
  • speaker.h
  • speechManager.h
  • main.cpp
  • speechManager.cpp


#pragma once
#include<iostream>using namespace std;class Speaker
public:string m_Name;double m_Score[2];


#pragma once
#include<iostream>using namespace std;
#include<fstream>class SpeechManager
public:// constructionSpeechManager();// show menuvoid showMenu();// init speechvoid initSpeech();// create speakervoid createSpeaker();// start speechvoid startSpeech();// speech drawvoid speechDraw();// speech contestvoid speechContest();// show scorevoid showScore();// save recordvoid saveRecord();// load recordvoid loadRecord();// show recordvoid showRecord();// clear recordvoid clearRecord();// file flagbool fileIsEmpty;// mapmap<int, vector<string>> m_Record;// exit systemvoid exitProcedure();// deconstruction~SpeechManager();// member property// 12vector<int> v1;// 6vector<int> v2;// 3vector<int> vVictory;// mapmap<int,Speaker> mSpeaker;// countint m_Index;


#include<iostream>using namespace std;
#include"speechManager.h"int main()
{SpeechManager sm;demo code//for (map<int,Speaker>::iterator it = sm.mSpeaker.begin(); it != sm.mSpeaker.end(); it++)//{//    cout << "id: " << it->first << " name: " << it->second.m_Name << " score: " << it->second.m_Score[0] << endl;//}int choice = 0;while (true){sm.showMenu();cin >> choice;switch (choice){case 1: // start a speech contestsm.startSpeech();break;case 2: // view record of contestsm.showRecord();break;case 3: // clear the contest recordsm.clearRecord();break;case 0: // exit the speech proceduresm.exitProcedure();break;default:system("cls");break;}}system("pause");return 0;


