这两天查cts 的fail, android.animation中有3个fail。


1.      testCancel:如前一封mail说的,是testCode本身有点问题,后来我改了testcode验证:按照4.1的写法,我写了脚本跑整个包10遍,测了两遍脚本,相当于20遍,未重现。注:按ICS的testcode,跑完10遍这个会fail2~3遍的。

2.      testCurrentPlayTime:其测试用例如下:

public void testCurrentPlayTime()throws Throwable {




long currentPlayTime = mValueAnimator.getCurrentPlayTime();

assertTrue(currentPlayTime  >  0);



mValueAnimator.getCurrentPlayTime();这个函数如下:    public long getCurrentPlayTime() {

if(!mInitialized) Log.d(TAG,"mInitialized is false!!!");

if(mPlayingState ==STOPPED) Log.d(TAG, "mPlayingState == STOPPED!!!");

if (!mInitialized || mPlayingState ==STOPPED) {


return 0;



Log.d(TAG,"getCurrentPlayTime,currentTime is "+currentTime);

return currentTime - mStartTime;




D/ValueAnimator( 3336):  animationHandler.sendEmptyMessage(ANIMATION_START)

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): Start the animation playing

D/ValueAnimator( 3336):  This sets the initial value of the animation, prior to actually starting it running

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): mInitialized is false!!!

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): mPlayingState == STOPPED!!!

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): getCurrentPlayTime

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): setCurrentPlayTime!!!currentTime is 4215917

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): before animationFrame-----------mStartTime is 4215917

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): after animationFrame-----------mStartTime is 4215917

D/ValueAnimator( 3336):  onAnimationStart

D/ValueAnimator( 3336):  animationHandler.sendEmptyMessage(ANIMATION_START)

I/TAG     ( 1828): sync time from stream----------------------@@@

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): mPlayingState == STOPPED!!!

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): getCurrentPlayTime

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): handleMessage:ANIMATION_START

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): startAnimation----Called internally to start an animation by adding it to the active animations list. Must be called on the UI thread

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): anim.startAnimation-----------

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): startAnimation----Called internally to start an animation by adding it to the active animations list. Must be called on the UI thread

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): anim.startAnimation-----------

D/ValueAnimator( 3336): handleMessage:ANIMATION_START


D/ValueAnimator( 3305):  animationHandler.sendEmptyMessage(ANIMATION_START)

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): Start the animation playing

D/ValueAnimator( 3305):  This sets the initial value of the animation, prior to actually starting it running

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): mInitialized is false!!!

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): mPlayingState == STOPPED!!!

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): getCurrentPlayTime

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): setCurrentPlayTime!!!currentTime is 4213321

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): before animationFrame-----------mStartTime is 4213321

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): after animationFrame-----------mStartTime is 4213321

D/ValueAnimator( 3305):  onAnimationStart

D/ValueAnimator( 3305):  animationHandler.sendEmptyMessage(ANIMATION_START)

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): handleMessage:ANIMATION_START

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): startAnimation----Called internally to start an animation by adding it to the active animations list. Must be called on the UI thread

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): anim.startAnimation-----------

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): startAnimation----Called internally to start an animation by adding it to the active animations list. Must be called on the UI thread

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): anim.startAnimation-----------

D/ValueAnimator( 3305): handleMessage:ANIMATION_S

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