
有两个长度为 n 的数组 A, B。问有多少对 (i,j) 满足 i < j 且 A[i]+A[j] > B[i]+B[j]。
2 <= n <= 2*10^5,对于数组的每个元素 x 有 x ∈[1, 10^9]。

n = 5
A = [4,8,2,6,2]
B = [4,5,4,1,3]
答案为 7, 分别为(1,2) (1,4) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) (3,4) (4,5)

由公式 A [ i ] + A [ j ] > B [ i ] + B [ j ] A[i]+A[j] \gt B[i]+B[j] A[i]+A[j]>B[i]+B[j] 得 A [ i ] − B [ i ] > B [ j ] − A [ j ] A[i]-B[i] \gt B[j]-A[j] A[i]−B[i]>B[j]−A[j] 。

  • D a b [ i ] = A [ i ] − B [ i ] D_{ab}[i] = A[i] - B[i] Dab​[i]=A[i]−B[i]
  • D b a [ i ] = B [ i ] − A [ i ] D_{ba}[i] = B[i] - A[i] Dba​[i]=B[i]−A[i]

则该题答案等价于 满足条件 D a b [ i ] > D a b [ j ] D_{ab}[i] \gt D_{ab}[j] Dab​[i]>Dab​[j] 且 i < j i \lt j i<j 的 ( i , j ) (i,j) (i,j)的数量
为了便于统计,可将 D a b , D b a D_{ab},D_{ba} Dab​,Dba​ 排序,排序时需记录位置信息。
设数组 P o s a , P o s b Pos_a,Pos_b Posa​,Posb​分别记录 D a b , D b a D_{ab},D_{ba} Dab​,Dba​ 的元素在排序前的位置。
设 a n w anw anw 为最终答案,初始为 0 。
使用双指针 p , q p,q p,q 遍历排序后的 D a b , D b a D_{ab},D_{ba} Dab​,Dba​, p p p 每增加一, q q q 应增加至满足 D a b [ p ] > D a b [ q ] D_{ab}[p]\gt D_{ab}[q] Dab​[p]>Dab​[q] 的最大值。更新完 p , q p,q p,q 后统计满足 P o s b [ j ] > P o s a [ p ] , j ∈ [ 1 , q ] Pos_b[j] > Pos_a[p], j ∈ [1, q] Posb​[j]>Posa​[p],j∈[1,q] 的 j j j 的数量并累加到 a n w anw anw 中。此处可借助线段树,树状数组等区间查询算法完成。

#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int MAXN = 200001;int A[MAXN], B[MAXN], st[MAXN*4];struct Diff {int pos;int diff;bool operator < (const Diff &r) const {return this->diff < r.diff;}
} diffAB[MAXN], diffBA[MAXN];void update(int *st, int root, int L, int R, int goal) {st[root]++;if(L == R) {return;}int mid = (L+R)>>1;if(goal <= mid) {update(st, root<<1, L, mid, goal);} else {update(st, root<<1|1, mid+1, R, goal);}
}int query(int *st, int root, int L, int R, int range) {if (range <= 0) {return 0;}if (R == range) {return st[root];}int mid = (L+R)>>1;if (range <= mid) {return query(st, root<<1, L, mid, range);}return st[root<<1] + query(st, root<<1|1, mid+1, R, range);
}int main() {cin.sync_with_stdio(false);int n;cin >> n;for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {cin >> A[i];}for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {cin >> B[i];}for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {diffAB[i].pos = i;diffAB[i].diff = A[i] - B[i];diffBA[i].pos = i;diffBA[i].diff = B[i] - A[i];}sort(diffAB+1, diffAB+n+1);sort(diffBA+1, diffBA+n+1);int64_t anw = 0;for(int i = 1, j = 1; i <= n; i++) {while(j <= n && diffBA[j].diff < diffAB[i].diff) {update(st, 1, 1, n, diffBA[j].pos);j++;}anw += query(st, 1, 1, n, diffAB[i].pos-1);}cout << anw << endl;return 0;

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