本文主要参照 Ray Tracing: The Next Week,其中只是主要精炼光追相关理论,具体实现可参照原文。


如果要实动态模糊的效果,可以将原来的球体,改成球心在某条线段上的球体,例如代码中将sphere修改为moving_sphere,并将原来的center修改成center0, center1。每条射线都会有一个随机的系数t(范围0到1),使用t插值center0, center1,得到这条线段上的某个点作为moving_sphere的球心。



class ray
{public:vec3 A; //起点vec3 B; //方向float _time;ray() {}ray(const vec3 &a, const vec3 &b, float ti=0.0f){A = a;B = b;_time = ti;}float time() const { return _time; }vec3 origin() const { return A; }vec3 direction() const { return B; }vec3 point_at_parameter(float t) const { return A + t * B; } //终点的坐标


class camera
{public:vec3 origin;vec3 lower_left_corner;vec3 horizontal;vec3 vertical;vec3 u, v, w;float lens_radius;float time0, time1;//lookfrom为相机位置,lookat为观察位置,vup传(0,1,0),vfov为视野角度,aspect为屏幕宽高比//aperture为光圈大小,focus_dist为相机到观察点的距离camera(vec3 lookfrom, vec3 lookat, vec3 vup, float vfov, float aspect, float aperture, float focus_dist, float t0, float t1){time0 = t0;time1 = t1;lens_radius = aperture / 2;float theta = vfov * M_PI / 180;float half_height = tan(theta / 2);float half_width = aspect * half_height;origin = lookfrom;w = unit_vector(lookfrom - lookat);u = unit_vector(cross(vup, w));v = cross(w, u);lower_left_corner = origin - half_width * focus_dist * u - half_height * focus_dist * v - focus_dist * w;horizontal = 2 * half_width * focus_dist * u;vertical = 2 * half_height * focus_dist * v;}ray get_ray(float s, float t){vec3 rd = lens_radius * random_in_unit_disk();vec3 offset = u * rd.x() + v * rd.y();float time = time0 + random_double() * (time1 - time0);return ray(origin + offset, lower_left_corner + s * horizontal + t * vertical - origin - offset, time);}};


class moving_sphere : public hittable
{public:vec3 center0, center1;float time0, time1;float radius;material *mat_ptr; /* NEW */vec3 center(float time) const{return center0 + ((time - time0) / (time1 - time0)) * (center1 - center0);}moving_sphere() {}moving_sphere(vec3 cen0, vec3 cen1, double t0, double t1, double r, material *m): center0(cen0), center1(cen1), time0(t0), time1(t1), radius(r), mat_ptr(m){};//如果命中了,命中记录保存到recvirtual bool hit(const ray &r, float t_min, float t_max, hit_record &rec) const{vec3 oc = r.origin() - center(r.time());float a = dot(r.direction(), r.direction());float b = dot(oc, r.direction());float c = dot(oc, oc) - radius * radius;float discriminant = b * b - a * c;if (discriminant > 0){float temp = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / a; //小实数根if (temp < t_max && temp > t_min){rec.t = temp;rec.p = r.point_at_parameter(rec.t);rec.normal = (rec.p - center(r.time())) / radius;rec.mat_ptr = mat_ptr; /* NEW */return true;}temp = (-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / a; //大实数根if (temp < t_max && temp > t_min){rec.t = temp;rec.p = r.point_at_parameter(rec.t);rec.normal = (rec.p - center(r.time())) / radius;rec.mat_ptr = mat_ptr; /* NEW */return true;}}return false;}


camera cam(lookfrom, lookat, vec3(0, 1, 0), 20, float(nx) / float(ny), aperture, dist_to_focus,0,0.5);hittable *random_scene() {int n = 500;hittable **list = new hittable*[n + 1];list[0] = new sphere(vec3(0, -1000, 0), 1000, new lambertian(vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));int i = 1;for (int a = -11; a < 11; a++) {for (int b = -11; b < 11; b++) {float choose_mat = random_double();vec3 center(a + 0.9*random_double(), 0.2, b + 0.9*random_double());if ((center - vec3(4, 0.2, 0)).length() > 0.9) {if (choose_mat < 0.8) {  // diffuseif (b % 2 == 0) //动态模糊的球体{auto center2 = center + vec3(0, random_double(), 0);list[i++] = new moving_sphere(center, center2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2,new lambertian(vec3(random_double()*random_double(),random_double()*random_double(),random_double()*random_double())));}else{list[i++] = new sphere(center, 0.2,new lambertian(vec3(random_double()*random_double(),random_double()*random_double(),random_double()*random_double())));}}else if (choose_mat < 0.95) { // metallist[i++] = new sphere(center, 0.2,new metal(vec3(0.5*(1 + random_double()),0.5*(1 + random_double()),0.5*(1 + random_double())),0.5*random_double()));}else {  // glasslist[i++] = new sphere(center, 0.2, new dielectric(1.5));}}}}list[i++] = new sphere(vec3(0, 1, 0), 1.0, new dielectric(1.5));list[i++] = new sphere(vec3(-4, 1, 0), 1.0, new lambertian(vec3(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)));list[i++] = new sphere(vec3(4, 1, 0), 1.0, new metal(vec3(0.7, 0.6, 0.5), 0.0));return new hittable_list(list, i);


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