


0          0             1            2            3

0          0            0.12        0            0

1          0.12        0            0.34       0.52

2          0            0.34        0            0.22

3          0            0.52         0.28       0


0     {to:1,w:0.12}

1     {to:0,w:0.12}、 {to:2,w:0.34}、 {to:3,w:0.52}

2      {to:1,w:0.34}、 {to:3,w:0.28}

3      {to:1,w:0.52}、 {to:2,w:0.28}


// 边
public class Edge<Weight extends Number & Comparable> implements Comparable<Edge>{//有向边,从a指向bprivate int a, b;    // 边的两个端点private Weight weight;  // 边的权值public Edge(int a, int b, Weight weight){this.a = a;this.b = b;this.weight = weight;}public Edge(Edge<Weight> e) {this.a = e.a;this.b = e.b;this.weight = e.weight;}public int v(){ return a;} // 返回第一个顶点public int w(){ return b;} // 返回第二个顶点public Weight wt(){ return weight;}    // 返回权值// 给定一个顶点, 返回另一个顶点public int other(int x){assert x == a || x == b;return x == a ? b : a;}// 输出边的信息public String toString(){return "" + a + "-" + b + ": " + weight;}// 边之间的比较public int compareTo(Edge that){if( weight.compareTo(that.wt()) < 0 ){return -1;}else if ( weight.compareTo(that.wt()) > 0 ){return +1;}else{return  0;}}


import java.util.Vector;// 稠密图 - 邻接矩阵
public class DenseWeightedGraph<Weight extends Number & Comparable>implements WeightedGraph{private int n;  // 节点数private int m;  // 边数private boolean directed;   // 是否为有向图private Edge<Weight>[][] g;         // 图的具体数据// 构造函数public DenseWeightedGraph( int n , boolean directed ){assert n >= 0;this.n = n;this.m = 0;    // 初始化没有任何边this.directed = directed;// g初始化为n*n的布尔矩阵, 每一个g[i][j]均为null, 表示没有任和边// false为boolean型变量的默认值g = new Edge[n][n];for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++){for(int j = 0 ; j < n ; j ++){g[i][j] = null;}}}public int V(){ return n;} // 返回节点个数public int E(){ return m;} // 返回边的个数// 向图中添加一个边public void addEdge(Edge e){assert e.v() >= 0 && e.v() < n ;assert e.w() >= 0 && e.w() < n ;if( hasEdge( e.v() , e.w() ) ){return;}g[e.v()][e.w()] = new Edge(e);if( e.v() != e.w() && !directed ){g[e.w()][e.v()] = new Edge(e.w(), e.v(), e.wt());}m ++;}// 验证图中是否有从v到w的边public boolean hasEdge( int v , int w ){assert v >= 0 && v < n ;assert w >= 0 && w < n ;return g[v][w] != null;}// 显示图的信息public void show(){for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ){for( int j = 0 ; j < n ; j ++ ){if( g[i][j] != null ){System.out.print(g[i][j].wt()+"\t");}else{System.out.print("NULL\t");}}System.out.println();}}// 返回图中一个顶点的所有邻边// 由于java使用引用机制,返回一个Vector不会带来额外开销,public Iterable<Edge<Weight>> adj(int v) {assert v >= 0 && v < n;Vector<Edge<Weight>> adjV = new Vector<Edge<Weight>>();for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ){if( g[v][i] != null ){adjV.add( g[v][i] );}}return adjV;}


