Vocabulary Lists:

  • spin
  • virally
  • unremitting
  • herald
  • vague
  • accountability
  • empathetic
  • fret
  • drag
  • frenzy
  • cranky


The boat started to spin around in the water. 那条船开始在水里打转。
If only I could spin the photo around, then I could get a good look at it and make a sound judgement. 只要我能够旋转照片,我就可以好好观察它然后做出一个合理的结论。
Her resignation put her colleagues in a spin. 她的辞职令同事们摸不着头脑。
spin ˈoff (from sth)ˌspin sth←→ˈoff (from sth)to happen or to produce sth as a new or unexpected result of sth that already exists 脱胎(于某事物);(从某事物)派生,衍生;随之而产生 ~ (sth) (round/around) to turn round and round quickly; to make sth do this (使)快速旋转
~ (round/around) to turn round quickly once; to make sb do this (使)急转身,猛转回头,急转弯
V-I If your head is spinning, you feel unsteady or confused, for example because you are drunk, ill, or excited. 眩晕


She forwarded thee-mail widely, and the announcement spread virally. 她将邮件大范围的转发,这个宣传迅速传播开来。
The website spread virally, and soon he had thousands of leads. 网站迅速传播开来,很快他就收到了几千条线索。


I was sent to boarding school, where I spent six years of unremitting misery. 我被送到寄宿学校去,在那里度过了无尽痛苦的六年。
  ADJ Something that is unremitting continues without stopping or becoming less intense. 不停的; 不减的


These talks could herald a new era of peace. 这些谈判可能预示着新的和平时代的来临。
The budget will herald deep cuts, but will not make them. 这个财政预算将宣布新的开支削减,但却无法实现。
  to be a sign that sth is going to happen 是(某事)的前兆;预示
~ sb/sth (as sth) [ often passive ] to say in public that sb/sth is good or important 宣布(好或重要)


to have a vague impression/memory/recollection of sth 对某事印象╱记忆模糊
The description was pretty vague. 这项描述是相当含糊的。
He was accused of being deliberately vague. 他被指责为故意含糊其辞。
  not clear in a person's mind (思想上)不清楚的,含糊的,不明确的,模糊的
~ (about sth) not having or giving enough information or details about sth 不具体的;不详细的;粗略的
( of a person's behaviour 人的行为 ) suggesting a lack of clear thought or attention 茫然的;糊涂的;心不在焉的
not having a clear shape 不清楚的;模糊的;朦胧的


Good management in the police cannot be divorced from accountability. 警政的良好管理离不开问责制。
  n. 有义务;有责任;可说明性


Because we have an empathetic connection with them that we don't have with strangers. 因为我们与朋友之间同感关联,比起陌生人,要紧密的多。
  ADJ Someone who is empathetic has the ability to share another person's feelings or emotions as if they were their own. 体恤别人感受的; 感同身受的


Her baby starts to fret as soon as she goes out of the room. 她一走出房间,婴儿就躁动起来。
As she spoke we could see that she was in a fret. 她讲话时,我们看得出她很烦躁。
  ~ (about/over sth) ( especially BrE ) to be worried or unhappy and not able to relax 苦恼;烦躁;焦虑不安


He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him. 他勉强拖着中了毒的腿向前走。
The sack is too heavy to lift—you'll have to drag it. 这麻袋太重了,提不起来。你得拖着走。
Let's not drag out this discussion; we need to reach a decision. 别让这场讨论拖得太久,我们得作个决定。
  [ VNusually + adv./prep. ] to pull sb/sth along with effort and difficulty (使劲而吃力地)拖,拉,拽,扯
[ + adv./prep. ] to move yourself slowly and with effort 缓慢而费力地移动(或行进)
[ VN + adv./prep. ] to persuade sb to come or go somewhere they do not really want to come or go to 生拉硬拽;劝(人)勉强来(或去)
[ V ] ( of time or an event 时间或活动 ) to pass very slowly 过得很慢;拖沓地进行
to move, or make sth move, partly touching the ground (使)在地上拖着移动


The speaker worked the crowd up into a frenzy. 演讲者把听众的情绪煽动得疯狂起来。
  N-VAR Frenzy or a frenzy is great excitement or wild behaviour that often results from losing control of your feelings. 疯狂


Vegetarianism has shed its cranky image. 素食主义已经摆脱了其古怪的形象。
The kids were getting tired and a little cranky. 孩子们越来越累,脾气也有些变坏了。
  ADJ If someone is cranky, they are bad-tempered and complain a lot. 脾气不好且爱抱怨的
ADJ If you describe ideas or ways of behaving as cranky, you disapprove of them because you think they are strange. (想法或行为方式)古怪的


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