T>::QueueTp(int qs) :qsize(qs)
{}template<typename T>
{Node* temp;while (front != NULL){temp = front;front = front->next;delete temp;}
}template<typename T>
bool QueueTp<T>::isempty() const
{return items == 0;
}template<typename T>
bool QueueTp<T>::isfull() const
{return items == qsize;
}template<typename T>
int QueueTp<T>::quequecount() const
{return items;
}template<typename T>
bool QueueTp<T>::enqueue(const T& item)
{if (isfull())return false;Node* add = new Node;add->item = item;add->next = NULL;items++;if (front == NULL)front = add;elserear->next = add;rear = add;return true;
}template<typename T>
bool QueueTp<T>::dequeue(T& item)
{if (front == NULL)return false;item = front->item;items--;Node* detemp = front;front = front->next;delete detemp;if (items == 0)rear = NULL;return true;
}#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include <string>
void Worker::Set(const char* name, long num)
{fullname = name;id = num;
void Worker::Show() const
{using std::cout;using std::endl;cout << "Name: " << fullname << endl;cout << "ID: " << id << endl;
void Worker::Data() const
{std::cout << "Name: " << fullname << std::endl;std::cout << "Employee ID: " << id << std::endl;
}void Worker::Get()
{using std::cout;using std::cin;getline(cin, fullname);cout << "Enter worker's ID: ";cin >> id;while (cin.get() != '\n')continue;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/5/6
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include"class.h"int main()
{using namespace std;QueueTp<Worker> workerque;Worker w1("Tom", 10000);Worker w2("Mike", 10001);workerque.enqueue(w1);workerque.enqueue(w2);Worker temp;workerque.dequeue(temp);temp.Show();cout << "Bye.\n";return 0;

4.Person类保存人的名和姓。除构造函数外,它还有Show( )方法,用于显示名和姓。Gunslinger类以Person类为虚基类派生而来,它包含一个Draw( )成员,该方法返回一个double值,表示枪手的拔枪时间。这个类还包含一个int成员,表示枪手枪上的刻痕数。最后,这个类还包含一个Show( )函数,用于显示所有这些信息。
PokerPlayer类以Person类为虚基类派生而来。它包含一个Draw( )成员,该函数返回一个1~52的随机数,用于表示扑克牌的值(也可以定义一个Card类,其中包含花色和面值成员,然后让Draw( )返回一个Card对象)。PokerPlayer类使用Person类的show( )函数。BadDude( )类从Gunslinger和PokerPlayer类公有派生而来。它包含Gdraw( )成员(返回坏蛋拔枪的时间)和Cdraw( )成员(返回下一张扑克牌),另外还有一个合适的Show( )函数。

