
  • 1、RT_SVC的分类
  • 2、RT_SVC的注册
  • 3、rt_svc定义的原理和rt_svc的请求实现

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  • ARM Architecture Calls
  • CPU Service Calls
  • SiP Service Calls
  • OEM Service Calls
  • Standard Secure Service Calls
  • Standard Hypervisor Service Calls
  • Vendor Specific Hypervisor Service Calls
  • Trusted Application Calls
  • Trusted OS Calls

目前我们在ATF中常用的主要是Trusted OS Calls,如果是在MTK平台上SiP Service Calls也常使用的.


在ATF中有多种类型的rt_svc, 不同的rt_svc为不同的场景服务. 我们下面举三个例子详细说明:

(1)、Trusted OS Calls
我们以optee os为例,在ATF中注册一个rt_svc,为linux和optee_os交互服务.

例如在opteed_main.c中,定义了一个service,该servic call ranges是OEN_TOS_START–OEN_TOS_END,正好落在50-63之间, 对应的就是Trusted OS Calls


那么我们在linux kernel程序中,想和optee os通信,需要通过ATF中的这类rt_svc才行,所以呢我们在linux kernel中构造的smc cmdid的bit29:24需为50–63之间,才能调起ATF中的该服务。 同样,在optee发起返回linux kernel的smc call的smcid也需在50–63之间

(2)、ARM Architecture Calls
例如在arm_arch_svc_setup.c中,定义了一个service,它的call类型是OEN_ARM_START–OEN_ARM_END,落在0-0之间,对应的恰好是ARM Architecture Calls

/* Register Standard Service Calls as runtime service */

那么我们在linux kernel中,调用smc时的smc id的bit29:24需要等于0,此次的smc调用才会调用到这个runtime service的handler程序

(3)、SiP Service Calls
例如在mtk_sip_svc.c中,定义了一个service,它的call类型是OEN_SIP_START–OEN_SIP_END,落在2-2之间,对应的恰好是SiP Service Calls

/* Define a runtime service descriptor for fast SMC calls */

那么我们在linux kernel中,调用smc时的smc id的bit29:24需要等于2,那么此次的smc调用才会调用到这个runtime service的handler程序


**(1)、定义实现 **

/** Convenience macros to declare a service descriptor*/
#define DECLARE_RT_SVC(_name, _start, _end, _type, _setup, _smch)   \static const rt_svc_desc_t __svc_desc_ ## _name            \__section("rt_svc_descs") __used = {            \.start_oen = (_start),                \.end_oen = (_end),                \.call_type = (_type),             \.name = #_name,                   \.init = (_setup),             \.handle = (_smch)             \}

section “rt_svc_descs”在RT_SVC_DESCS宏中

#define RT_SVC_DESCS                 \. = ALIGN(STRUCT_ALIGN);          \__RT_SVC_DESCS_START__ = .;           \KEEP(*(rt_svc_descs))              \__RT_SVC_DESCS_END__ = .;


#define RODATA_COMMON                    \RT_SVC_DESCS                   \FCONF_POPULATOR                    \PMF_SVC_DESCS                  \PARSER_LIB_DESCS               \CPU_OPS                        \GOT                        \BASE_XLAT_TABLE_RO


    .rodata . : {__RODATA_START__ = .;*(SORT_BY_ALIGNMENT(.rodata*))RODATA_COMMON/* Place pubsub sections for events */. = ALIGN(8);
#include <lib/el3_runtime/pubsub_events.h>. = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE);__RODATA_END__ = .;} >RAM


在linux/optee中调用smc call后,触发同步异常,进入smc_handler64程序,然后跳转到对应的rt_svc


smc_handler64:/* NOTE: The code below must preserve x0-x4 *//** Save general purpose and ARMv8.3-PAuth registers (if enabled).* If Secure Cycle Counter is not disabled in MDCR_EL3 when* ARMv8.5-PMU is implemented, save PMCR_EL0 and disable Cycle Counter.*/bl   save_gp_pmcr_pauth_regs#if ENABLE_PAUTH/* Load and program APIAKey firmware key */bl    pauth_load_bl31_apiakey
#endif/** Populate the parameters for the SMC handler.* We already have x0-x4 in place. x5 will point to a cookie (not used* now). x6 will point to the context structure (SP_EL3) and x7 will* contain flags we need to pass to the handler.*/mov  x5, xzrmov  x6, sp/** Restore the saved C runtime stack value which will become the new* SP_EL0 i.e. EL3 runtime stack. It was saved in the 'cpu_context'* structure prior to the last ERET from EL3.*/ldr    x12, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_RUNTIME_SP]/* Switch to SP_EL0 */msr  spsel, #MODE_SP_EL0/** Save the SPSR_EL3, ELR_EL3, & SCR_EL3 in case there is a world* switch during SMC handling.* TODO: Revisit if all system registers can be saved later.*/mrs  x16, spsr_el3mrs    x17, elr_el3mrs x18, scr_el3stp x16, x17, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SPSR_EL3]str x18, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SCR_EL3]/* Copy SCR_EL3.NS bit to the flag to indicate caller's security */bfi   x7, x18, #0, #1mov  sp, x12/* Get the unique owning entity number */ubfx    x16, x0, #FUNCID_OEN_SHIFT, #FUNCID_OEN_WIDTH  ---------------- 获取FUNCID_OEN_SHIFT,对应第一节中的OEN_TOS_STARTubfx  x15, x0, #FUNCID_TYPE_SHIFT, #FUNCID_TYPE_WIDTH  ---------------- 获取FUNCID_TYPE_SHIFT,对应第一节中的SMC_TYPE_FAST(fast还是yield,yield其实就是standard)orr x16, x16, x15, lsl #FUNCID_OEN_WIDTH/* Load descriptor index from array of indices */adrp   x14, rt_svc_descs_indices  ----在runtime_svc_init()中会将所有的section rt_svc_descs段放入rt_svc_descs_indices数组,这里获取该数组地址add   x14, x14, :lo12:rt_svc_descs_indicesldrb    w15, [x14, x16]   ---找到rt_svc在rt_svc_descs_indices数组中的index/* Any index greater than 127 is invalid. Check bit 7. */tbnz    w15, 7, smc_unknown/** Get the descriptor using the index* x11 = (base + off), w15 = index    -------------------------重要的注释** handler = (base + off) + (index << log2(size))  ------ 这句注释特别重要,整段汇编看不懂没关系,这句注释看懂就行*/adr   x11, (__RT_SVC_DESCS_START__ + RT_SVC_DESC_HANDLE)lsl  w10, w15, #RT_SVC_SIZE_LOG2ldr  x15, [x11, w10, uxtw]    ------------------------------这句话对应的就是上述注释:handler = (base + off) + (index << log2(size))/** Call the Secure Monitor Call handler and then drop directly into* el3_exit() which will program any remaining architectural state* prior to issuing the ERET to the desired lower EL.*/
#if DEBUGcbz    x15, rt_svc_fw_critical_error
#endifblr   x15     -------------------------------------跳转到handlerb    el3_exit

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