  对称加密包括DES, Triple DES,RC2,RC4,IDEA,RC5,Blowfish,CAST...
  1,Generate a DES key.
  2,Encrypt the message M with the DES key to get M*.
  3,Get the recipient's RSA public key.
  4,Encrypt the DES key with the recipient's RSA public key to get K*.
  5,Send {K*, M*}.
  CST可以简单地使用不同的算法来写程序,它们使用相同的代码结构。例如:CST的BSAPI 产生key 使用bsapi_generate_key_ALG函数,
  如果ALG是一个对称算法(des,triple_des,rc2,bsa4,bsa5,rc4),函数产生一个secret key(私钥);如果ALG是一个非对称算法(dsa,rsa),
  Algorithm   ALG
  DES      des
  Triple DES  triple_des
  RC2      rc2
  RC4      rc4
  DSA      dsa
  RSA      rsa
  BSA4     bsa4
  BSA5     bsa5
  union bsapi_kparam_u
   bsapi_kparam_des des;
   bsapi_kparam_rsa rsa;
   bsapi_kparam_dsa_com dsa_com;
   bsapi_kparam_dsa_key dsa_key;
   bsapi_kparam_rc2 rc2;
   bsapi_kparam_rc4 rc4;

  prng_inst *prng;  //pseudo-random number generator
  bsapi_kparam kparam; //key generation parameters
  if (!(prng = prng_create_bbs(0)))
   // log error
   ut_log0(0UL,UT_ACONTINUE,"Couldn't start prng");
   // insert your own error handling code here and stop processing
  kparam.des.security = DES_NOEIGHTS; // eliminate all weak keys
  if (balg->generate_key(prng,&keyblk,0,&kparam))
   // log error
   ut_log0(0UL,UT_ACONTINUE,"Couldn't generate key");
   // insert your own error handling code here and stop processing
  typedef enum
  typedef enum
  typedef enum
  typedef enum
  typedef enum
  typedef struct bsapi_mode_s
   bsapi_mode_op     op;
   bsapi_mode_mode   mode;
   bsapi_mode_triple triple;
   bsapi_mode_key_type key_type;
   bsapi_mode_fast fast;
  op:指明一个session 将用来加密,解密,标记,检验。DES,Triple DES,RC2,RC4,BSA4和BSA5仅能用于加密和解密;
  mode:指示哪一个ANSI mode被使用:有下面四种:
    (1,BSAPI_ECB--Electronic Code Book;2,BSAPI_CBC--Cipher Block Chaining;3,BSAPI_CFB--Cipher Feedback;4,BSAPI_OFB--Output Feedback)
  key_type:指示key(s)是作为plain keys(BSAPI_KEY)支持还是作为precomputed subkeys(BSAPI_SCHEDULE)支持。
  typedef enum
  } bsapi_kset_key_type;
  typedef enum
  } bsapi_kset_data_type;
  typedef struct bsapi_kset_s
    ut_mblk              *keys;
    ut_mblk              *shrdpub;
   #define   community     shrdpub
    u32                   effbits;   /* effective key-length RC2 only */
    ut_mblk              *iv;
    unsigned              feedback;  /* OFB and CFB only */
    const pad_alg        *padalg;
    pad_params           *padpar;
    const hash_alg       *hashalg;
    unsigned              hashbits;
    bsapi_kset_data_type  data_type; /* when signing/verifying, are we passed
                                    * the message text or its hash */
    ut_mblk              *pnonce;    /* private nonce */
   #define    k_values     pnonce
    FILE                 *pnfprnt;   /* footprint database for private nonces */
    bsapi_kset_key_type   key_type;  /* deprecated; use pad_params */
  } bsapi_kset;

