
遗憾的是,在Java中,如果没有额外的同步,它并不可靠。在其它语言中,如c++,实现DCL,需要依赖于处理器的内存模型、编译器实行的重排序以及编 译器与同步库之间的交互。由于c++没有对这些做出明确规定,很难说DCL是否有效。可以在c++中使用显式的内存屏障来使DCL生效,但Java中并没 有这些屏障。


01 // Single threaded version
02 class Foo {
03   private Helper helper = null;
04   public Helper getHelper() {
05     if (helper == null)
06         helper = new Helper();
07     return helper;
08     }
09   // other functions and members...
10 }


01 // Correct multithreaded version
02 class Foo {
03   private Helper helper = null;
04   public synchronized Helper getHelper() {
05     if (helper == null)
06         helper = new Helper();
07     return helper;
08     }
09   // other functions and members...
10 }


01 // Broken multithreaded version
02 // "Double-Checked Locking" idiom
03 class Foo {
04   private Helper helper = null;
05   public Helper getHelper() {
06     if (helper == null)
07       synchronized(this) {
08         if (helper == null)
09           helper = new Helper();
10       }   
11     return helper;
12     }
13   // other functions and members...
14 }






最显而易见的原因是,Helper对象初始化时的写操作与写入helper字段的操作可以是无序的。这样的话,如果某个线程调用getHelper()可 能看到helper字段指向了一个Helper对象,但看到该对象里的字段值却是默认值,而不是在Helper构造方法里设置的那些值。


即便编译器不对这些写操作重排序,在多处理器上,某个处理器或内存系统也可能重排序这些写操作,运行在其它 处理器上的线程就可能看到重排序带来的结果。

Doug Lea写了一篇更详细的有关编译器重排序的文章。


Paul Jakubik找到了一个使用DCL不能正常工作的例子。下面的代码做了些许整理:

001 public class DoubleCheckTest
002 {
005   // static data to aid in creating N singletons
006   static final Object dummyObject = new Object(); // for reference init
007   static final int A_VALUE = 256; // value to initialize 'a' to
008   static final int B_VALUE = 512; // value to initialize 'b' to
009   static final int C_VALUE = 1024;
010   static ObjectHolder[] singletons;  // array of static references
011   static Thread[] threads; // array of racing threads
012   static int threadCount; // number of threads to create
013   static int singletonCount; // number of singletons to create
016   static volatile int recentSingleton;
019   // I am going to set a couple of threads racing,
020   // trying to create N singletons. Basically the
021   // race is to initialize a single array of
022   // singleton references. The threads will use
023   // double checked locking to control who
024   // initializes what. Any thread that does not
025   // initialize a particular singleton will check
026   // to see if it sees a partially initialized view.
027   // To keep from getting accidental synchronization,
028   // each singleton is stored in an ObjectHolder
029   // and the ObjectHolder is used for
030   // synchronization. In the end the structure
031   // is not exactly a singleton, but should be a
032   // close enough approximation.
033   //
036   // This class contains data and simulates a
037   // singleton. The static reference is stored in
038   // a static array in DoubleCheckFail.
039   static class Singleton
040     {
041     public int a;
042     public int b;
043     public int c;
044     public Object dummy;
046     public Singleton()
047       {
048       a = A_VALUE;
049       b = B_VALUE;
050       c = C_VALUE;
051       dummy = dummyObject;
052       }
053     }
055   static void checkSingleton(Singleton s, int index)
056     {
057     int s_a = s.a;
058     int s_b = s.b;
059     int s_c = s.c;
060     Object s_d = s.dummy;
061     if(s_a != A_VALUE)
062       System.out.println("[" + index + "] Singleton.a not initialized " +
063 s_a);
064     if(s_b != B_VALUE)
065       System.out.println("[" + index
066                          + "] Singleton.b not intialized " + s_b);
068     if(s_c != C_VALUE)
069       System.out.println("[" + index
070                          + "] Singleton.c not intialized " + s_c);
072     if(s_d != dummyObject)
073       if(s_d == null)
074         System.out.println("[" + index
075                            + "] Singleton.dummy not initialized,"
076                            + " value is null");
077       else
078         System.out.println("[" + index
079                            + "] Singleton.dummy not initialized,"
080                            + " value is garbage");
081     }
083   // Holder used for synchronization of
084   // singleton initialization.
085   static class ObjectHolder
086     {
087     public Singleton reference;
088     }
090   static class TestThread implements Runnable
091     {
092     public void run()
093       {
094       for(int i = 0; i < singletonCount; ++i)
095         {
096     ObjectHolder o = singletons[i];
097         if(o.reference == null)
098           {
099           synchronized(o)
100             {
101             if (o.reference == null) {
102               o.reference = new Singleton();
103           recentSingleton = i;
104           }
105             // shouldn't have to check singelton here
106             // mutex should provide consistent view
107             }
108           }
109         else {
110           checkSingleton(o.reference, i);
111       int j = recentSingleton-1;
112       if (j > i) i = j;
113       }
114         }
115       }
116     }
118   public static void main(String[] args)
119     {
120     if( args.length != 2 )
121       {
122       System.err.println("usage: java DoubleCheckFail" +
123                          " <numThreads> <numSingletons>");
124       }
125     // read values from args
126     threadCount = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
127     singletonCount = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
129     // create arrays
130     threads = new Thread[threadCount];
131     singletons = new ObjectHolder[singletonCount];
133     // fill singleton array
134     for(int i = 0; i < singletonCount; ++i)
135       singletons[i] = new ObjectHolder();
137     // fill thread array
138     for(int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
139       threads[i] = new Thread( new TestThread() );
141     // start threads
142     for(int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
143       threads[i].start();
145     // wait for threads to finish
146     for(int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
147       {
148       try
149         {
150         System.out.println("waiting to join " + i);
151         threads[i].join();
152         }
153       catch(InterruptedException ex)
154         {
155         System.out.println("interrupted");
156         }
157       }
158     System.out.println("done");
159     }
160 }

