
版本规范:6.x --> 7.0.90
版本规范:jdk1.6.x -- >jdk1.8.0_181
版本规范:spring3.x -- >spring-4.3.7



升级hibernate后导致了一系列的异常,其中connection holder is null这个问题为提交事务的时候抛出来的




源代码跟进见 https://blog.csdn.net/ayanami001/article/details/48181243


   进入下面这个 this.getLogicalConnection().releaseConnection()后.连接就会被释放掉(提交事务逻辑里面),导致最终提交事务事连接为null抛出 connection holder is null 异常!

最终在hibernate的配置中去除了<prop key="hibernate.connection.release_mode">after_statement</prop>后,事务提交正常!



关于connection holder is null的个人解决方案实践相关推荐

  1. 已解决:connection holder is null问题。

    错误信息 Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: connection holder is null at com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidPool ...

  2. java.sql.SQLException: connection holder is null

    解决方案一: <!-- 是否自动回收超时连接 --> <property name="removeAbandoned" value="true" ...

  3. connection holder is null

    1 连接被回收 (1)错误日志 Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: connection holder is null at com.alibaba.druid.poo ...

  4. 使用Druid数据源时候这个问题碰到过没:connection holder is null

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  5. java holder_java.sql.SQLException: connection holder is null

    错误信息 2017-11-15 14:53:16.931 [ ] ERROR com.hzcf.flagship.web.AssetPlanController 126 : ### Error upd ...

  6. 关于报错connection holder is null

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  7. java数据库连接Druidsql失败_Druid数据库连接池异常connection holder is null

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  8. Druid java.sql.SQLException: connection holder is null

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  9. 线上问题:java.sql.SQLException: connection holder is null

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