import java.util.Vector;// 稀疏图 - 邻接表
public class SparseWeightedGraph<Weight extends Number & Comparable>implements WeightedGraph {private int n;  // 节点数private int m;  // 边数private boolean directed;   // 是否为有向图private Vector<Edge<Weight>>[] g;   // 图的具体数据// 构造函数public SparseWeightedGraph( int n , boolean directed ){assert n >= 0;this.n = n;this.m = 0;    // 初始化没有任何边this.directed = directed;// g初始化为n个空的vector, 表示每一个g[i]都为空, 即没有任和边g = (Vector<Edge<Weight>>[])new Vector[n];for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++){g[i] = new Vector<Edge<Weight>>();}}public int V(){ return n;} // 返回节点个数public int E(){ return m;} // 返回边的个数// 向图中添加一个边, 权值为weightpublic void addEdge(Edge e){assert e.v() >= 0 && e.v() < n ;assert e.w() >= 0 && e.w() < n ;// 注意, 由于在邻接表的情况, 查找是否有重边需要遍历整个链表// 我们的程序允许重边的出现g[e.v()].add(new Edge(e));if( e.v() != e.w() && !directed ){g[e.w()].add(new Edge(e.w(), e.v(), e.wt()));}m ++;}// 验证图中是否有从v到w的边public boolean hasEdge( int v , int w ){assert v >= 0 && v < n ;assert w >= 0 && w < n ;for( int i = 0 ; i < g[v].size() ; i ++ ){if( g[v].elementAt(i).other(v) == w )return true;}}return false;}// 显示图的信息public void show(){for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ){System.out.print("vertex " + i + ":\t");for( int j = 0 ; j < g[i].size() ; j ++ ){Edge e = g[i].elementAt(j);System.out.print( "( to:" + e.other(i) + ",wt:" + e.wt() + ")\t");}System.out.println();}}// 返回图中一个顶点的所有邻边// 由于java使用引用机制,返回一个Vector不会带来额外开销,public Iterable<Edge<Weight>> adj(int v) {assert v >= 0 && v < n;return g[v];}


interface WeightedGraph<Weight extends Number & Comparable> {public int V();public int E();public void addEdge(Edge<Weight> e);boolean hasEdge( int v , int w );void show();public Iterable<Edge<Weight>> adj(int v);
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;// 通过文件读取有全图的信息
public class ReadWeightedGraph{private Scanner scanner;// 由于文件格式的限制,我们的文件读取类只能读取权值为Double类型的图public ReadWeightedGraph(WeightedGraph<Double> graph, String filename){readFile(filename);try {int V = scanner.nextInt();if (V < 0){throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of vertices in a Graph must be nonnegative");}assert V == graph.V();int E = scanner.nextInt();if (E < 0){throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of edges in a Graph must be nonnegative");}for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) {int v = scanner.nextInt();int w = scanner.nextInt();Double weight = scanner.nextDouble();assert v >= 0 && v < V;assert w >= 0 && w < V;graph.addEdge(new Edge<Double>(v, w, weight));}}catch (InputMismatchException e) {String token = scanner.next();throw new InputMismatchException("attempts to read an 'int' value from input stream, but the next token is \"" + token + "\"");}catch (NoSuchElementException e) {throw new NoSuchElementException("attemps to read an 'int' value from input stream, but there are no more tokens available");}}private void readFile(String filename){assert filename != null;try {File file = new File(filename);if (file.exists()) {FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);scanner = new Scanner(new BufferedInputStream(fis), "UTF-8");scanner.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH);}elsethrow new IllegalArgumentException(filename + " doesn't exist.");}catch (IOException ioe) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not open " + filename, ioe);}}}
public class Main {// 测试通过文件读取图的信息public static void main(String[] args) {// 使用两种图的存储方式读取testG1.txt文件String filename = "testG1.txt";SparseWeightedGraph<Double> g1 = new SparseWeightedGraph<Double>(8, false);ReadWeightedGraph readGraph1 = new ReadWeightedGraph(g1, filename);System.out.println("test G1 in Sparse Weighted Graph:");g1.show();System.out.println();DenseWeightedGraph<Double> g2 = new DenseWeightedGraph<Double>(8, false);ReadWeightedGraph readGraph2 = new ReadWeightedGraph(g2 , filename );System.out.println("test G1 in Dense Graph:");g2.show();System.out.println();}


8 16
4 5 .35
4 7 .37
5 7 .28
0 7 .16
1 5 .32
0 4 .38
2 3 .17
1 7 .19
0 2 .26
1 2 .36
1 3 .29
2 7 .34
6 2 .40
3 6 .52
6 0 .58
6 4 .93

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