Any problem in computer science can be solved with one additional layer of indirection. But that usually will create another problem. - David Wheeler

计算机科学中的任何问题都可以通过另外一层间接解决。 但这通常会带来另一个问题。 -大卫·惠勒

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke.

任何足够先进的技术都无法与魔术区分开。 -亚瑟·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke)。

These are two classic truisms. Recently while staring at some code trying to figure out what the heck was going on, I realized the obvious.

这是两个经典的道理。 最近,当我盯着一些代码试图弄清楚到底发生了什么时,我意识到了显而易见的事实。

One additional layer of indirection is indistinguishable from magic. - Scott Hanselman, this morning in a rare moment of clarity while hopped up on Diet Coke.

间接的另一层与魔术是无法区分的。 -斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman),今天早晨,在罕见的瞬间,当他跳上健怡可乐时。

In recent talk at Mix on ASP.NET MVC (there's video there also) I mentioned that a certain line of code was magic:

在最近关于ASP.NET MVC的Mix上的演讲中(也有视频),我提到过某些代码是不可思议的

      public void Update(int id){try{viewData.Product = db.Products.Single(p => p.ProductID == id);
            //MAGIC STARTS HERE            Binding.UpdateFrom(viewData.Product, Request.Form);            //END MAGIC
            db.SubmitChanges();RedirectToAction("List");}catch (InvalidOperationException err){viewData.ErrorMessage = err.Message;RenderView("edit", viewData);}}

Why did it feel like magic? A few reasons.

为什么感觉像魔术? 有几个原因。

  • It does a LOT. It takes all the values from a Form POST and lines them up with the public Properties in an object instance. This is done in the context of a Form POST to a Controller Action in ASP.NET MVC.

    它做很多。 它从Form POST中获取所有值,并将它们与对象实例中的公共Properties对齐。 这是在ASP.NET MVC中的表单POST到Controller Action的上下文中完成的。

  • It isn't named well. Update is a verb, so that's cool, but the "From" makes me feel inverted.

    它的名字不好。 更新是一个动词,很酷,但是“发件人”使我感到倒立。

  • The parameters are (possibly) in the wrong order. Given the name, I'd have expected UpdateFrom(Form, Product), but even then it doesn't feel write.

    参数(可能)顺序错误。 给定名称,我期望UpdateFrom(Form,Product),但是即使那样它也不会写。

All of this adds up to an impedance mismatch, IMHO. It's too confusing and I'm just a caveman (video). As such, I declare it as black magic.

所有这些加起来导致阻抗失配,恕我直言。 太混乱了,我只是一个穴居人(视频)。 因此,我将其声明为黑魔法。

This magic was brought up to the team (I think I remember hitting someone, there may have been some swearing. ;) ) and Rob changed it in a number of good ways.

这种魔力被带到了团队中(我想我还记得打过某人,可能有一些咒骂。;)), Rob以许多好的方式对其进行了更改。

  • It's discoverable. He hung it off of the Request where you can actually stumble upon in.

    这是可发现的。 他将其挂在“请求”上,您实际上可以在其中找到它。

  • It's named directly. Rather than the inverted UpdateFrom, it is now DeserializeTo which reads better left to right as in Request.DeserializeTo(product).

    它直接命名。 而不是反向的UpdateFrom,它现在是DeserializeTo,它在Request.DeserializeTo(product)中从左到右的读取效果更好。

  • It's simpler. Because it's hanging off the object that was previously a parameter, it has one less parameter and again, reads nicely left to right.

    更简单。 因为它与先前作为参数的对象无关,所以它少了一个参数,并且从左到右读取效果很好。

//FEELS LESS MAGICAL Request.DeserializeTo(viewData.Product);

Jeff Moser's (see I told you I'd mention him twice) fine post talks about how cognitive "chunks" that represent solutions to problems can be more easily stored in our brains if they flow. Scott Bellware has called this concept "solubility." Code that uses frameworks with some balanced between focus on aesthetic and usability is more easily grokked.

杰夫·摩泽( Jeff Moser )(我告诉过你我曾两次提到过他)的精彩文章谈到,代表问题解决方案的认知“块”如何在我们的大脑中流淌更容易地存储。 Scott Bellware将此概念称为“溶解度” 。 使用在美学和可用性之间保持某种平衡的框架的代码更容易被理解。

I don't know if this is the final method, it's probably not, but I really enjoy discussions like this that aim to make things less like magic and more obvious and discoverable.




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