
To become a Senior Java Developer, I’ve been learning Java for many years and still I’m not gonna stop learning as actual coding never stops teaching. I’ve also been teaching it for over seven years now. Just fancy how many mistakes I’ve already made myself and how many I’ve watched my students doing. I am pretty sure now I know a hundred wrong ways of learning to code (as well as dozens of the right ones).

要成为一名高级Java开发人员,我已经学习Java多年了,但我不会停止学习,因为实际的代码永远不会停止教学。 我也已经教了七年以上。 只是幻想我已经犯了多少错误,以及看着我的学生有多少错误。 我现在可以肯定,我知道一百种错误的学习编码方法(以及数十种正确的方法)。

Plenty of paths are available for you to start your developer career. But the same thing creates an illusion that all roads to success in coding are equally good. From my experience, I can say that it’s not completely so. Here I will share the ineffective ways on how to learn to program and show you better alternatives.

您可以使用很多途径来开始您的开发者职业生涯。 但是,同一件事产生了一种幻觉,即编码成功的所有道路都是一样的好。 根据我的经验,我可以说并非完全如此。 在这里,我将分享有关如何学习编程的无效方法,并向您展示更好的替代方法。

9种无效的编程学习方法 (9 Ineffective Approaches to Learn Programming)

1.一次做完 (1. Doing it all at once)

When you feel like you are in a mood for an achievement you’re itching to do everything at once. You open several web pages and start learning a bit of Java, and then a bit of PHP, and then you give a short glimpse at JS frameworks. By the end of the day, you think you know a lot about programming. But no.

当您想获得成就时,就渴望立即做所有事情。 您打开几个网页,开始学习一些Java,然后学习PHP,然后简要了解JS框架。 归根结底,您认为您对编程了解很多。 但不是。

See how you wake up the next morning and suddenly realize you remember next to nothing from yesterday. Several hours of study for a (seemingly) zero result! Well, that’s the trick of learning anything new: focus on something. Java — then Java only. Stay with this strategy for at least first few months. Later it might be even beneficial for you to go to the other technologies and try them together in real projects.

看看您第二天早上如何醒来,突然意识到您从昨天起几乎一无所有。 几个小时的学习(看似)为零! 好吧,这就是学习新知识的窍门:专注于某些东西。 Java-仅Java。 至少在最初的几个月内保持这种策略。 之后,使用其他技术并在实际项目中一起尝试可能对您甚至有益。

2.跳过基础 (2. Skipping the fundamentals)

Who cares about the simple alphabet when you can start writing your first novel right away? Why waste time doing something only losers would do? Yeah, right. Skip the dull fundamentals. Why would you bother learning anything about classes or inheritance if the Next Big Thing is waiting for you?

当您可以立即开始撰写第一本小说时,谁在乎简单的字母? 为什么要浪费时间做只有失败者才能做的事情? 是的,对。 跳过沉闷的基础知识。 如果“下一件大事”等着您,您为什么还要花时间学习有关类或继承的任何知识?

Well, not exactly. Learning the basics is the brick and mortar of your future career. If you don’t do your job building it carefully now, you will stumble over it for years. When you get a real job you might really be very short on time to go back to basics. So the best moment to slowly move from points A to B is now. No, you are not the smartest crayon in the box (yet!), so don’t skip learning the fundamentals.

好吧,不完全是。 学习基础知识是您未来职业的基石。 如果您现在不认真地构建它,那么您将迷失数年。 当您找到一份真正的工作时,您可能真的没有时间恢复基本知识。 因此,现在是从点A缓慢移至点B的最佳时刻。 不,您不是盒子里最聪明的蜡笔(但!),所以不要跳过学习基础知识。

3.在蓝月亮中学习一次 (3. Studying once in a blue moon)

The next trick, which is connected with the previous one: learn regularly. Think “consistency” is just another buzzword? No, it’s not. This is the way the memory works: you have to repeat things several times before they actually become a skill. And without any further use, the skills you worked so hard to build will vanish out of your memory again. That’s why several hours of study with several days of oblivion is a direct course toward failure. Learning programming for thirty minutes per day is better than three hours of practice every other Monday.

下一个技巧与上一个技巧有关:定期学习。 认为“一致性”只是另一个流行词? 不,这不对。 这就是记忆的工作方式:您必须重复多次才能真正使它们成为一项技能。 而且,如果不再进一步使用,那么您辛苦地建立的技能将再次从您的记忆中消失。 这就是为什么数小时的学习和几天的遗忘是走向失败的直接途径。 每天学习30分钟的编程要比每隔一个星期一的三个小时的练习要好。

4.独自学习编码 (4. Learning coding in solitude)

“I will do it on my own.” “I thought coding was about typing the right lines. Why would I need people?” These are some of the excuses I’ve heard for not connecting with other people while you learn. Yeah, if you envision yourself hiding behind the monitor and coding genius things in solitude and silence… Well, say goodbye to this illusion! No matter how introverted software developers are, their profession is about teamwork. Yours will be too.

