
Macs are supposed to be intuitive, but a few things are downright hidden from users. For example: in the menu bar, the keyboard shortcuts for various actions are laid out using somewhat confusing symbols.

Mac应该是直观的,但是用户看不到一些东西。 例如:在菜单栏中,使用有些混乱的符号来布置各种动作的键盘快捷键。

箭头,弯曲和其他符号的含义 (What the Arrow, Squiggly, and Other Symbols Mean)

You might know that “⌘” corresponds to the Command key, since it actually appears on the keyboard key. But what’s the difference between “⌃” and “⇧,” both basically up arrows? And what the heck is “⌥” supposed to be?

您可能知道“⌘”对应于Command键,因为它实际上出现在键盘键上。 但是“ ⌃”和“⇧”(基本上都是向上箭头)之间有什么区别? 那么“⌥”到底是什么呢?

If you’re trying to learn Mac keyboard shortcuts, this is a problem, so here’s a quick reference. To start, here are the main modifier keys, which you’re likely to see most often:

如果您想学习Mac键盘快捷键 ,这是一个问题,因此这里有一个快速参考。 首先,这里是主要的修改键,您可能会经常看到它们:

  • ⌘ means Command⌘表示命令
  • ⌥ means Option (also called “Alt”)⌥表示Option(也称为“ Alt”)
  • ⌃ means Control⌃表示控制
  • ⇧ means Shift⇧表示Shift

Memorizing these four symbols should be enough for you to learn the vast majority of keyboard shortcuts. It’s particularly important that you remember that “Shift” is the fleshed-out arrow, and “Control” is the simpler shape. At least, those are the two that trip me up most often.

记住这四个符号应该足以让您学习绝大多数的键盘快捷键。 记住“ Shift”是充实的箭头,而“ Control”是更简单的形状,这一点尤其重要。 至少,这两个是最让我绊倒的。

There are a few more symbols that macOS uses to represent keys, which are also worth learning. Here’s a quick list:

macOS还使用其他一些符号来表示密钥,这些符号也值得学习。 快速清单:

  • ⌫ means Delete (called Backspace on Windows keyboards)⌫表示删除(在Windows键盘上称为Backspace)
  • ⌦ means Forward Delete (called Delete on Windows keyboards)⌦表示转发删除(在Windows键盘上称为“删除”)
  • ⏎ means Return (also called “Enter”)⏎表示Return(也称为“ Enter”)
  • ⎋ means Escape⎋表示逃生
  • ⇥ means Tab right⇥表示制表符向右
  • ⇤ means Tab left⇤表示向左跳
  • ⇪ means Caps lock⇪表示大写锁定
  • ⏏ means Eject⏏表示弹出

There are also a few symbols commonly used to refer to the navigation keys. The first four, simple arrows, are intuitive enough:

还有一些通常用于指代导航键的符号。 前四个简单箭头很直观:

  • ↑ means Up↑表示向上
  • ↓ means Down↓表示向下
  • ← means Left←表示左
  • → means Right→表示对

But there are four more such symbols, also arrows but used to mean different things entirely:


  • ⇞ means Page Up⇞表示向上翻页
  • ⇟ means Page Down⇟表示向下翻页
  • ↖︎ means Top (called Home on Windows computers)↖︎表示顶部(在Windows计算机上称为Home)
  • ↘︎ means End↘︎表示结束

If you learn these symbols, you should be able to figure out basically any keyboard shortcut pointed out in the menu bar, or anywhere else online.


这些键盘上的愚蠢符号不是什么? (What Aren’t These Stupid Symbols on my Keyboard?)

You may be wondering: why does Apple use these symbols in the operating system, and not on the physical keyboard? The answer: they used to put these symbols on keyboards everywhere, and still do in many parts of the world. For example, here’s the keyboard of my coworker Harry Guinness, who lives in Ireland:

您可能想知道:Apple为什么在操作系统中而不是在物理键盘上使用这些符号? 答案:他们曾经将这些符号放在世界各地的键盘上,并且仍然在世界许多地方使用 。 例如,这是我的同事哈里·吉尼斯(Harry Guinness)的键盘,他住在爱尔兰:

As you can see, the “⌥” and “⇧” symbols are on the keyboard, replacing the words “Option” and “Shift” entirely. Other countries use these symbols to varying extents. Why this isn’t more standardized, we can’t say, but it would be nice if Apple put symbols used by the operating system on their physical keyboards everywhere. The current situation isn’t exactly user-friendly.

如您所见,键盘上有“⌥”和“⇧”符号,完全取代了“ Option”和“ Shift”一词。 其他国家在不同程度上使用这些符号。 我们不能说为什么它没有更加标准化,但是如果Apple在其物理键盘上到处都放置操作系统使用的符号,那就太好了。 当前的情况并不完全是用户友好的。




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