  bsapi_kset bkeys = {0};它可以确保一些默认的设置被使用。
   int descrypt(u8 *in,size_t inlen,u8 **out, size_t *outlen, ut_mblk *key)
    bsapi_kset keys = {0};
    bsapi_id mach;
    prng_inst *prng;
    ut_mblk_list cyph;
    ut_mblk_list tmp;
    // set parameters
    keys.keys = key;
    keys.padalg = &pad_pkcs5; // standard padding for DES
    prng = prng_create_r48(0); // default parameters
    // encrypt
    mach = bsapi_start_des(&md, prng, &keys);
    bsapi_append_des(in, inlen, mach);
    bsapi_finish_des(mach, &cyph);
    // get lengthh of output.the output is in cyph, a ut_mblk_list.
    // the final item in a list produced by bsapi_finish_ALG() can be identified by
    // (item)->next = 0.we add the lengths of the individual output blocks until this confition is true.
    *outlen = 0;
    for (tmp = cyph;tmp;tmp = tmp->next)
     *outlen += tmp->block.used;
    // allocate memory for output and copy it over
    *out = ut_new_mem(*outlen);
    *outlen = 0;
    for (tmp = cyph; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
     memcpy(*out + *outlen, tmp->block.data, tmp->block.used);
     *outlen += tmp->block.used;
    // free the memory from the list and close down the random number generator
    // return successfully
    return 0;
  int longdescrypt (FILE *in, FILE *out, ut_mblk *key)
    bsapi_kset    keys = {0};
    bsapi_id      mach;
    prng_inst    *prng;
    ut_mblk_list  cyph;
    u8            buf[BUFSIZ];
    size_t        readlen;       /* amount read from file */
    /* set parameters */
    keys.keys = key;
    keys.padalg = &pad_pkcs5;    /* standard padding for DES */
    prng = prng_create_r48 (0);   /* default parameters */
    /* start encryption session */
    mach = bsapi_start_des (&md, prng, &keys);
    /* read data from the input file, pass it to the session, and write
     * the output from the session to the output file.
     * the ut_mblk_list which is produced by bsapi_readmost_des will only*/
    while (readlen = fread (buf, sizeof (u8), BUFSIZ, in))
      bsapi_append_des (buf, readlen, mach);
      cyph = bsapi_readmost_des (mach);
      for (tmp=cyph; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
        fwrite (tmp->block.data, sizeof (u8), tmp->block.used,out);
      ut_dispose_list (cyph);
    bsapi_finish_des (mach, &cyph);
    for (tmp = cyph; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
      fwrite (tmp->block.data, sizeof (u8), tmp->block.used, out);
    /* free the memory from the list and close down the random number generator */
    ut_dispose_list (cyph);
    prng->destroy (prng);
    /* return successfully */
    return 0;
   int rsasign (u8 *msg, size_t msglen, ut_mblk *priv, ut_mblk *pub)
     bsapi_mode    md = {0};
     bsapi_kset    keys = {0};
     bsapi_id      mach;
     ut_mblk_list  cyph;
     ut_mblk_list  tmp;
     prng_inst    *prng;
     int           rval = 0;      /* default return value is failure */
     /* set up signing parameters */
     md.op = BSAPI_SIGN;
     keys.keys = priv;            /* use private key to generate signatures */
     keys.padalg = &pad_pkcs1;    /* standard for RSA signing */
     keys.hashalg = &hash_sha;    /* use SHA-1 as hash algorithm */
     prng = prng_create_r48 (0);
     /* sign */
     mach = bsapi_start_rsa (&md, prng, &keys);
     bsapi_append_rsa (msg, msglen, mach);
     bsapi_finish_rsa (mach, &cyph);
     /* cyph contains a single ut_mblk; cyph->block.data is the signature
      * data, cyph->block.used is the length of the signature data. For now,
      * we simply pass it back to the verification session. */
     /* set up verification parameters */
     md.op = BSAPI_VERIFY;
     keys.keys = pub;             /* use public key to verify signatures */
     keys.padalg = &pad_ pkcs1;   /* standard for RSA signing */
     keys.hashalg = &hash_sha;    /* use SHA-1 as hash algorithm */
     /* verify. Note that the message that was signed is passed to
      * bsapi_append_rsa(), while the signature itself is passed to
      * bsapi_finish_rsa(). The return value from bsapi_finish_rsa() tells us
      * whether the signature was good, the signature was bad, or there was an
      * internal failure in the verification session */
     mach = bsapi_start_rsa (&md, prng, &keys);
     bsapi_append_rsa (msg, msglen, mach);
     switch (bsapi_finish_rsa (mach, &cyph))
       case 0:
         printf("validated sig OK./n");
         rval = 1;
       case 1:
       case 2:
         printf("Bad Sig!/n");
       case -1:
         ut_log0 (0UL, UT_ACONTINUE, "internal error in bsapi_finish_rsa()");
         /* insert your own error handling code here and stop processing */
         printf("Unexpected return value from bsapi_finish_rsa()/n");
     /* Tidy up and shutdown */
     ut_dispose_list (cyph);
     prng->destroy (prng);
     return rval;


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