#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Person
{public:Person(const string fn="none", const string ln="\0");virtual ~Person() {};void Data()const;virtual void Show()const;private:std::string firstname;std::string lastname;};class Gunslinger: virtual public Person
{public:Gunslinger(const string fn = "none", const string ln = "\0", int n = 0, double t = 0.0);~Gunslinger() {};void Data()const;double Draw();void Show()const;
private:int notches;double time;
};class PokePlayer:virtual public Person
{public:PokePlayer(const string fn = "none", const string ln = "\0");~PokePlayer() {};void Data()const;int Draw();
private:int pokenum;
class BadDude:public Gunslinger,public PokePlayer
{public:BadDude(const string fn = "none", const string ln = "\0", int n = 0, double t = 0.0);~BadDude() {};double Gdraw();int Cdraw();void Show()const;
};#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include"class.h"Person::Person(const string fn, const string ln)
{firstname = fn;lastname = ln;
}void Person::Show() const
}void Person::Data() const
{std::cout << "Full name: " << firstname << " " << lastname << '\n';
}Gunslinger::Gunslinger(const string fn, const string ln, int n,double t):Person(fn,ln),notches(n),time(t)
{}void Gunslinger::Data() const
{std::cout << "Notch(es): " << notches << std::endl;
}double Gunslinger::Draw()
{return time;
}void Gunslinger::Show() const
}PokePlayer::PokePlayer(const string fn, const string ln):Person(fn,ln)
{pokenum = rand() % 52;
}void PokePlayer::Data() const
{std::cout << "Poke Number: " << pokenum << std::endl;
}int PokePlayer::Draw()
{return pokenum;
}BadDude::BadDude(const string fn, const string ln, int n, double t):Person(fn,ln),Gunslinger(fn,ln,n,t),PokePlayer(fn,ln)
{}double BadDude::Gdraw()
{int temp=Gunslinger::Draw();return temp;
}int BadDude::Cdraw()
{double temp = PokePlayer::Draw();return temp;
}void BadDude::Show() const
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/5/6
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include"class.h"int main()
{using namespace std;const int SIZE = 3;Person* p[SIZE];int n;double t;for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){char flag;cout << "Enter the person category:\n" << "g: Gunslinger  p: PokerPlayer  b: BadDude  q: Quit\n";cin >> flag;while (strchr("gpbq", flag) == NULL){cout << "Please enter a g, p, b, or q: ";cin >> flag;}if (flag == 'q'){break;}cin.get();   //清除换行符string fname;string lname;cout << "Please enter the first name: ";getline(cin, fname);cout << "Please enter the last name: ";getline(cin, lname);switch (flag){case 'g':cout << "Enter notch(es): ";cin >> n;cout << "Enter time of gun: ";cin >> t;p[i] = new Gunslinger(fname, lname, n, t);break;case 'p':p[i] = new PokePlayer(fname, lname);break;case 'b':cout << "Enter notch(es): ";cin >> n;cout << "Enter time of gun: ";cin >> t;p[i] = new BadDude(fname, lname, n, t);break;}}cout << "\nHere is your person:\n";for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){cout << endl;p[i]->Show();}for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)delete p[i];cout << "Bye\n";system("pause");return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class AbstrEmp
{private:string _fname;string _lname;string _job;
public:AbstrEmp();AbstrEmp(const std::string& fn, const string& ln, const string& j);virtual void showAll()const;virtual void setAll();friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const AbstrEmp& e);virtual ~AbstrEmp() = 0;
class Employee : public AbstrEmp
{public:Employee();Employee(const string& fn, const string& ln, const string& j);virtual void showAll()const;virtual void setAll();
};class Manager : virtual public AbstrEmp
{private:int _inchargeof;
protected:int inChargeOf()const{return _inchargeof;}int& inChargeOf(){return _inchargeof;}
public:Manager();Manager(const string& fn, const string& ln, const string& j0, int ico = 0);Manager(const AbstrEmp& e, int ico);Manager(const Manager& m);virtual void showAll()const;virtual void setAll();
};class Fink : virtual public AbstrEmp
{private:string _reportsto;
protected:const string reportsTo() const{ return _reportsto; }string& reportsTo(){ return _reportsto; }
public:Fink();Fink(const string& fn, const string& ln, const string& j, const string& rpo);Fink(const AbstrEmp& e, const string& rpo);Fink(const Fink& e);virtual void showAll()const;virtual void setAll();
};class HighFink: public Manager, public Fink
{public:HighFink();HighFink(const string& fn, const string& ln, const string& j, const string& rpo, int ico);HighFink(const AbstrEmp& e, const string& rpo, int ico);HighFink(const Fink& f, int ico);HighFink(const Manager& m, const string& rpo);HighFink(const HighFink& h);virtual void showAll()const;virtual void setAll();

注意,该类层次结构使用了带虚基类的MI,所以要牢记这种情况下用于构造函数初始化列表的特殊规则。还需要注意的是,有些方法被声明为保护的。这可以简化一些highfink方法的代码(例如,如果highfink::ShowAll( )只是调用fink::ShowAll( )和manager::ShwAll(),则它将调用abstr_emp::ShowAll( )两次)。请提供类方法的实现,并在一个程序中对这些类进行测试。下面是一个小型测试程序:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "emp.h"int main(void)
{Employee em("Trip", "Harris", "Thumper");cout << em << endl;em.showAll();Manager ma("Amorphia", "Spindragon", "Nuancer", 5);cout << ma << endl;ma.showAll();Fink fi("Matt", "Oggs", "Oiler", "Juno Barr");cout << fi << endl;fi.showAll();HighFink hf(ma, "Curly Kew");hf.showAll();cout << "Press a key for next phase:\n";cin.get();HighFink hf2;hf2.setAll();cout << "Using an abstr_emp * pointer:\n";AbstrEmp* tri[4] = { &em, &fi, &hf, &hf2 };for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){tri[i]->showAll();}return 0;


为什么要将ShowAll( )和SetAll( )定义为虚的?