当上述代码运行在使用Symantec JIT的系统上时,不能正常工作。尤其是,Symantec JIT将

1 singletons[i].reference = new Singleton();

编译成了下面这个样子(Symantec JIT用了一种基于句柄的对象分配系统)。

0206106A   mov         eax,0F97E78h
0206106F   call        01F6B210                  ; allocate space for; Singleton, return result in eax
02061074   mov         dword ptr [ebp],eax       ; EBP is &singletons[i].reference ; store the unconstructed object here.
02061077   mov         ecx,dword ptr [eax]       ; dereference the handle to; get the raw pointer
02061079   mov         dword ptr [ecx],100h      ; Next 4 lines are
0206107F   mov         dword ptr [ecx+4],200h    ; Singleton's inlined constructor
02061086   mov         dword ptr [ecx+8],400h
0206108D   mov         dword ptr [ecx+0Ch],0F84030h




01 // (Still) Broken multithreaded version
02 // "Double-Checked Locking" idiom
03 class Foo {
04   private Helper helper = null;
05   public Helper getHelper() {
06     if (helper == null) {
07       Helper h;
08       synchronized(this) {
09         h = helper;
10         if (h == null)
11             synchronized (this) {
12               h = new Helper();
13             } // release inner synchronization lock
14         helper = h;
15         }
16       }   
17     return helper;
18     }
19   // other functions and members...
20 }


很不幸,这种直觉完全错了。同步的规则不是这样的。monitorexit(即,退出同步块)的规则是,在monitorexit前面的action必须 在该monitor释放之前执行。但是,并没有哪里有规定说monitorexit后面的action不可以在monitor释放之前执行。因此,编译器 将赋值操作helper = h;挪到同步块里面是非常合情合理的,这就回到了我们之前说到的问题上。许多处理器提供了这种单向的内存屏障指令。如果改变锁释放的语义 —— 释放时执行一个双向的内存屏障 —— 将会带来性能损失。