“我会自己做。” “我认为编码是要输入正确的行。 我为什么需要人?” 这些是我在学习过程中不与他人联系的借口。 是的,如果您设想自己躲在显示器后面并以孤独和寂静的方式编码天才事物……那么,告别这种幻觉! 无论软件开发人员多么内向,他们的专业都是团队合作。 你的也一样。

On your learning path, help from peers may also be crucial. And who knows, maybe you’ll also meet your future colleague or even employers there. Where? On the programmers’ forums, professional communities, etc. Come join forums like CodeGym, Stack Overflow, Reddit (e.g., subreddits like r\learnprogramming, r\java, and r\learnjava). Talk to others about your studies and work, ask for help, help others, and get some inspiration. This will definitely speed up your professional skills and — which might be even more important — your soft skills.

在您的学习道路上,同伴的帮助也可能至关重要。 谁知道呢,也许您还会在那里见到您未来的同事甚至雇主。 哪里? 在程序员的论坛,专业社区等上,加入诸如CodeGym , Stack Overflow , Reddit之类的论坛(例如,诸如r \ learnprogramming,r \ java和r \ learnjava之类的子reddit)。 与他人谈论您的学习和工作,寻求帮助,帮助他人并获得启发。 这肯定会加快您的专业技能,甚至可能更重要的是您的软技能。

5.仅阅读,观看视频并再次阅读 (5. Only reading, watching videos, and reading again)

The more you read about programming, the better the programmer you become. Well, no. Theory only, even if it is in the form of a bright YouTube cartoon, won’t get you far unless you also practice. Try some coding challenge platforms, play games, and learn by doing. Here are some online options I’ve picked up for you.

您对编程的了解越多,您成为一名更好的程序员。 好吧,不。 仅凭理论,即使是以明亮的YouTube卡通形式出现,除非您也进行练习,否则它不会带您走远。 尝试一些编码挑战平台,玩游戏,边做边学。 这是我为您准备的一些在线选项。

  • Gitconnected


Gitconnected is a community full of tutorial resources for learning programming. All materials are filtered by software engineers and developers, so the quality of content is super high. Here members not only learn but communicate with each other to find the best possible solutions to complete the tasks.

Gitconnected是一个社区,充满了学习编程的教程资源。 所有材料均经过软件工程师和开发人员的过滤,因此内容的质量非常高。 在这里,成员不仅学习而且彼此交流以找到最佳的解决方案来完成任务。

  • CodeGym


CodeGym is a structured Java course that combines lectures and practical tasks. Here you can start doing tasks from the beginner level and get to the confident middle level. The whole course is built as a quest that involves gamification and storytelling. Doesn’t it make the whole process much more interesting?

CodeGym是一门结构化的Java课程,结合了讲座和实际任务。 在这里,您可以从初学者开始执行任务,然后进入自信的中层。 整个课程都是作为涉及游戏化和讲故事的探索而构建的。 这不是使整个过程变得更加有趣吗?

  • Coderbyte


This resource is a challenge- and problem-resolution-based. There are starter courses, a huge library of challenges with marked levels of difficulty, and job interview preparation tools.

此资源是基于挑战和问题解决方案的。 有入门课程,巨大的挑战库和明显的难度水平,以及工作面试准备工具。

  • Codechef


Codechef is a place for a friendly competition. It also has starter courses and monthly challenges. See how your name will look if you become one of the top performers!

Codechef是进行友好比赛的地方。 它还有入门课程和每月挑战。 看看如果您成为表现最好的人之一,您的名字将如何显示!

6.不学习解决问题 (6. Not learning to solve problems)

Let’s get back to the learners’ mistakes. At first, you will really just learn simple coding. But the “repeat after me” type of the tutorials cannot last long. Creating software is not only about writing lines and lines of code. It’s about making something that would help people fill some gaps and solve some issues.

让我们回到学习者的错误中。 首先,您实际上只会学习简单的编码。 但是这些教程的“跟着我重复”的类型不能持续很长时间。 创建软件不仅涉及编写代码行和代码行。 这是关于做出一些可以帮助人们填补空白并解决一些问题的事情。

That’s why you have to start figuring out how to resolve problems with your coding, not just doing monkey business. The thing is that you won’t receive tasks at work like “write 50 lines of Java code.” They would mostly come like, “We need this thing to work this way. Can you do that?” And here’s when you either can or cannot. Try coding challenges like those mentioned above for drilling problem-solving skills.