#include"speechManager.h"// construction
{// init initSpeech();// create speakercreateSpeaker();//load recordloadRecord();
}// show menu
void SpeechManager::showMenu()
{cout << "**********************************************************" << endl;cout << "***************welcom to the speech contest***************" << endl;cout << "***************1.start a speech contest    ***************" << endl;cout << "***************2.view record of contest    ***************" << endl;cout << "***************3.clear the contest record  ***************" << endl;cout << "***************0.exit the speech procedure ***************" << endl;cout << "**********************************************************" << endl;
}// init speech
void SpeechManager::initSpeech()
}// create speaker
void SpeechManager::createSpeaker()
{string nameSeed = "ABCDEFGHIJKL";for (int i = 0; i < nameSeed.size(); i++){string name = "player_";name += nameSeed[i];Speaker sp;sp.m_Name = name;for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++){sp.m_Score[j] = 0;}this->v1.push_back(i + 10001);this->mSpeaker.insert(make_pair(i + 10001, sp));}
}// start speech
void SpeechManager::startSpeech()
{// round one// drawspeechDraw();// contestspeechContest();// scoreshowScore();// round twom_Index++;// drawspeechDraw();// contestspeechContest();// scoreshowScore();// savesaveRecord();// reset the record// init initSpeech();// create speakercreateSpeaker();//load recordloadRecord();
}// speech draw
void SpeechManager::speechDraw()
{cout << "----round <<" << m_Index << ">> draw----" << endl;cout << "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" << endl;if (m_Index == 1){cout << "draw result as follows" << endl;random_shuffle(v1.begin(), v1.end());for (vector<int>::iterator it = v1.begin(); it != v1.end(); it++){cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;}else{cout << "draw result as follows" << endl;random_shuffle(v2.begin(), v2.end());for (vector<int>::iterator it = v2.begin(); it != v2.end(); it++){cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;}cout << "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" << endl;system("pause");
}// speech contest
void SpeechManager::speechContest()
{srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));cout << "round " << m_Index << " contest" << endl;vector<int> vSrc;int num = 0;// temp containermultimap<double,int,greater<double>> groupScore;if (m_Index == 1){vSrc = v1;}else{vSrc = v2;}for (vector<int>::iterator it = vSrc.begin(); it != vSrc.end(); it++){num++;// scoredeque<double> d;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){double score = (double)(rand() % 401 + 600) / 10.f;//cout << score << " ";d.push_back(score);}//cout << endl;// sortsort(d.begin(), d.end(), greater<double>());// pop max score and min scored.pop_back();d.pop_front();// sumdouble sum = accumulate(d.begin(), d.end(), 0.0f);// avgdouble avg = sum / (double)d.size();groupScore.insert(make_pair(avg, *it));this->mSpeaker[*it].m_Score[m_Index-1] = avg;if (num % 6 == 0){cout << "group "<< num/6<<" rank" << endl;for (multimap<double, int, greater<double>>::iterator mit = groupScore.begin(); mit != groupScore.end(); mit++){cout << "id: " << mit->second << " name: " << this->mSpeaker[mit->second].m_Name << " score: " << this->mSpeaker[mit->second].m_Score[m_Index-1] << endl;}// take the top threeint count = 0;for (multimap<double, int, greater<double>>::iterator mit = groupScore.begin(); count<3; mit++,count++){if (m_Index == 1){v2.push_back(mit->second);}else{vVictory.push_back(mit->second);}}groupScore.clear();cout << "round " << num / 6 << "contest over" << endl;cout << endl;}}
}// show score
void SpeechManager::showScore()
{vector<int> v;if (m_Index == 1){v = v2;}else{v = vVictory;}cout << "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" << endl;cout << "round " << m_Index << " contest score" << endl;for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end() ; it++){cout << "id: " << *it << " name: " << this->mSpeaker[*it].m_Name <<"score: "<<this->mSpeaker[*it].m_Score[m_Index - 1] << endl;}system("pause");
}// save record
void SpeechManager::saveRecord()
{ofstream ofs;ofs.open("speech.csv", ios::out | ios::app);for (vector<int>::iterator it = vVictory.begin(); it != vVictory.end(); it++){ofs << *it << "," <<this->mSpeaker[*it].m_Score[1]<<",";}ofs << endl;ofs.close();this->fileIsEmpty = false;cout << "the speech contest is over" << endl;system("pause");
}// load record
void SpeechManager::loadRecord()
{ifstream ifs;ifs.open("speech.csv", ios::in);if (!ifs.is_open()){//cout << "no such file" << endl;this->fileIsEmpty = true;ifs.close();return;}char ch = {};ifs >> ch;if (ifs.eof()){//cout << "the file is null" << endl;this->fileIsEmpty = true;ifs.close();return;}this->fileIsEmpty = false;ifs.putback(ch);string data;int index = 0;while (ifs >> data){vector<string> v;//cout << data << endl;int pos = -1;int start = 0;while (true){pos = data.find(",", start);if (pos == -1){break;}string temp = data.substr(start,pos-start);v.push_back(temp);start = pos + 1;}m_Record.insert(make_pair(index, v));index++;}ifs.close();//for (map<int, vector<string>>::iterator it = m_Record.begin(); it != m_Record.end(); it++)//{//   cout << "round: " << it->first + 1 << " champion: " << it->second[0] << " score: " << it->second[1] << endl;//}
}// show record
void SpeechManager::showRecord()
{if (fileIsEmpty){cout << "no such file or file  is null" << endl;}else{for (int i = 0; i < m_Record.size(); i++){cout << "round: " << i + 1 << " champion    name: " << m_Record[i][0] << " score: " << m_Record[i][1] << " "<< "round: " << i + 1 << " runner-up   name: " << m_Record[i][2] << " score: " << m_Record[i][3] << " "<< "round: " << i + 1 << " third-place name: " << m_Record[i][4] << " score: " << m_Record[i][5] << endl;}}system("pause");system("cls");
}// clear record
void SpeechManager::clearRecord()
{cout << "are you sure clear the file" << endl;cout << "1.yes" << endl;cout << "2.no" << endl;int select = 0;cin >> select;if (select == 1){ofstream ofs;ofs.open("speech.csv", ios::trunc);ofs.close();cout << "clear successfully" << endl;// init initSpeech();// create speakercreateSpeaker();//load recordloadRecord();}system("pause");system("cls");
}// exit system
void SpeechManager::exitProcedure()
{cout << "welcom to back" << endl;system("pause");exit(0);
}// deconstruction

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