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def show_spaceship_speed(period, deltax, deltay):

# we found a moving oscillator

if period == 1:

g.show("Spaceship detected (speed = c)")

elif (deltax == deltay) or (deltax == 0) or (deltay == 0):

speed = ""

if (deltax == 0) or (deltay == 0):

# orthogonal spaceship

if (deltax > 1) or (deltay > 1):

speed += str(deltax + deltay)


# diagonal spaceship (deltax == deltay)

if deltax > 1:

speed += str(deltax)

g.show("Spaceship detected (speed = " + speed + "c/" +str(period) + ")")


# deltax != deltay and both > 0

speed = str(deltay) + "," + str(deltax)

g.show("Knightship detected (speed = " + speed + "c/" + str(period) + ")")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

def oscillating():

# return True if the pattern is empty, stable or oscillating

# first get current pattern's bounding box

prect = g.getrect()

pbox = rect(prect)

if pbox.empty:

g.show("The pattern is empty.")

return True

# get current pattern and create hash of "normalized" version -- ie. shift

# its top left corner to 0,0 -- so we can detect spaceships and knightships

## currpatt = pattern( g.getcells(prect) )

## h = hash( tuple( currpatt(-pbox.left, -pbox.top) ) )

# use Golly's hash command (3 times faster than above code)

h = g.hash(prect)

# check if outer-totalistic rule has B0 but not S8

rule = g.getrule().split(":")[0]

hasB0notS8 = rule.startswith("B0") and (rule.find("/") > 1) and not rule.endswith("8")

# determine where to insert h into hashlist

pos = 0

listlen = len(hashlist)

while pos < listlen:

if h > hashlist[pos]:

pos += 1

elif h < hashlist[pos]:

# shorten lists and append info below

del hashlist[pos : listlen]

del genlist[pos : listlen]

del poplist[pos : listlen]

del boxlist[pos : listlen]



# h == hashlist[pos] so pattern is probably oscillating, but just in

# case this is a hash collision we also compare pop count and box size

if (int(g.getpop()) == poplist[pos]) and \

(pbox.wd == boxlist[pos].wd) and \

(pbox.ht == boxlist[pos].ht):

period = int(g.getgen()) - genlist[pos]

if hasB0notS8 and (period % 2 > 0) and (pbox == boxlist[pos]):

# ignore this hash value because B0-and-not-S8 rules are

# emulated by using different rules for odd and even gens,

# so it's possible to have identical patterns at gen G and

# gen G+p if p is odd

return False

if period == 1:

if pbox == boxlist[pos]:

g.show("The pattern is stable.")


show_spaceship_speed(1, 0, 0)

elif pbox == boxlist[pos]:

g.show("Oscillator detected (period = " + str(period) + ")")


deltax = abs(boxlist[pos].x - pbox.x)

deltay = abs(boxlist[pos].y - pbox.y)

show_spaceship_speed(period, deltax, deltay)

return True


# look at next matching hash value or insert if no more

pos += 1

# store hash/gen/pop/box info at same position in various lists

hashlist.insert(pos, h)

genlist.insert(pos, int(g.getgen()))

poplist.insert(pos, int(g.getpop()))

boxlist.insert(pos, pbox)

return False

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

def fit_if_not_visible():

# fit pattern in viewport if not empty and not completely visible

r = rect(g.getrect())

if (not r.empty) and (not r.visible()): g.fit()

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

g.show("Checking for oscillation... (hit escape to abort)")

oldsecs = time()

while not oscillating():


newsecs = time()

if newsecs - oldsecs >= 1.0: # show pattern every second

oldsecs = newsecs




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