

1.1 任务说明

任务内容:赛题的理解、使用 Pandas 读取数据并进行统计;
任务成果:学习 Pandas 的基础操作;
可参考的学习资料:开源组织Datawhale joyful-pandas项目

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import re
data  = [] #初始化
with open(r'arxiv-metadata-oai-2019.json','r') as f: for line in f: data.append(json.loads(line))data = pd.DataFrame(data) #将list变为dataframe格式,方便使用pandas进行分析
data.shape #显示数据大小
(170618, 14)
id submitter authors title comments journal-ref doi report-no categories license abstract versions update_date authors_parsed
0 0704.0297 Sung-Chul Yoon Sung-Chul Yoon, Philipp Podsiadlowski and Step... Remnant evolution after a carbon-oxygen white ... 15 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, submitted to M... None 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.12161.x None astro-ph None We systematically explore the evolution of t... [{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 3 Apr 2007... 2019-08-19 [[Yoon, Sung-Chul, ], [Podsiadlowski, Philipp,...
1 0704.0342 Patrice Ntumba Pungu B. Dugmore and PP. Ntumba Cofibrations in the Category of Frolicher Spac... 27 pages None None None math.AT None Cofibrations are defined in the category of ... [{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 3 Apr 2007... 2019-08-19 [[Dugmore, B., ], [Ntumba, PP., ]]
2 0704.0360 Zaqarashvili T.V. Zaqarashvili and K Murawski Torsional oscillations of longitudinally inhom... 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted in A&A None 10.1051/0004-6361:20077246 None astro-ph None We explore the effect of an inhomogeneous ma... [{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 3 Apr 2007... 2019-08-19 [[Zaqarashvili, T. V., ], [Murawski, K, ]]


id:arXiv ID,可用于访问论文;
categories:论文在 arXiv 系统的所属类别或标签;



count     170618
unique     15592
top        cs.CV
freq        5559
Name: categories, dtype: object

以上的结果表明:共有170681个数据,有15592个子类(因为有论文的类别是多个,例如一篇paper的类别是CS.AI & CS.MM和一篇paper的类别是CS.AI & CS.OS属于不同的子类别,这里仅仅是粗略统计),其中最多的种类是CS.CV,即Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition计算机视觉,共出现了5559次。


unique_categories = set([i for l in [x.split(' ') for x in data["categories"]] for i in l])

这里使用了 split 函数将多类别使用 “ ”(空格)分开,组成list,并使用 for 循环将独立出现的类别找出来,并使用 set 类别,将重复项去除得到最终所有的独立paper种类。

data["year"] = pd.to_datetime(data["update_date"]).dt.year #将update_date从例如2019-02-20的str变为datetime格式,并提取出year
del data["update_date"] #删除 update_date特征,其使命已完成
data = data[data["year"] >= 2019] #找出 year 中2019年的数据,删除其他数据
data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) #编号
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
website_url = requests.get('https://arxiv.org/category_taxonomy').text #获取网页的文本数据
soup = BeautifulSoup(website_url,'lxml') #爬取数据,这里使用lxml的解析器,加速
root = soup.find('div',{'id':'category_taxonomy_list'}) #找出 BeautifulSoup 对应的标签入口
tags = root.find_all(["h2","h3","h4","p"], recursive=True) #读取 tags#初始化 str 和 list 变量
level_1_name = ""
level_2_name = ""
level_2_code = ""
level_1_names = []
level_2_codes = []
level_2_names = []
level_3_codes = []
level_3_names = []
level_3_notes = []#进行
for t in tags:if t.name == "h2":level_1_name = t.text    level_2_code = t.textlevel_2_name = t.textelif t.name == "h3":raw = t.textlevel_2_code = re.sub(r"(.*) \((.*)\)",r"\2",raw) #正则表达式:模式字符串:(.*)\((.*)\);被替换字符串"\2";被处理字符串:rawlevel_2_name = re.sub(r"(.*) \((.*)\)",r"\1",raw)elif t.name == "h4":raw = t.textlevel_3_code = re.sub(r"(.*) \((.*)\)",r"\1",raw)level_3_name = re.sub(r"(.*) \((.*)\)",r"\2",raw)elif t.name == "p":notes = t.textlevel_1_names.append(level_1_name)level_2_names.append(level_2_name)level_2_codes.append(level_2_code)level_3_names.append(level_3_name)level_3_codes.append(level_3_code)level_3_notes.append(notes)#根据以上信息生成dataframe格式的数据
df_taxonomy = pd.DataFrame({'group_name' : level_1_names,'archive_name' : level_2_names,'archive_id' : level_2_codes,'category_name' : level_3_names,'categories' : level_3_codes,'category_description': level_3_notes})#按照 "group_name" 进行分组,在组内使用 "archive_name" 进行排序
group_name archive_name archive_id category_name categories category_description
0 Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Artificial Intelligence cs.AI Covers all areas of AI except Vision, Robotics...
1 Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Hardware Architecture cs.AR Covers systems organization and hardware archi...
2 Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Computational Complexity cs.CC Covers models of computation, complexity class...
3 Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science cs.CE Covers applications of computer science to the...
4 Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Computational Geometry cs.CG Roughly includes material in ACM Subject Class...

