这篇文章主要介绍了Python 10分钟入门教程,分享一张Python入门神图一张,具有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下







`>>> ``help``(``5``)``Help` `on ``int` `object``:``(etc etc)``>>> ``dir``(``5``)``[``'__abs__'``, ``'__add__'``, ...]``>>> ``abs``.__doc__``'``abs``(number) ``-``> number``Return the absolute value of the argument.'`



与你分享python企业当下人才需求及怎么从零基础学习好python,和学习什么内容`>>> myvar ``=` `3``>>> myvar ``+``=` `2``>>> myvar``5``>>> myvar ``-``=` `1``>>> myvar``4``"""This is a multiline comment.``The following lines concatenate the two strings."""``>>> mystring ``=` `"Hello"``>>> mystring ``+``=` `" world."``>>> ``print` `mystring``Hello world.``# This swaps the variables in one line(!).``# It doesn't violate strong typing because values aren't``# actually being assigned, but new objects are bound to``# the old names.``>>> myvar, mystring ``=` `mystring, myvar`



`>>> sample ``=` `[``1``, [``"another"``, ``"list"``], (``"a"``, ``"tuple"``)]``>>> mylist ``=` `[``"List item 1"``, ``2``, ``3.14``]``>>> mylist[``0``] ``=` `"List item 1 again"` `# We're changing the item.``>>> mylist[``-``1``] ``=` `3.21` `# Here, we refer to the last item.``>>> mydict ``=` `{``"Key 1"``: ``"Value 1"``, ``2``: ``3``, ``"pi"``: ``3.14``}``>>> mydict[``"pi"``] ``=` `3.15` `# This is how you change dictionary values.``>>> mytuple ``=` `(``1``, ``2``, ``3``)``>>> myfunction ``=` `len``>>> ``print` `myfunction(mylist)``3`


`>>> mylist ``=` `[``"List item 1"``, ``2``, ``3.14``]``>>> ``print` `mylist[:]``[``'List item 1'``, ``2``, ``3.1400000000000001``]``>>> ``print` `mylist[``0``:``2``]``[``'List item 1'``, ``2``]``>>> ``print` `mylist[``-``3``:``-``1``]``[``'List item 1'``, ``2``]``>>> ``print` `mylist[``1``:]``[``2``, ``3.14``]``# Adding a third parameter, "step" will have Python step in``# N item increments, rather than 1.``# E.g., this will return the first item, then go to the third and``# return that (so, items 0 and 2 in 0-indexing).``>>> ``print` `mylist[::``2``]``[``'List item 1'``, ``3.14``]`


Python中的字符串使用单引号(‘)或是双引号(“)来进行标示,并且你还能够在通过某一种标示的字符串中使用另外一种标示符(例如 “He said ‘hello'.”)。而多行字符串可以通过三个连续的单引号(”')或是双引号(“”")来进行标示。Python可以通过u”This is a unicode string”这样的语法使用Unicode字符串。如果想通过变量来填充字符串,那么可以使用取模运算符(%)和一个元组。使用方式是在目标字符串中从左至右使用%s来指代变量的位置,或者使用字典来代替,示例如下:

`>>>``print` `"Name: ``%``s\``Number: ``%``s\``String: ``%``s``" % (myclass.name, 3, 3 * "``-``")``Name: Poromenos``Number: ``3``String: ``-``-``-``strString ``=` `"""This is``a multiline``string."""``# WARNING: Watch out for the trailing s in "%(key)s".``>>> ``print` `"This %(verb)s a %(noun)s."` `%` `{``"noun"``: ``"test"``, ``"verb"``: ``"is"``}``This ``is` `a test.`