为何?因为处理器有自己本地的对内存的缓存拷贝。在有些处理器上,除非处理器执行一个cache coherence指令(即,一个内存屏障),否则读操作可能从过期的本地缓存拷贝中取值,即使其它处理器使用了内存屏障将它们的写操作写回了内存。




通常,更高级别的技巧,如,使用内部的归并排序,而不是交换排序(见SPECJVM DB的基准),带来的影响更大。




1 class HelperSingleton {
2     static Helper singleton = new Helper();
3 }



01 // Correct Double-Checked Locking for 32-bit primitives
02 class Foo {
03   private int cachedHashCode = 0;
04   public int hashCode() {
05     int h = cachedHashCode;
06     if (h == 0)
07     synchronized(this) {
08       if (cachedHashCode != 0) return cachedHashCode;
09       h = computeHashCode();
10       cachedHashCode = h;
11       }
12     return h;
13     }
14   // other functions and members...
15 }


01 // Lazy initialization 32-bit primitives
02 // Thread-safe if computeHashCode is idempotent
03 class Foo {
04   private int cachedHashCode = 0;
05   public int hashCode() {
06     int h = cachedHashCode;
07     if (h == 0) {
08       h = computeHashCode();
09       cachedHashCode = h;
10       }
11     return h;
12     }
13   // other functions and members...
14 }


如果有显式的内存屏障指令可用,则有可能使DCL生效。例如,如果你用的是C++,可以参考来自Doug Schmidt等人所著书中的代码:

01 // C++ implementation with explicit memory barriers
02 // Should work on any platform, including DEC Alphas
03 // From "Patterns for Concurrent and Distributed Objects",
04 // by Doug Schmidt
05 template <class TYPE, class LOCK> TYPE *
06 Singleton<TYPE, LOCK>::instance (void) {
07     // First check
08     TYPE* tmp = instance_;
09     // Insert the CPU-specific memory barrier instruction
10     // to synchronize the cache lines on multi-processor.
11     asm ("memoryBarrier");
12     if (tmp == 0) {
13         // Ensure serialization (guard
14         // constructor acquires lock_).
15         Guard<LOCK> guard (lock_);
16         // Double check.
17         tmp = instance_;
18         if (tmp == 0) {
19                 tmp = new TYPE;
20                 // Insert the CPU-specific memory barrier instruction
21                 // to synchronize the cache lines on multi-processor.
22                 asm ("memoryBarrier");
23                 instance_ = tmp;
24         }
25     return tmp;
26 }


Alexander Terekhov (TEREKHOV@de.ibm.com)提出了个能实现DCL的巧妙的做法 —— 使用线程局部存储。每个线程各自保存一个flag来表示该线程是否执行了同步。

01 class Foo {
02  /** If perThreadInstance.get() returns a non-null value, this thread
03     has done synchronization needed to see initialization
04     of helper */
05      private final ThreadLocal perThreadInstance = new ThreadLocal();
06      private Helper helper = null;
07      public Helper getHelper() {
08          if (perThreadInstance.get() == null) createHelper();
09          return helper;
10      }
11      private final void createHelper() {
12          synchronized(this) {
13              if (helper == null)
14                  helper = new Helper();
15          }
16      // Any non-null value would do as the argument here
17          perThreadInstance.set(perThreadInstance);
18      }
19 }

这种方式的性能严重依赖于所使用的JDK实现。在Sun 1.2的实现中,ThreadLocal是非常慢的。在1.3中变得更快了,期望能在1.4上更上一个台阶。Doug Lea分析了一些延迟初始化技术实现的性能




JDK5以及后续版本扩展了volatile语义,不再允许volatile写操作与其前面的读写操作重排序,也不允许volatile读操作与其后面的读写操作重排序。更多详细信息见Jeremy Manson的博客。


01 // Works with acquire/release semantics for volatile
02 // Broken under current semantics for volatile
03 class Foo {
04     private volatile Helper helper = null;
05     public Helper getHelper() {
06         if (helper == null) {
07             synchronized(this) {
08                 if (helper == null)
09                     helper = new Helper();
10             }
11         }
12         return helper;
13     }
14 }



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