00. 目录


  • 00. 目录
  • 01. 概述
  • 02. 开发环境
  • 03. Halcon源码
  • 04. Halcon源码导出方法
  • 05. Halcon源码导出为C++程序
  • 06. 附录

01. 概述


02. 开发环境


Halcon版本:HDevelop 19.11

03. Halcon源码

* 读取图片文件
read_image (Image, 'fabrik')* 获取图片大小信息
get_image_size (Image, Width, Height)dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height, 'black', WindowHandle)

04. Halcon源码导出方法

4.1 选择文件–>导出

4.2 选择导出相关设置


05. Halcon源码导出为C++程序

5.1 导出文件选择C++

5.2 导出之后,查看导出的C++文件

// File generated by HDevelop for HALCON/C++ Version
// Non-ASCII strings in this file are encoded in local-8-bit encoding (cp936).
// Ensure that the interface encoding is set to locale encoding by calling
// SetHcppInterfaceStringEncodingIsUtf8(false) at the beginning of the program.
// Please note that non-ASCII characters in string constants are exported
// as octal codes in order to guarantee that the strings are correctly
// created on all systems, independent on any compiler settings.
// Source files with different encoding should not be mixed in one project.
///#ifndef __APPLE__
#  include "HalconCpp.h"
#  include "HDevThread.h"
#    include <HALCONCpp/HalconCpp.h>
#    include <HALCONCpp/HDevThread.h>
#    include <HALCON/HpThread.h>
#  else
#    include <HALCONCppxl/HalconCpp.h>
#    include <HALCONCppxl/HDevThread.h>
#    include <HALCONxl/HpThread.h>
#  endif
#  include <stdio.h>
#  include <CoreFoundation/CFRunLoop.h>
#endifusing namespace HalconCpp;#ifndef NO_EXPORT_MAIN
// Main procedure
void action()
{// Local iconic variablesHObject  ho_Image;// Local control variablesHTuple  hv_Width, hv_Height, hv_WindowHandle;//读取图片文件ReadImage(&ho_Image, "fabrik");//获取图片大小信息GetImageSize(ho_Image, &hv_Width, &hv_Height);SetWindowAttr("background_color","black");OpenWindow(0,0,hv_Width,hv_Height,0,"visible","",&hv_WindowHandle);HDevWindowStack::Push(hv_WindowHandle);}#ifndef NO_EXPORT_APP_MAIN
#ifdef __APPLE__
// On OS X systems, we must have a CFRunLoop running on the main thread in
// order for the HALCON graphics operators to work correctly, and run the
// action function in a separate thread. A CFRunLoopTimer is used to make sure
// the action function is not called before the CFRunLoop is running.
// Note that starting with macOS 10.12, the run loop may be stopped when a
// window is closed, so we need to put the call to CFRunLoopRun() into a loop
// of its own.
HTuple      gStartMutex;
H_pthread_t gActionThread;
HBOOL       gTerminate = FALSE;static void timer_callback(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info)
}static Herror apple_action(void **parameters)
{// Wait until the timer has fired to start processing.LockMutex(gStartMutex);UnlockMutex(gStartMutex);try{action();}catch (HException &exception){fprintf(stderr,"  Error #%u in %s: %s\n", exception.ErrorCode(),(const char *)exception.ProcName(),(const char *)exception.ErrorMessage());}// Tell the main thread to terminate itself.LockMutex(gStartMutex);gTerminate = TRUE;UnlockMutex(gStartMutex);CFRunLoopStop(CFRunLoopGetMain());return H_MSG_OK;
}static int apple_main(int argc, char *argv[])
{Herror                error;CFRunLoopTimerRef     Timer;CFRunLoopTimerContext TimerContext = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };CreateMutex("type","sleep",&gStartMutex);LockMutex(gStartMutex);error = HpThreadHandleAlloc(&gActionThread);if (H_MSG_OK != error){fprintf(stderr,"HpThreadHandleAlloc failed: %d\n", error);exit(1);}error = HpThreadCreate(gActionThread,0,apple_action);if (H_MSG_OK != error){fprintf(stderr,"HpThreadCreate failed: %d\n", error);exit(1);}Timer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(),0,0,0,timer_callback,&TimerContext);if (!Timer){fprintf(stderr,"CFRunLoopTimerCreate failed\n");exit(1);}CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(),Timer,kCFRunLoopCommonModes);for (;;){HBOOL terminate;CFRunLoopRun();LockMutex(gStartMutex);terminate = gTerminate;UnlockMutex(gStartMutex);if (terminate)break;}CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(),Timer,kCFRunLoopCommonModes);CFRelease(Timer);error = HpThreadHandleFree(gActionThread);if (H_MSG_OK != error){fprintf(stderr,"HpThreadHandleFree failed: %d\n", error);exit(1);}ClearMutex(gStartMutex);return 0;
#endifint main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int ret = 0;try{#if defined(_WIN32)SetSystem("use_window_thread", "true");
#endif// file was stored with local-8-bit encoding//   -> set the interface encoding accordinglySetHcppInterfaceStringEncodingIsUtf8(false);// Default settings used in HDevelop (can be omitted)SetSystem("width", 512);SetSystem("height", 512);#ifndef __APPLE__action();
#elseret = apple_main(argc,argv);
#endif}catch (HException &exception){fprintf(stderr,"  Error #%u in %s: %s\n", exception.ErrorCode(),(const char *)exception.ProcName(),(const char *)exception.ErrorMessage());ret = 1;}return ret;

06. 附录

6.1 机器视觉博客汇总

【机器视觉】 Halcon代码导出高级语言代码相关推荐

  1. Halcon PDF文档(hdevelop_users_guide)学习总结之六——Halcon如何导出C++代码


  2. 第二讲:C#与halcon联合环境配置,halcon代码导出与软件界面搭建

    一,c#与halcon联合环境配置 1.首先将找到你的halco安装目录,然后在目录下找到两个文件,halcon.dll与halcondotent.dll如下: 2.用vs2019创建一个C#窗体项目 ...

  3. 第一章 插件安装和代码导出

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  4. Halcon 摄像机标定流程-代码实现

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  5. php调用python导出excel_如何使用Django导出Excel代码问题

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  7. Java POI的Excel操作(行高列宽比例;生成说明,标题,字段;导出Excel代码,压缩)

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  9. Excel 2010 VBA 入门 013 导入或导出VBA代码

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