how to fix error 25007 : loadlibraryshim()

2009-02-10 10:47:11|  分类: 默认分类|字号 订阅

“Error 25007.Error occurred while initializing fusion. Setup could notload fusion with LoadLibraryShim(). The handle is invalid.”

When you encountered this error, you cannot continue to installMicrosoft .Net Framework 2.0. Even if you tried to uninstall .NetFramework 2.0, it won’t allow you too! Now, you found yourself stuck inthe situation and thinking of reformat your PC for a clean freshinstallation.

Don’t do that just yet. There is one simple solution to this problem. Just remove the following folder


where %windir is your Windows directory and reinstall .Net Framework 2.0.

Now, you should be able to get the Framework installed.


Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 安装程序地址

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