
Metasploit是一个免费的、可下载的框架,通过它可以很容易地获取、开发并对计算机软件漏洞实施攻击。它本身附带数百个已知软件漏洞的专业级漏洞攻击工具。当H.D. Moore在2003年发布Metasploit时,计算机安全状况也被永久性地改变了。仿佛一夜之间,任何人都可以成为黑客每个人都可以使用攻击工具来攻击那些未打过补丁或者刚刚打过补丁的漏洞。软件厂商再也不能推迟发布针对已公布漏洞的补丁了,这是因为Metasploit团队一直都在努力开发各种攻击工具,并将它们贡献给所有Metasploit用户。


参数 解析
? 显示帮助菜单
back 从当前环境返回到主路径
banner 显示软件旗标信息
cd 改变当前工作路径
color 切换颜色
connect 连接主机,类似于telnet和nc
exit 退出
help 显示帮助菜单,即该页面
info 显示模块的详细信息
irb 进入irb脚本模式
jobs 显示和管理作业
kill 结束一个作业
load 加载framework插件
loadpath 从指定路径加载模块
quit 退出
resource 运行文件中的命令
route 路由转发
save 保持数据
search 搜索模块及名称
sessions 显示及转存会话列表
set 设置变量值
setg 设置全局变量值
show 显示给定类型的模块或全部模块
sleep 休眠
unload 卸载 framework 插件
unset 取消变量设置
unsetg 取消全局变量设置
use 根据名字选择一个模块
version 显示版本


cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework

目录名 作用
modules 实际的MSF模块
scripts meterpreter和其他脚本
plugins 扩展插件目录
tools 工具目录

meterpreter 平台命令(渗透测试成功后使用)

Core Commands

Command                   Description
-------                   -----------
?                         Help menu
background                Backgrounds the current session
bg                        Alias for background
bgkill                    Kills a background meterpreter script
bglist                    Lists running background scripts
bgrun                     Executes a meterpreter script as a background thread
channel                   Displays information or control active channels
close                     Closes a channel
disable_unicode_encoding  Disables encoding of unicode strings
enable_unicode_encoding   Enables encoding of unicode strings
exit                      Terminate the meterpreter session
get_timeouts              Get the current session timeout values
guid                      Get the session GUID
help                      Help menu
info                      Displays information about a Post module
irb                       Open an interactive Ruby shell on the current session
load                      Load one or more meterpreter extensions
machine_id                Get the MSF ID of the machine attached to the session
migrate                   Migrate the server to another process
pivot                     Manage pivot listeners
pry                       Open the Pry debugger on the current session
quit                      Terminate the meterpreter session
read                      Reads data from a channel
resource                  Run the commands stored in a file
run                       Executes a meterpreter script or Post module
secure                    (Re)Negotiate TLV packet encryption on the session
sessions                  Quickly switch to another session
set_timeouts              Set the current session timeout values
sleep                     Force Meterpreter to go quiet, then re-establish session.
transport                 Change the current transport mechanism
use                       Deprecated alias for "load"
uuid                      Get the UUID for the current session
write                     Writes data to a channel

Stdapi: File system Commands

Command       Description
-------       -----------
cat           Read the contents of a file to the screen
cd            Change directory
checksum      Retrieve the checksum of a file
cp            Copy source to destination
del           Delete the specified file
dir           List files (alias for ls)
download      Download a file or directory
edit          Edit a file
getlwd        Print local working directory
getwd         Print working directory
lcd           Change local working directory
lls           List local files
lpwd          Print local working directory
ls            List files
mkdir         Make directory
mv            Move source to destination
pwd           Print working directory
rm            Delete the specified file
rmdir         Remove directory
search        Search for files
show_mount    List all mount points/logical drives
upload        Upload a file or directory

Stdapi: Networking Commands

Command       Description
-------       -----------
arp           Display the host ARP cache
getproxy      Display the current proxy configuration
ifconfig      Display interfaces
ipconfig      Display interfaces
netstat       Display the network connections
portfwd       Forward a local port to a remote service
resolve       Resolve a set of host names on the target
route         View and modify the routing table

Stdapi: System Commands

Command       Description
-------       -----------
clearev       Clear the event log
drop_token    Relinquishes any active impersonation token.
execute       Execute a command
getenv        Get one or more environment variable values
getpid        Get the current process identifier
getprivs      Attempt to enable all privileges available to the current process
getsid        Get the SID of the user that the server is running as
getuid        Get the user that the server is running as
kill          Terminate a process
localtime     Displays the target system local date and time
pgrep         Filter processes by name
pkill         Terminate processes by name
ps            List running processes
reboot        Reboots the remote computer
reg           Modify and interact with the remote registry
rev2self      Calls RevertToSelf() on the remote machine
shell         Drop into a system command shell
shutdown      Shuts down the remote computer
steal_token   Attempts to steal an impersonation token from the target process
suspend       Suspends or resumes a list of processes
sysinfo       Gets information about the remote system, such as OS

Stdapi: User interface Commands

Command        Description
-------        -----------
enumdesktops   List all accessible desktops and window stations
getdesktop     Get the current meterpreter desktop
idletime       Returns the number of seconds the remote user has been idle
keyboard_send  Send keystrokes
keyevent       Send key events
keyscan_dump   Dump the keystroke buffer
keyscan_start  Start capturing keystrokes
keyscan_stop   Stop capturing keystrokes
mouse          Send mouse events
screenshare    Watch the remote user desktop in real time
screenshot     Grab a screenshot of the interactive desktop
setdesktop     Change the meterpreters current desktop
uictl          Control some of the user interface components

Stdapi: Webcam Commands

Command        Description
-------        -----------
record_mic     Record audio from the default microphone for X seconds
webcam_chat    Start a video chat
webcam_list    List webcams
webcam_snap    Take a snapshot from the specified webcam
webcam_stream  Play a video stream from the specified webcam

Stdapi: Audio Output Commands

Command       Description
-------       -----------
play          play a waveform audio file (.wav) on the target system

Priv: Elevate Commands

Command       Description
-------       -----------
getsystem     Attempt to elevate your privilege to that of local system.

Priv: Password database Commands

Command       Description
-------       -----------
hashdump      Dumps the contents of the SAM database

Priv: Timestomp Commands

Command       Description
-------       -----------
timestomp     Manipulate file MACE attributes


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