
/I/ 音

orange   cabbage wanted  begin
强音:S N   L
弱音:T D   H (强音消弱音)
等等:wait a minute / hold on / hold your horses / wait a second

/f/ 音

free  coffee     leaf
sometimes ... but most of the time ... 有时候。。。但是大多数
hang out with my friends
photogenic : 上镜
and stuff like that :诸如此类的
take a selfie : 自拍
post sth on Instagram: 上传照片

a free lunch

There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

a free bit of adivce 忠告

Allow me to give you a free bit of advice, my friend: don't say something you'll end up regretting later.


/v/ 轻咬下嘴唇 、/w/ 娃 、/u/ 嘴巴逐渐缩小、/e/ 舌头抵住门牙后

/g/ 音相关

gate      bag     good
hit the sack 睡觉
sleep like a log
generation gap
gap year 间隔年
log 圆木,日志
ghost hunting 抓鬼
On top of my head ...  The first ... springs to mind is that ...  or The first ... that pops into my head is
The first benefit that springs to mind is that protecting the environment helps us improve the appearance of our communities.
angelic girl : 绿茶

green light

When we get the green light, we'll start.

out of one’s league 配不上

I can't believe that average-looking guy is dating a suppermodel, she is totally out of his league.

/k/ 音

keep     club     quick
go clubbing 蹦迪
go climbing 爬山
taxi / cab  出租车
locker : 储物柜
comic : 好笑的, 滑稽的 n 连环漫画

/h/ 音 大口哈气

hold  heart   horse   hair
behave youself : 管好自己
You’re grounded: 禁足
heater : 加热器

/w/ 音

paycheck / salary : 月薪    wage:周薪
It's a win-win situation :双赢局面
Chinese square dance

1. East, (or) west, home’s the best. (Home is the best place to be no matter where it is.)

You may think that traveling all the time is fun, but eventually you'll discover that east or west, home is best.

2. East is East and West is West. (Two things are so different that they can never come together or agree.)

I had hoped that Andrew and I could be friends.
But, in our case, I'm afraid that East is East and West is West.

/J/ 音 耶

yolk     your     fuel
a few : 加可数,  a little : 加不可数

1. Year in, (and) yeat out (Every yeat; year after year)

We do the same old things year in and year out, let's start new traditions this year.
In the old society he worked for a landlord year in and year out but he still lived a miserable life.

2. "加油“ 不是 add fuel 或 add oil


Let's go! Go go go!
Come on! You/ We can do it!
You got this!
Kick their butts!
Go get'em!Kiss one's ass : 怕马屁


Keep it up!
You're doing great!
Don't give up!
Hang in there!


Good luck!
Break a leg!
Fingers crossed!

3. Prevention is better than cure. (Work to stop something from happening is easier and better than having to try to resolve it later.)

Unless you want to be violently ill for days, get the flu shot now, prevention is better than cure, you know.
One ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

/aɪ/ 音 艾I :双元音要圆润饱满

talkaholic : 话痨
It cost me an arm and a leg
You're not my type
The hot chick is my cup of tea
very / so / really / super
why = how come
world wide web
wifi-squat : 蹭网
squat: 非法侵占别人房屋的人
甜蜜的称呼: pumpkin / babe / boo / monkey / sweetie
Just fight for it
I have a crush on sb. 对某人一见钟情
How come you broke up with your boyfriend.
Red eye fight : 红眼航班
How come you were not at school.
Girl on fire.


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