

1.The diagram below shows the aggregate demand (AD)and short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) curves for a country, with the initialequilibrium at the intersection of AD1 and SRAS1 at point E.

The country experiences a significant increase inboth world commodity prices and exports. As a result of these two events, theequilibrium will

A. remain at point E

B. move to point F

C. move to point G

D. move to point H   

2.The diagram below shows a shift in the long-runaggregate supply curve for an economy from LRAS1 to LRAS2.

The shift is most likely to have been caused by afall in

A  thecapital stock.

B  income taxrates.

C  the growthof labour productivity.

D  interest rates.

3.The diagram below shows the aggregate demand (AD)curve and two long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) curves for an economy

The decline in equilibrium real national outputfrom Y1 to Y2 implies that the economy

A. isoperating within its production possibility frontier.

B. has afalling level of unemployment.

C. has anegative rate of economic growth.

D. is experiencing a low rate of productivity growth.

4.The diagram below shows the aggregate demand (AD)and long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) curves for the UK economy.

The government predicts that aggregate demand willincrease in the long run from AD1 to AD2. All other things being equal, whichone of the following policies is most likely to move the economy to a newlong-run equilibrium at point E rather than point F?

A  Pursuing an expansionary monetarypolicy

B  Allowing the exchange rate to rise

C  Increasing taxation

D  Improving the flexibility of the labour market

5.Which one of the following is most likely to resultin a rightward shift of the short-run aggregate supply curve?

A. A decreasein wage rates

B. A decreasein government spending

C. Anincrease in taxation

D. An increase in investment expenditure


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