pattern : 正则中的模式字符串。
repl : 替换的字符串,也可为一个函数。
string : 要被查找替换的原始字符串。
count : 模式匹配后替换的最大次数,默认 0 表示替换所有的匹配。
flags : 编译时用的匹配模式,数字形式。

re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)

import rephone = "2004-959-559 # 这是一个电话号码"# 删除注释
num = re.sub(r'#.*$', "", phone)
print ("电话号码 : ", num)# 移除非数字的内容
num = re.sub(r'\D', "", phone)
print ("电话号码 : ", num)
电话号码 :  2004-959-559
电话号码 :  2004959559


正则中的模式字符串 pattern 的格式为 “任意字符” + “(” + “任意字符” + “)”。
替换的字符串 repl 为第2个分组的内容。
要被查找替换的原始字符串 string 为原始的爬取的数据。



df = data.merge(df_taxonomy, on="categories", how="left").drop_duplicates(["id","group_name"]).groupby("group_name").agg({"id":"count"}).sort_values(by="id",ascending=False).reset_index()
group_name id
0 Physics 38379
1 Mathematics 24495
2 Computer Science 18087
3 Statistics 1802
4 Electrical Engineering and Systems Science 1371
5 Quantitative Biology 886
6 Quantitative Finance 352
7 Economics 173
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,12))
explode = (0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1)
plt.pie(df["id"],  labels=df["group_name"], autopct='%1.2f%%', startangle=160, explode=explode)


group_name="Computer Science"
cats = data.merge(df_taxonomy, on="categories").query("group_name == @group_name")
cats.groupby(["year","category_name"]).count().reset_index().pivot(index="category_name", columns="year",values="id")
year 2019
Artificial Intelligence 558
Computation and Language 2153
Computational Complexity 131
Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science 108
Computational Geometry 199
Computer Science and Game Theory 281
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 5559
Computers and Society 346
Cryptography and Security 1067
Data Structures and Algorithms 711
Databases 282
Digital Libraries 125
Discrete Mathematics 84
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing 715
Emerging Technologies 101
Formal Languages and Automata Theory 152
General Literature 5
Graphics 116
Hardware Architecture 95
Human-Computer Interaction 420
Information Retrieval 245
Logic in Computer Science 470
Machine Learning 177
Mathematical Software 27
Multiagent Systems 85
Multimedia 76
Networking and Internet Architecture 864
Neural and Evolutionary Computing 235
Numerical Analysis 40
Operating Systems 36
Other Computer Science 67
Performance 45
Programming Languages 268
Robotics 917
Social and Information Networks 202
Software Engineering 659
Sound 7
Symbolic Computation 44
Systems and Control 415

使用 merge 函数,对于两个dataframe 共同的特征 categories 进行合并并且进行查询。然后我们再对于数据进行统计和排序

我们可以从结果看出,Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(计算机视觉与模式识别)类是CS中paper数量最多的子类,遥遥领先于其他的CS子类,并且paper的数量还在逐年增加;另外,Computation and Language(计算与语言)、Cryptography and Security(密码学与安全)以及 Robotics(机器人学)的2019年paper数量均超过1000或接近1000,这与我们的认知是一致的。


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  3. 数据分析---arXiv论文数据统计

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  4. 数据分析---论文数据统计

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  5. 【数据分析 01】论文数据统计 --学术前沿分析

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  7. 论文数据统计Task1

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  8. 【学术前沿分析】1 论文数据统计

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  9. 学习分享:学术前言趋势分析1—论文数据统计

    文章目录 1.数据集介绍 2.代码学习心得 (1) split()函数 (2) 正则表达式 (3) 数据分析及可视化 3.具体代码实现 学习主题:论文数量统计,统计2019年全年,计算机各个方向论文数 ...


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