evernote 论文

Want to switch to OneNote as your default notetaking app without losing your Evernote notes?  OneNote doesn’t include a way to import notes from Evernote, but with the new free Ever2One Converter, you can move your notes to OneNote in seconds.

想要切换到OneNote作为您的默认笔记应用程序而又不会丢失Evernote笔记吗? OneNote不包括从Evernote导入笔记的方法,但是有了新的免费Ever2One Converter,您可以在几秒钟内将笔记移动到OneNote。

Many of us have tried many notetaking tools over the years, but once you’ve decided to stick to one you’ll want to move all of your notes into your main app.  We tried to find ways to import your notes from Evernote into OneNote, but only came up with some workarounds and no good solutions.  This week however, the developers of MobileNoter, an iOS OneNote app, released a new tool that makes it quick and simple import your Evernote notes into OneNote.  Let’s see how you can use this tool to consolidate all your notes in OneNote.

多年来,我们中的许多人尝试了许多笔记工具,但是一旦决定坚持使用某个工具,便会想要将所有笔记移动到主应用程序中。 我们试图找到将您的笔记从Evernote导入到OneNote中的方法 ,但仅提出了一些解决方法,没有好的解决方案。 但是,本周,iOS OneNote应用程序MobileNoter的开发人员发布了一个新工具,该工具可以快速,轻松地将Evernote笔记导入OneNote。 让我们看看如何使用此工具在OneNote中合并所有笔记。

将Evernote笔记移动到OneNote中 (Moving Your Evernote Notes Into OneNote)

First, download the Ever2One Converter from the link below; you’ll need to enter your email address, and then will receive a download code.  Download the app once you get the link, and setup as normal.

首先,从下面的链接下载Ever2One Converter; 您需要输入电子邮件地址,然后会收到下载代码。 取得连结后,请下载应用程式,然后进行正常设定。

Once it’s installed, you’ll be ready to import your notes.  Enter your Evernote user name and password first to get started.

安装完成后,就可以导入笔记了。 首先输入您的Evernote用户名和密码以开始使用。

Now select the notebooks you wish to import, and choose the OneNote notebook to save them to.  This way, you can import all of your notes at once, or just your most important ones if you wish.

现在,选择要导入的笔记本,然后选择OneNote笔记本将其保存到。 这样,您可以一次导入所有笔记,也可以根据需要导入最重要的笔记。

Select the attributes you want to import with your notes; we recommend importing all the attributes so you’ll keep all your info in the transfer.

选择要与注释一起导入的属性; 我们建议您导入所有属性,以便将所有信息保留在传输中。

The Ever2One Converter will now begin importing and converting your Evernote notes.  This may take a few minutes, depending on the number of notes you selected to import.  If your notebooks included encrypted notes, you may be prompted to enter your encryption password during the import process.

Ever2One Converter现在将开始导入和转换您的Evernote笔记。 这可能需要几分钟,具体取决于您选择导入的笔记的数量。 如果您的笔记本包括加密的笔记,则在导入过程中可能会提示您输入加密密码。

Once it’s finished, open OneNote and check out the new Evernote Notes notebook.  This will contain a section for each of the Evernote Notebooks you imported, and then will show each note in those notebooks as page in Evernote.  The notes imported very nicely in our test, including the same images and layout as they did in Evernote.  PDF documents and other files attached to notes were also imported, so you won’t lose anything.

完成后,打开OneNote并签出新的Evernote Notes笔记本。 这将包含您导入的每个Evernote笔记本的一部分,然后将这些笔记本中的每个笔记显示为Evernote中的页面。 笔记在我们的测试中非常好地导入,包括与Evernote中相同的图像和布局。 PDF文档和附加到便笺的其他文件也已导入,因此您不会丢失任何东西。

Update: Actually, tags are imported too … they’ll be located on the top left of your note’s title.  Just hover over the star beside a note’s title to see it’s tags; if there’s no star, then the note didn’t have tags in Evernote.  Thanks to Anton from MobileNoter for the heads-up!

更新:实际上,标签也被导入了……它们将位于笔记标题的左上方。 只需将鼠标悬停在音符标题旁边的星星上即可查看其标签; 如果没有星星,则说明笔记在Evernote中没有标签。 感谢来自MobileNoter的Anton的注意!

从OneNote迁移到Evernote (Moving from OneNote to Evernote Instead)

If instead you want to move your notes from OneNote into Evernote, it’s easy to do this too.  Just follow the steps on our guide to Import OneNote Notebooks into Evernote, and note that with the latest Evernote 4 for Windows you can now import both OneNote 2007 and OneNote 2010 notes into Evernote.  Now the circle’s complete; you can move your notes from Evernote to OneNote and back with only a couple clicks, so there’s no reason not to use the note taking app you prefer.

相反,如果要将笔记从OneNote移到Evernote,也很容易做到。 只需按照我们的指南将OneNote笔记本导入Evernote的步骤进行操作,并注意,使用最新的Windows Evernote 4,您现在可以将OneNote 2007和OneNote 2010笔记都导入Evernote。 现在圈已完成; 您只需单击几下即可将笔记从Evernote移至OneNote,然后再移回,因此没有理由不使用您喜欢的笔记应用程序。

Speaking of such, which notetaking app do you prefer?  Both Evernote and OneNote have their advantages, and we’d be interested to see which one you find best for your needs.

说到这样, 更喜欢哪个记笔记应用程序? Evernote和OneNote都有其优势,我们很想知道您最适合哪一种。

Download the Ever2One Convertor


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/36908/import-evernote-notes-into-onenote-the-easy-way/

evernote 论文

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