`rangelist ``=` `range``(``10``)``>>> ``print` `rangelist``[``0``, ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, ``4``, ``5``, ``6``, ``7``, ``8``, ``9``]``for` `number ``in` `rangelist:``# Check if number is one of``# the numbers in the tuple.``if` `number ``in` `(``3``, ``4``, ``7``, ``9``):``# "Break" terminates a for without``# executing the "else" clause.``break``else``:``# "Continue" starts the next iteration``# of the loop. It's rather useless here,``# as it's the last statement of the loop.``continue``else``:``# The "else" clause is optional and is``# executed only if the loop didn't "break".``pass` `# Do nothing``if` `rangelist[``1``] ``=``=` `2``:``print` `"The second item (lists are 0-based) is 2"``elif` `rangelist[``1``] ``=``=` `3``:``print` `"The second item (lists are 0-based) is 3"``else``:``print` `"Dunno"``while` `rangelist[``1``] ``=``=` `1``:``pass`



`# 作用等同于 def funcvar(x): return x + 1``funcvar ``=` `lambda` `x: x ``+` `1``>>> ``print` `funcvar(``1``)``2``# an_int 和 a_string 是可选参数,它们有默认值``# 如果调用 passing_example 时只指定一个参数,那么 an_int 缺省为 2 ,a_string 缺省为 A default string。如果调用 passing_example 时指定了前面两个参数,a_string 仍缺省为 A default string。``# a_list 是必备参数,因为它没有指定缺省值。``def` `passing_example(a_list, an_int``=``2``, a_string``=``"A default string"``):``a_list.append(``"A new item"``)``an_int ``=` `4``return` `a_list, an_int, a_string``>>> my_list ``=` `[``1``, ``2``, ``3``]``>>> my_int ``=` `10``>>> ``print` `passing_example(my_list, my_int)``([``1``, ``2``, ``3``, ``'A new item'``], ``4``, ``"A default string"``)``>>> my_list``[``1``, ``2``, ``3``, ``'A new item'``]``>>> my_int`


与你分享python企业当下人才需求及怎么从零基础学习好python,和学习什么内容`class` `MyClass(``object``):``common ``=` `10``def` `__init__(``self``):``self``.myvariable ``=` `3``def` `myfunction(``self``, arg1, arg2):``return` `self``.myvariable``# This is the class instantiation``>>> classinstance ``=` `MyClass()``>>> classinstance.myfunction(``1``, ``2``)``3``# This variable is shared by all classes.``>>> classinstance2 ``=` `MyClass()``>>> classinstance.common``10``>>> classinstance2.common``10``# Note how we use the class name``# instead of the instance.``>>> MyClass.common ``=` `30``>>> classinstance.common``30``>>> classinstance2.common``30``# This will not update the variable on the class,``# instead it will bind a new object to the old``# variable name.``>>> classinstance.common ``=` `10``>>> classinstance.common``10``>>> classinstance2.common``30``>>> MyClass.common ``=` `50``# This has not changed, because "common" is``# now an instance variable.``>>> classinstance.common``10``>>> classinstance2.common``50``# This class inherits from MyClass. The example``# class above inherits from "object", which makes``# it what's called a "new-style class".``# Multiple inheritance is declared as:``# class OtherClass(MyClass1, MyClass2, MyClassN)``class` `OtherClass(MyClass):``# The "self" argument is passed automatically``# and refers to the class instance, so you can set``# instance variables as above, but from inside the class.``def` `__init__(``self``, arg1):``self``.myvariable ``=` `3``print` `arg1``>>> classinstance ``=` `OtherClass(``"hello"``)``hello``>>> classinstance.myfunction(``1``, ``2``)``3``# This class doesn't have a .test member, but``# we can add one to the instance anyway. Note``# that this will only be a member of classinstance.``>>> classinstance.test ``=` `10``>>> classinstance.test``10`


Python中的异常由 try-except [exceptionname] 块处理,例如:

`def` `some_function():``try``:``# Division by zero raises an exception``10` `/` `0``except` `ZeroDivisionError:``print` `"Oops, invalid."``else``:``# Exception didn't occur, we're good.``pass``finally``:``# This is executed after the code block is run``# and all exceptions have been handled, even``# if a new exception is raised while handling.``print` `"We're done with that."``>>> some_function()``Oops, invalid.``We're done with that.`


