Every few months, it seems as if there’s yet another debate about why we see so few women in technology. I think a lot of it is because we just don’t hear about women role models as often as we do the men. For every woman you see speaking at a conference, there’s several guys — in fact, at some conferences you hardly see any women speakers at all. And as a woman in IT, I’ve seen it first hand — I’ve too often been the only techie girl in the room, and most of the more senior folks in my career have been guys. It’s tough!

每隔几个月,似乎又要辩论一次,为什么我们在技术领域见到如此少的女性。 我认为很多原因是因为我们很少像男人那样听说女性榜样。 对于您在会议上看到的每个女人,都有几个男人–实际上,在一些会议上,您几乎看不到任何女性演讲者。 作为IT领域的女性,我亲眼目睹了这一点-我经常是房间里唯一的技术女孩,而且我职业生涯中大多数高级人才都是男生。 这很难!

The good news is that today is a day for celebrating female role models in technology. March 24th is Ada Lovelace Day, and it’s a chance to highlight your favorite females in geekdom. Ada Lovelace is widely credited as being the first computer programmer–not just the first female computer programmer, but the first at all–and she’s a great reminder that women have been an important part of this industry for many, many years.

好消息是今天是庆祝女性技术榜样的一天。 3月24日是Ada Lovelace日 ,这是一个机会来凸显您喜欢的女性。 阿达洛夫莱斯被广泛相信作为第一个计算机程序员,不只是第一位女性计算机程序员,但第一个在所有 -和她是一个伟大的提醒,女性一直这个行业的很多很多年的重要组成部分。

So, how do you participate? You can blog about it, make a video or podcast, tweet about it–in fact anything at all that you can put online is welcome. When you’re done, add it to the list — there’s already a growing collection of posts from people who have something to say about inspiring geek women.

那么,您如何参与? 您可以博客,制作视频或播客,发布推文-实际上,您可以在线发布的任何内容都受到欢迎。 完成后, 将其添加到列表中 -已经有越来越多的人在鼓舞极客女性方面发表自己的看法。

Here are three inspiring geek women who, to me, are great role models.


danah boyd


danah boyd (yes, the use of lowercase is deliberate) has been thinking, writing and speaking about how we interact online since well before most people had even heard of the phrase ‘social network.’ danah’s a well-known speaker, a prolific blogger, and is currently part of the Microsoft research group in New England–check out a recent interview with her about the work she’s doing there. danah’s eloquent, passionate, and switched on. If you aren’t already reading her blog, and you have even a passing interest in the Social Web, you’re missing out.

danah boyd (是的, 故意使用小写字母)自从大多数人甚至没有听说过“社交网络”一词以来就一直在思考,写作和谈论我们如何在线互动。 danah是一位著名的演讲者,还是一位博多的博客作者,目前是新英格兰Microsoft研究小组的成员– 请查看她最近对她所做的采访。 丹娜(Danah)的雄辩,热情和开启。 如果您还没有阅读她的博客,并且甚至对社交网络怀有浓厚的兴趣,那您就错过了。

Susan Kare


Susan Kare is a graphic designer who was involved with the first Macintosh. Her work on the Mac’s fonts, icons and interface helped make the Mac such a groundbreaking achievement in user interface design. It’s because of Susan’s work that the Mac is so fun, friendly, and personal. She later worked on all kinds of projects, such as icons and interfaces for OS/2 and Windows, Facebook’s gift icons, handheld applications, and even the Chumby. She’s a pioneer in the field of interface design — if you’re interested in web design or user experience, there’s a lot you can learn from Susan Kare.

Susan Kare是一位图形设计师,曾参与第一台Macintosh。 她在Mac字体,图标和界面方面的工作使Mac在用户界面设计方面取得了突破性的成就。 由于Susan的作品,Mac变得如此有趣,友好和个人化。 她后来从事各种项目,例如OS / 2和Windows的图标和界面,Facebook的礼物图标,手持式应用程序,甚至是Chumby 。 她是界面设计领域的先驱-如果您对Web设计或用户体验感兴趣,那么您可以向Susan Kare学习很多东西。

Molly Holzschlag

莫莉·霍尔兹拉格(Molly Holzschlag)

Among markup gurus and CSS fiends, Molly is one of those people who doesn’t need a surname — like Sting, Bono, or Madonna. Molly’s a consultant, trainer, speaker, author, and an overall rockstar in terms of getting the word out about Web standards. Molly’s writing, blogging and speaking have been relevant for years and I’m sure they’ll stay that way for some time. Right now she’s working with the team at Opera as a Web evangelist, spreading the good word about Web standards.

在标记专家和CSS专家中, 莫莉是不需要姓氏的人之一,例如Sting,Bono或Madonna。 在宣传Web标准方面,Molly是一名顾问,培训师,演讲者,作家,并且是一名综合摇滚明星。 莫莉(Molly)的写作,博客和演讲已经有多年历史了,我相信他们会在一段时间内保持这种状态。 现在,她正与Opera的团队一起作为Web传播者,传播有关Web标准的好话。

How about you? Who are your favorite female geek role models?

你呢? 您最喜欢的女性怪胎榜样是谁?

(Image: public domain)

(图片: 公共领域 )

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/celebrate-inspiring-women-in-technology-its-ada-lovelace-day/

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