      例如 在做自动编号这样使用
     int nextID=da.GetMaxNum()+1;
     this.txtCode.Text = nextID.ToString().PadLeft(6, '0');



--@num:原始字符@paddingChar:填充字符 @totalWidth:结果字符串中的字符数
--create by guoliang 2009/06/12

create function PadLeft(@num varchar(16),@paddingChar char(1),@totalWidth int)

returns varchar(16) as


declare @curStr varchar(16)

select @curStr = isnull(replicate(@paddingChar,@totalWidth - len(isnull(@num ,0))), '') + @num

return @curStr



SELECT dbo.PadLeft('8', '0', 6)


(所影响的行数为 1 行)


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