Word lets you hide text so you can read or print your document as if the text isn’t there. This might seem pointless—why not just remove the text if you don’t want someone to read it—but hidden text does have some interesting uses. Let’s take a look at what hidden text is (and what it isn’t), why you might want to hide text, and how to do it.

Word使您可以隐藏文本,以便您可以阅读或打印文档,就好像文本不存在一样。 这似乎毫无意义-如果您不希望别人阅读文本,为什么不删除文本-但是隐藏的文本确实有一些有趣的用途。 让我们看一下什么是隐藏文本(什么不是隐藏文本),为什么要隐藏文本以及如何隐藏文本。

什么是隐藏文字? (What is Hidden Text?)

Word hides text by using formatting marks—the same way you’d format text as bold or italic. Instead of removing the text, Word applies a formatting mark that means “don’t display this text.”

Word通过使用格式标记来隐藏文本,这与将文本格式设置为粗体或斜体的方式相同。 Word不会删除文本,而是应用格式标记,表示“不要显示此文本”。

Because hidden text is just standard text with formatting marks applied, anyone who can edit the document can search for hidden text and display it. So it’s not a security measure, and you should never rely on hidden text to prevent a determined person from reading something in your document. If you don’t want someone to read something you’ve written, either remove the text entirely or don’t send the document to them.

因为隐藏的文本只是带有格式标记的标准文本,所以任何可以编辑文档的人都可以搜索并显示隐藏的文本 。 因此,这不是安全措施,因此您绝对不应依靠隐藏的文本来防止有决心的人阅读文档中的某些内容。 如果您不希望某人阅读您所写的内容,请完全删除该文本或不将文档发送给他们。

为什么要隐藏文本? (Why Would you Want to Hide Text?)

Hiding text does have its uses. If you want to print a document without some text showing up, you can do that with hidden text (although make sure you haven’t turned on the option to print hidden text). One great use for this is if you had a document you want to print and hand out to an audience, but you wanted your copy of the document to contain notes just for you.

隐藏文本确实有其用途。 如果您要在不显示某些文本的情况下打印文档,则可以使用隐藏的文本进行操作(尽管请确保未打开打印隐藏的文本的选项)。 一个很好的用途是,如果您有一个要打印并分发给听众的文档,但是您希望该文档的副本包含只适合您的注释。

You might also want different people to review different parts of a document, and hidden text presents a simple way to show only those parts that you need a person to review (as long as you don’t mind them seeing the hidden text if they find it).


You can also hide images and other embedded objects, which can cut down on print time and cost, as well as make your document more readable if you just want pure text.


Note: You can only do this in the Word client on your computer. Word Online and Word apps for Android and iPhone don’t (yet) allow you to hide text.

注意:您只能在计算机上的Word客户端中执行此操作。 Word Online和适用于Android和iPhone的Word应用程序尚未允许您隐藏文本。

您如何隐藏文字? (How Do You Hide Text?)

Hiding text is as simple as it gets. Select the text you want to hide, switch to the “Home” tab on the Ribbon, and then click the arrow at the bottom right of the “Font” group.

隐藏文本非常简单。 选择要隐藏的文本,切换到功能区上的“主页”选项卡,然后单击“字体”组右下角的箭头。

This opens up the Font window. Turn on the “Hidden” option and then click the “OK” button.

这将打开“字体”窗口。 打开“隐藏”选项,然后单击“确定”按钮。

That’s all there is to it. The text you selected is no longer visible as if you’d deleted it from the document. If all that mouse clicking is too much for you, there’s also a keyboard shortcut to hide text—select your text and hit Ctrl+Shift+H.

这里的所有都是它的。 所选文本不再可见,就好像您已从文档中删除该文本一样。 如果所有鼠标单击对您来说都太多了,那么您还可以使用键盘快捷键来隐藏文本-选择您的文本,然后按Ctrl + Shift + H。

如何隐藏图像之类的对象? (How Do You Hide Objects Like Images?)

You hide objects in the same way as you hide text—by selecting them and ticking the”Hidden” field in the Font panel (or using Ctrl+Shift+H). This method only works if your object uses the default text wrapping option of “In line with text,” which is when Word treats an object as just another piece of text. If your object has a different text wrapping option, but you still want to hide it, you’ll have to hide the paragraph to which the object is anchored. This hides the anchored object at the same time. (Not sure what an “anchored object” is? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with our guide to positioning objects in Word.)

通过选择对象并在“字体”面板中选中“隐藏”字段(或使用Ctrl + Shift + H),以与隐藏文本相同的方式隐藏对象。 仅当您的对象使用默认的文本换行选项 “与文本对齐”时,此方法才有效。在这种情况下 ,Word将一个对象视为另一段文本。 如果对象具有不同的文本换行选项,但仍要隐藏它,则必须隐藏该对象锚定的段落。 这将同时隐藏锚定对象。 (不确定什么是“锚定对象”?不用担心,我们已经为您介绍了在Word中放置对象的指南 。)

您如何取消隐藏文本? (How Do You Unhide Text?)

