
Tips for Creating Better Games and Working More Efficiently in unity
小编的话:(上)篇的链接是 http://www.unity蛮牛.com/thread-19974-1-1.html

Use Level of Detail
    The level of detail feature inside of Unity is a great tool to use to that allows you take a very detailed asset and switch it out for a lower resolution mesh depending on how close the camera is. As the camera moves further away, it’s going to switch out the mesh with the lower resolution version. This is a great optimization technique to use that can save a lot of processing time, because it only renders out the detail when it’s actually necessary.

There’s no reason to display a high resolution of detail if the player isn’t close enough to actually tell the difference. Of course, this will mean you’ll need to model several versions of the same asset at different detail levels. You also need to keep in mind that this is a Unity Pro only feature. So if you’re using the free version, it won’t be available to you.


Bake Lightmaps
        As you start working with large levels requiring many different lights to create the look and feel you want, it can really start bogging down your game and have an impact on the framerate.

To prevent your lights from impacting your game, you should be creating lightmaps. They allow you to bake all the lighting in your level directly to the actual textures. All of the lighting information stays there, but you don’t need the lights anymore. You can also add things like ambient occlusion to a lightmap to enhance the realism, but keep in mind this will increase the bake time.

Lightmaps may not be great for everything. Let’s say you want to give the player the ability to shoot out a light. This wouldn’t be achievable with a lightmap. So find places where you can implement lightmaps without hurting the gameplay.

Use Light Probes
        Anytime you create lightmaps for the lighting in your game, you’ll see it’ll look great for all the static objects in the level, but it doesn’t work for any type of dynamic asset in your game. This could be the character, enemies or anything moving. Dynamic objects will not be affected by the lightmaps. So while your level is nice and bright, the character will stay dark.


Lightmapping can’t be calculated for moving objects in real time, but it’s possible to get a similar effect that you would get with dynamic lights by using light probes. By placing light probes in your level, it’ll sample all of the lighting at each probe point. The lighting can then be interpolated between the samples taken from the nearest point. This can be done in real time so it simulates the lighting that would occur in the scene if there were actual dynamic lights set up and not lightmaps.

When placing your light probes, you want to do it in areas with a high contrast in light. You’ll also want to put a probe between two bright areas, so you’ll get realistic results as your character moves through the level.


Next time you fire up Unity to work on your game project, find places where you can incorporate these tips to speed up your workflow and even cut back on processing time.

原文:http://blog.digitaltutors.com/ti ... ficiently-in-unity/
译文:蛮牛译馆 - Dusthand & OVATION



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