这就是为什么您必须开始弄清楚如何解决编码问题,而不仅仅是做猴子生意。 问题是您不会在工作中收到诸如“编写50行Java代码”之类的任务。 他们通常会说:“我们需要这种方式来工作。 你能做到吗?” 这就是您可以或不能的时候。 尝试像上面提到的那样为解决问题的技巧编写挑战代码。

7.不确定所写的内容是否有效 (7. Not being sure whatever you write is working)

In a make-believe world, developers create ideal code from scratch, and it miraculously works all at once. But in the real world, things are way more complicated. You write and write features for some app, and then — oops. The app just won’t operate. And don’t you actually know what’s wrong, whether things went wrong one by one or several at a time. And now you have to check up on everything from the very beginning. Good luck! A much better option is to double or triple check every part of your project before you move on to the next step. Then the chances you create something good are much higher.

在一个难以置信的世界中,开发人员可以从头开始创建理想的代码,并且奇迹般地一次完成所有工作。 但是在现实世界中,事情变得更加复杂。 您为某个应用程序编写功能,然后-哎呀。 该应用程序将无法运行。 而且您实际上不知道出什么问题了吗,一次是一次还是几次出现了问题。 现在,您必须从一开始就检查所有内容。 祝好运! 更好的选择是在继续下一步之前,对项目的每个部分进行两次或三次检查。 这样,您创造出好的东西的机会就更高了。

8.绝不承认您编写了错误的代码 (8. Never admitting you wrote bad code)

It’s hard to realize you’ve made a mistake. It’s even harder when there are plenty of mistakes every day and in every line of code. But pretending that it’s alright and should be this way is even worse. So face it: you will write a lot of bad code. And you will have to rewrite it every now and then. It’s inevitable, and it’s a part of the process. Audit your code, and if something has to be changed — go and change it.

很难意识到您犯了一个错误。 如果每天和每一行代码中都存在大量错误,那就更难了。 但是假装没问题,应该这样,甚至更糟。 面对现实:您将编写很多错误的代码。 而且您将不得不不时地重写它。 这是不可避免的,并且是过程的一部分。 审核您的代码,以及是否必须更改某些内容—请进行更改。

9.不要让比您更有经验的人来检查您的代码 (9. Not letting your code be reviewed by anyone more experienced than you)

When you’re learning to play a musical instrument you barely wish to show anyone your sluggish finger movements. The same goes for code — until it’s perfect, you don’t want to show it to anyone. It’s common that beginner developers don’t ask for help and refuse to seek advice. You can only imagine how much longer and harder their learning path becomes because of this.

当您学习弹奏乐器时,您几乎不希望向任何人展示您缓慢的手指运动。 代码也是如此—直到完美为止,您不想将其展示给任何人。 初学者通常不寻求帮助而拒绝寻求建议是很常见的。 您只能想象因此而导致他们的学习道路变得越来越艰辛。

Ask for reviews of your code from someone who’s been there before. Go to the professional communities and forums (f.e. Stack Overflow, CodeProject or CodeGym forum), to your tutors if you are a student, and discuss it with your fellows. You will get a different perspective on resolving the same problem. And more than that, you will learn better and faster, as you also gain knowledge from experienced developers. By the way, there is a nice after-effect: you will be able to share your knowledge with the next newcomers to the profession, which is also quite rewarding.

要求曾经去过那里的人对您的代码进行审查。 如果您是学生,请转至专业社区和论坛(例如Stack Overflow , CodeProject或CodeGym论坛 ),并与您的导师联系,并与其他人讨论。 您将对解决同一问题有不同的看法。 不仅如此,您还将学得更好,更快,因为您还会从经验丰富的开发人员那里获得知识。 顺便说一句,有一个很好的后效应:您将能够与该行业的下一个新手分享您的知识,这也是非常有益的。

结语 (Wrap Up)

It does require time and effort to learn to program. But you don’t have to complicate the process with the mistakes every newbie programmer makes. If you only read and don’t start practicing, if you never let others review your code, if you don’t acquire a problem-solving approach, it will take ages for you to become a professional. And remember, the very worst thing you can do is never even start learning — or give up after the first failure.

确实需要时间和精力来学习编程。 但是您不必使每个新手程序员都会犯的错误使过程复杂化。 如果您只阅读并且不开始练习,或者您从不让其他人审阅您的代码,或者您没有获得解决问题的方法,那么成为专业人士将需要很长时间。 请记住,最糟糕的事情是永远不要开始学习,或者在第一次失败后就放弃。

Stay strong! Mistakes and flops are part of the process. Don’t get discouraged every time you do something wrong. The most important part is that you learn regularly and improve your skills eventually. Start right now, and good luck to you!

坚强点! 错误和失败是过程的一部分。 每次做错事情时,不要气disc。 最重要的部分是您要定期学习并最终提高技能。 立即开始,祝您好运!

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/newbie-programmers-mistakes-and-how-to-avoid-them-f39a94bf753b




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