外部库可以使用 import [libname] 关键字来导入。同时,你还可以用 from [libname] import [funcname] 来导入所需要的函数。例如:

`import` `random``from` `time ``import` `clock``randomint ``=` `random.randint(``1``, ``100``)``>>> ``print` `randomint``64`

文件I / O


`import` `pickle``mylist ``=` `[``"This"``, ``"is"``, ``4``, ``13327``]``# Open the file C:\\binary.dat for writing. The letter r before the``# filename string is used to prevent backslash escaping.``myfile ``=` `open``(r``"C:\\binary.dat"``, ``"w"``)``pickle.dump(mylist, myfile)``myfile.close()``myfile ``=` `open``(r``"C:\\text.txt"``, ``"w"``)``myfile.write(``"This is a sample string"``)``myfile.close()``myfile ``=` `open``(r``"C:\\text.txt"``)``>>> ``print` `myfile.read()``'This is a sample string'``myfile.close()``# Open the file for reading.``myfile ``=` `open``(r``"C:\\binary.dat"``)``loadedlist ``=` `pickle.load(myfile)``myfile.close()``>>> ``print` `loadedlist``[``'This'``, ``'is'``, ``4``, ``13327``]`


数值判断可以链接使用,例如 1<a<3 能够判断变量 a 是否在1和3之间。
可以使用 del 删除变量或删除数组中的元素。
列表推导式(List Comprehension)提供了一个创建和操作列表的有力工具。列表推导式由一个表达式以及紧跟着这个表达式的for语句构成,for语句还可以跟0个或多个if或for语句,来看下面的例子:

`>>> lst1 ``=` `[``1``, ``2``, ``3``]``>>> lst2 ``=` `[``3``, ``4``, ``5``]``>>> ``print` `[x ``*` `y ``for` `x ``in` `lst1 ``for` `y ``in` `lst2]``[``3``, ``4``, ``5``, ``6``, ``8``, ``10``, ``9``, ``12``, ``15``]``>>> ``print` `[x ``for` `x ``in` `lst1 ``if` `4` `> x > ``1``]``[``2``, ``3``]``# Check if an item has a specific property.``# "any" returns true if any item in the list is true.``>>> ``any``([i ``%` `3` `for` `i ``in` `[``3``, ``3``, ``4``, ``4``, ``3``]])``True``# This is because 4 % 3 = 1, and 1 is true, so any()``# returns True.``# Check how many items have this property.``>>> ``sum``(``1` `for` `i ``in` `[``3``, ``3``, ``4``, ``4``, ``3``] ``if` `i ``=``=` `4``)``2``>>> ``del` `lst1[``0``]``>>> ``print` `lst1``[``2``, ``3``]``>>> ``del` `lst1`


`number ``=` `5``def` `myfunc():``# This will print 5.``print` `number``def` `anotherfunc():``# This raises an exception because the variable has not``# been bound before printing. Python knows that it an``# object will be bound to it later and creates a new, local``# object instead of accessing the global one.``print` `number``number ``=` `3``def` `yetanotherfunc():``global` `number``# This will correctly change the global.``number ``=` `3`


本教程并未涵盖Python语言的全部内容(甚至连一小部分都称不上)。Python有非常多的库以及很多的功能特点需要学习,所以要想学好Python你必须在此教程之外通过其它方式,例如阅读Dive into Python。我希望这个教程能给你一个很好的入门指导。

如果你依然在编程的世界里迷茫,可以加入我们的Python学习扣qun:784758214,看看前辈们是如何学习的!交流经验!自己是一名高级python开发工程师,从基础的python脚本到web开发、爬虫、django、数据挖掘等,零基础到项目实战的资料都有整理。送给每一位python的小伙伴!分享一些学习的方法和需要注意的小细节,点击加入我们的 python学习者聚集地


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