To unhide text, reverse the process. Select it and hit Ctrl+Shift+H or untick the”Hidden” field in the Font panel.

要取消隐藏文本,请撤消该过程。 选择它,然后按Ctrl + Shift + H或取消选中“字体”面板中的“隐藏”字段。

But, how do you select hidden text in the first place if you can’t see it? Because hidden text is just normal text with formatting marks applied, you need to display all of the formatting marks. This shows your hidden text.

但是,如果您看不到隐藏文本,该如何首先选择呢? 因为隐藏的文本只是应用了格式标记的普通文本,所以您需要显示所有格式标记。 这会显示您的隐藏文本。

To display all the formatting marks, click Home > Show/Hide.


You can also hit Ctrl+Shift+8 if you prefer. This shows all of the non-printing characters your document—things like paragraph marks, spaces, and tab characters.

如果愿意,也可以按Ctrl + Shift + 8。 这将显示文档中的所有非打印字符,例如段落标记,空格和制表符。

Hidden text has a dotted line underneath it to differentiate it from regular text.


Select the hidden text and use Ctrl+Shift+H or the Font > Hidden setting to unhide the text.

选择隐藏的文本,然后使用Ctrl + Shift + H或“字体”>“隐藏”设置取消隐藏文本。

If you’ve got a lot of hidden text to unhide, or you don’t want to search the whole document for hidden text, no problem. Select all the text in the document by hitting Ctrl+A and then use either of those same methods (Ctrl+Shift+H or Font > Hidden) to unhide all hidden text in the entire document (except in headers or footers, which you’ll have to do separately).

如果您有很多隐藏的文本要取消隐藏,或者您不想在整个文档中搜索隐藏的文本 ,那就没问题了。 通过按Ctrl + A选择文档中的所有文本,然后使用相同的方法(Ctrl + Shift + H或“字体”>“隐藏”)来取消隐藏整个文档中的所有隐藏文本(页眉或页脚除外,我将不得不单独做)。

Click Home > Show/Hide or hit Ctrl+Shift+8 again to hide the formatting marks.

单击主页>显示/隐藏,或再次单击Ctrl + Shift + 8隐藏格式标记。

We mentioned at the top of this article that you can only hide/unhide text in the Word client and not in Word Online. The same goes for showing formatting marks, which you can do in the Word desktop app.

我们在本文的顶部提到您只能在Word客户端中隐藏/取消隐藏文本,而不能在Word Online中隐藏/取消隐藏文本。 显示格式标记的方法与此相同,您可以在Word桌面应用程序中执行此操作。

您可以一次删除所有隐藏的文本吗? (Can You Delete All Hidden Text at Once?)

Yes, and we’ve previously shown you a way of doing this using Find and Replace. You can use that method to choose which hidden text to remove, but if you just want to guarantee that any hidden text is deleted, go to File > Check For Issues > Inspect Document.

是的,我们之前已经向您展示了使用“查找和替换”执行此操作的方法 。 您可以使用该方法选择要删除的隐藏文本,但是如果您只想保证删除任何隐藏文本,请转至文件>检查问题>检查文档。

The option you’re looking for is right at the bottom, and it’s called “Hidden Text.” Make sure any other options are switched off (unless you want to use them at the same time) and click the “Inspect” button.

您要查找的选项就在底部,它被称为“隐藏文本”。 确保其他所有选项均已关闭(除非您希望同时使用它们),然后单击“检查”按钮。

If the Document Inspector finds any hidden text, it shows you a “Remove All” button. Click this to delete all hidden text in the document.

如果文档检查器发现任何隐藏的文本,则会显示“全部删除”按钮。 单击此按钮删除文档中所有隐藏的文本。

You cannot undo this action, so make sure you really want to remove all hidden text or that you’ve saved another copy of the document first.


这适用于共享文档吗? (Does This Work With Shared Documents?)

If you use OneDrive or SharePoint, you can share your documents with other people. Hidden text is still hidden when the people with whom you’ve shared it view the document in Word Online because Word Online doesn’t let you hide/unhide text or show formatting marks. They can still download a copy and view it in the Word app. When they do that, they can click Home > Show/Hide and see the hidden text. So once again, don’t share a document with hidden text unless you’re okay with those people potentially seeing what you’ve hidden.

如果您使用OneDrive或SharePoint,则可以与其他人共享您的文档。 当与您共享文本的人在Word Online中查看文档时,隐藏的文本仍处于隐藏状态,因为Word Online不允许您隐藏/取消隐藏文本或显示格式标记。 他们仍然可以下载副本并在Word应用程序中查看。 当他们这样做时,他们可以单击主页>显示/隐藏并查看隐藏的文本。 因此,再一次,不要与隐藏的文本共享文档,除非您与那些可能看到您隐藏的内容的人相处得很好。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/363893/how-and-why-to-use-hidden-text-in-a-word-document/


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