
create or replace procedure daily_rpt

( v_start in date

, v_end in date )



for r in (

select ao_out_no, 0 as exists_check

from tablea



select count(*) into exists_check

from tablea

where out_no = r.ao_out_no

and rownum = 1;

if r.exists_check > 0 then



insert into tableb (out_no) values (r.ao_out_no);

end if;

end loop;


但是,查询所有行然后对每行进行一次额外的查找来确定是否要使用它是低效率的,因为SQL可以为您做这种事情。 因此版本2可能类似于:

create or replace procedure daily_rpt

( v_start in date

, v_end in date )



for r in (

select ao_out_no

from tablea

where not exists

( select count(*)

from tablea

where out_no = r.ao_out_no

and rownum = 1 )



insert into tableb (out_no) values (r.ao_out_no);

end loop;


在这一点上,您可以将整个循环替换为insert ... where not exists (...)语句。

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