
The Java plugin is part of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and allows a browser to work with the Java platform to run Java applets to execute in the browser.

Java插件是Java运行时环境(JRE)的一部分 ,它允许浏览器与Java平台一起运行Java小应用程序,以便在浏览器中执行。

The Java plugin is enabled in a large number of browsers around the world and this makes it a target for malicious hackers. Any popular third-party plugin is subjected to the same kind of unwanted attention. The team behind Java have always taken security seriously and they will endeavor to quickly release an update to patch any serious security vulnerabilities found. This means the best way to minimize problems with the Java plugin is to make sure it is up-to-date with the latest release.

Java插件已在世界各地的众多浏览器中启用,这使其成为恶意黑客的目标。 任何流行的第三方插件都会受到相同程度的不必要关注。 Java背后的团队一直非常重视安全性,他们将努力快速发布更新以修补发现的任何严重的安全漏洞。 这意味着最小化Java插件问题的最佳方法是确保它是最新版本。

If you are really worried about the security of the Java plugin but still need to visit a popular website (e.g., online banking in some countries) that need the Java plugin enabled, then consider the two browser trick. You can use one browser (e.g., Internet Explorer) only when you want to use the websites using the Java plugin. For the rest of the time use another browser, (e.g., Firefox) with the Java plugin disabled.

如果您真的担心Java插件的安全性,但是仍然需要访问需要启用Java插件的受欢迎的网站(例如,某些国家的在线银行),请考虑使用两种浏览器技巧。 仅当您想使用使用Java插件的网站时,才可以使用一个浏览器(例如Internet Explorer)。 在其余时间中,使用禁用了Java插件的其他浏览器(例如Firefox)。

Alternatively, you might find that you don't go to websites that use Java very often. In this case, you may prefer the option of disabling and enabling the Java plugin as needed. The instructions below will help you to set up your browser to disable (or enable) the Java plugin.

另外,您可能会发现您不经常访问使用Java的网站。 在这种情况下,您可能希望根据需要选择禁用和启用Java插件的选项。 以下说明将帮助您设置浏览器以禁用(或启用)Java插件。

火狐浏览器 ( Firefox )

To turn on/turn off Java applets in the Firefox browser:


  1. Select Tools -> Add-ons from the menu toolbar.


  2. The Add-ons Manager window appears. Click on Plugins on the left-hand side.

    出现“ 加载项管理器”窗口。 单击左侧的插件。

  3. In the list on the right select, the Java Plugin - the name of the plugin will vary depending on whether you are a Mac OS X or Windows user. On the Mac, it will be called Java Plug-in 2 for NPAPI Browsers or Java Applet Plug-in (depending on the operating system version). On Windows, it will be called Java (TM) Platform.

    在右侧选择的列表中,“ Java插件”-插件的名称将根据您是Mac OS X还是Windows用户而有所不同。 在Mac上,它将称为NPAPI浏览器的Java插件2Java Applet插件 (取决于操作系统版本)。 在Windows上,它将称为Java(TM)Platform

  4. The button to the right of the selected plugin can be used to enable or disable the plugin.所选插件右侧的按钮可用于启用或禁用插件。

IE浏览器 ( Internet Explorer )

To enable/disable Java in the Internet Explorer browser:

要在Internet Explorer浏览器中启用/禁用Java:

  1. Select Tools -> Internet Options from the menu toolbar.

    从菜单工具栏中选择工具-> Internet选项

  2. Click on the Security tab.


  3. Click on the Custom level.. button.


  4. In the Security Settings window scroll down the list until you see Scripting of Java applets.

    在“ 安全设置”窗口中,向下滚动列表,直到看到Java小程序脚本 。

  5. Java applets are Enabled or Disabled depending on which radio button is checked. Click on the option you want and then click OK to save the change.

    根据选中的单选按钮,可以启用禁用 Java小程序。 单击所需的选项,然后单击确定以保存更改。

苹果浏览器 ( Safari )

To enable/disable Java in the Safari browser:


  1. Select Safari -> Preferences from the menu toolbar.


  2. In the preferences, window click on the Security icon.

    在首选项中,单击“ 安全性”图标。

  3. Make sure the Enable Java checkbox is checked if you want Java enabled or unchecked if you want it disabled.

    如果要启用Java,请确保选中了“ 启用Java”复选框;如果要禁用Java,请确保未选中。

  4. Close the preferences window and the change will be saved.关闭首选项窗口,更改将被保存。

Chrome ( Chrome )

To turn on/turn off Java applets in the Chrome browser:


  1. Click on the wrench icon to the right of the address bar and choose Settings.


  2. At the bottom click the link called Show advanced settings...


  3. Under the Privacy, section click on Content settings...

    在“隐私”下,单击“ 内容设置...”。

  4. Scroll down to the Plug-ins section and click on Disable individual plug-ins.

    向下滚动至“ 插件”部分,然后单击“ 禁用单个插件”

  5. Look for the Java plugin and click on the Disable link to turn off or the Enable link to turn on.

    查找Java插件,然后单击“ 禁用”链接关闭或“ 启用”链接打开。

歌剧 ( Opera )

To enable/disable the Java plugin in the Opera browser:


  1. In the address bar type in "opera:plugins" and hit enter. This will display all the installed plugins.

    在地址栏中输入“ opera:plugins”,然后按Enter。 这将显示所有已安装的插件。

  2. Scroll down to the Java plugin and click on Disable to turn off the plugin or Enable to turn it on.

    向下滚动到Java插件,然后单击“ 禁用”以关闭该插件或单击“ 启用”以将其打开。




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