为什么只需要一个operator<<( )版本?


abstr_emp tri[4] = {em, fi, hf, hf2};
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)tri[i].showAll()


#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;class AbstrEmp
{private:string fname;string lname;string job;
public:AbstrEmp();AbstrEmp(const std::string& fn, const string& ln, const string& j) :fname(fn), lname(ln), job(j) {};virtual void showAll()const;virtual void setAll();friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const AbstrEmp& e);virtual ~AbstrEmp() = 0;
class Employee : public AbstrEmp
{public:Employee() :AbstrEmp() {}Employee(const string& fn, const string& ln, const string& j) :AbstrEmp(fn, ln, j) {}virtual void showAll()const { AbstrEmp::showAll(); }virtual void setAll() { AbstrEmp::setAll(); }
};class Manager : virtual public AbstrEmp
{private:int inchargeof;
protected:int inChargeOf()const { return inchargeof; }int& inChargeOf() { return inchargeof; }
public:Manager() :AbstrEmp(),inchargeof(0){}Manager(const string& fn, const string& ln, const string& j0, int ico = 0) :AbstrEmp(fn, ln, j0), inchargeof(ico) {}Manager(const AbstrEmp& e, int ico) :AbstrEmp(e), inchargeof(ico) {} Manager(const Manager& m) :AbstrEmp(m) { inchargeof = m.inchargeof; }virtual void showAll()const;virtual void setAll();};class Fink : virtual public AbstrEmp
{private:string reportsto;
protected:const string reportsTo() const { return reportsto; }string& reportsTo() { return reportsto; }
public:Fink() :AbstrEmp() {}Fink(const string& fn, const string& ln, const string& j, const string& rpo) :AbstrEmp(fn, ln, j), reportsto(rpo) {}Fink(const AbstrEmp& e, const string& rpo) :AbstrEmp(e), reportsto(rpo) {}Fink(const Fink& e) :AbstrEmp(e) {}virtual void showAll()const;virtual void setAll();
class HighFink : public Manager, public Fink
{public:HighFink() :AbstrEmp(), Manager(), Fink() {}HighFink(const string& fn, const string& ln, const string& j, const string& rpo, int ico) :AbstrEmp(fn, ln, j), Manager(fn, ln, j, ico), Fink(fn, ln, j, rpo) {}HighFink(const AbstrEmp& e, const string& rpo, int ico):AbstrEmp(e), Manager(e, ico), Fink(e, rpo) {}HighFink(const Fink& f, int ico) :AbstrEmp(f), Fink(f),Manager(f,ico) {}    //Manager(f,ico)将f回传给AbstrEmp(),但会被虚继承的机制阻断,这样写只是利用Manager(f,ico)重设了icoHighFink(const Manager& m, const string& rpo) :AbstrEmp(m), Manager(m), Fink(m, rpo) {}    HighFink(const HighFink& h) :AbstrEmp(h), Manager(h), Fink(h) {}virtual void showAll()const;virtual void setAll();
#endif // !CLASS_H_
{fname = "None";lname = '\0';job = "None";
}void AbstrEmp::showAll() const
{cout << endl;cout << "Name: " << fname << " " << lname << endl;cout << "Job:" << job << endl;
}void AbstrEmp::setAll()
{cin.get();                         //清除上一个cin留下的换行符cout << "Enter first name: ";getline(cin, fname);cout << "Enter last name: ";getline(cin, lname);cout << "Enter job: ";getline(cin, job);
}ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const AbstrEmp& e)
{os << std::endl;os << e.fname << " " << e.lname;return os;
AbstrEmp:: ~AbstrEmp()
{}void Manager::showAll() const
{AbstrEmp::showAll();cout << "Inchargeof: " << inchargeof << endl;
}void Manager::setAll()
{AbstrEmp::setAll();cout << "Enter inchargeof: ";cin >> inChargeOf();
}void Fink::showAll() const
{AbstrEmp::showAll();cout << "Reperts to: " << reportsto << endl;
}void Fink::setAll()
{AbstrEmp::setAll();cin.get();cout << "Enter reportsto: ";getline(cin, reportsTo());}void HighFink::showAll() const
{AbstrEmp::showAll();cout << "Inchargeof: "<< Manager::inChargeOf() << endl;cout << "Reportsto: " << Fink::reportsTo() << endl;
}void HighFink::setAll()
{AbstrEmp::setAll();cout << "Enter number of in-charge-of: ";cin >> Manager::inChargeOf();cin.get();cout << "Enter name reports to: ";getline(cin, Fink::reportsTo());
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/5/8
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include"class.h"int main(void)
{Employee em("Trip", "Harris", "Thumper");cout << em << endl;em.showAll();Manager ma("Amorphia", "Spindragon", "Nuancer", 5);cout << ma << endl;ma.showAll();Fink fi("Matt", "Oggs", "Oiler", "Juno Barr");cout << fi << endl;fi.showAll();HighFink hf(ma, "Curly Kew");hf.showAll();cout << "Press a key for next phase:\n";cin.get();HighFink hf2;hf2.setAll();cout << "Using an abstr_emp * pointer:\n";AbstrEmp* tri[4] = { &em, &fi, &hf, &hf2 };for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){tri[i]->showAll();}return 0;

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