
Certain examples described herein enable semantically-labelled representations of a three-dimensional (3D) space to be generated from video data. In described examples, a 3D representation is a surface element or 'surfel' representation, where the geometry of the space is modelled using a plurality of surfaces that are defined within a 3D co- ordinate system. Object-label probability values for spatial elements of frames of video data may be determined (605) using a two-dimensional image classifier. Surface elements that correspond to the spatial elements are identified (610) based on a projection of the surface element representation using an estimated pose for a frame. Object-label probability values for the surface elements are then updated (615) based on the object-label probability values for corresponding spatial elements. This results in a semantically-labelled 3D surface element representation of objects present in the video data. This data enables computer vision and/or robotic applications to make better use of the 3D representation.


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