If you’re editing multiple worksheets in Microsoft Excel, it might be helpful to group them together. This allows you to make changes to the same range of cells across multiple worksheets. Here’s how to do it.

如果要在Microsoft Excel中编辑多个工作表,将它们组合在一起可能会有所帮助。 这使您可以更改多个工作表中单元格的相同范围。 这是操作方法。

在Microsoft Excel中对多个工作表进行分组 (Grouping Multiple Worksheets in Microsoft Excel)

Grouping worksheets together in Excel can be useful if you have an Excel workbook with multiple sheets that contain different data but follow the same layout.


The example below shows this in action. Our Excel workbook, named “School Data,” contains multiple worksheets related to the operation of a school. Three of the worksheets have lists of students for different classes, named “Class A,” “Class B,” and “Class C.”

下面的示例显示了这一点。 我们的Excel工作簿名为“学校数据”,其中包含与学校运营相关的多个工作表。 工作表中的三个包含不同班级的学生列表,分别称为“ A级”,“ B级”和“ C级”。

If we group these worksheets together, any actions we perform on any of these worksheets will be applied to all of them.


For instance, say we want to insert an IF formula in column G (cells G4 to G12) on each worksheet to determine whether any students were born in either 1998 or 1999. If we group the worksheets together before we insert the formula, we can apply it to the same range of cells on all three worksheets.


To group worksheets together, press and hold the Ctrl key and click each worksheet you want to group together at the bottom of the Excel window.


Grouped worksheets appear with a white background, while unselected worksheets appear in gray.


The example below shows the IF formula we suggested above inserted in the “Class B” worksheet. Thanks to worksheet grouping, the same formula was inserted in cells G4 to G12 on the “Class A” and “Class C” worksheets, too.

下面的示例显示了我们在“ B类”工作表中插入的我们上面建议的IF公式。 由于工作表分组,相同的公式也插入到“ A类”和“ C类”工作表的单元格G4至G12中。

If we further modify any of these cells—like by adding a second set of formulas to column H—the change will be applied to all the grouped worksheets simultaneously.


在Microsoft Excel中对所有工作表进行分组 (Grouping All Worksheets in Microsoft Excel)

When you press and hold Ctrl, you can select multiple individual worksheets and group them together. If you have a much larger workbook, though, this is impractical.

按住Ctrl时,可以选择多个单独的工作表并将它们分组在一起。 但是,如果您有更大的工作簿,这是不切实际的。

If you want to group all the worksheets in an Excel workbook, you can save time by right-clicking one of the worksheets listed at the bottom of the Excel window.


From here, click “Select All Sheets” to group all your worksheets together.


在Microsoft Excel中取消工作表分组 (Ungrouping Worksheets in Microsoft Excel)

After you’ve finished making changes to multiple worksheets, you can ungroup them in two ways.


The quickest method is to right-click a selected worksheet at the bottom of the Excel window, and then click “Ungroup Sheets.”


You can also ungroup individual sheets one at a time. Just press and hold Ctrl, and then select the sheets you want to remove from the group. Worksheet tabs you ungroup will return to a gray background.

您也可以一次取消单个工作表的分组。 只需按住Ctrl,然后选择要从组中删除的工作表即可。 您取消分组的工作表选项卡将返回灰色背景。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/557433/how-to-group-worksheets-in-excel/


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